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I just came out of my dark ages this past December and since then I've been buying up sets left and right. My passion is really in LotR/Hobbit sets which I'm beyond obsessed with. On friday I picked up 4 copies of Uruk Hai Army that were on clearance, initially to help flesh out my army building efforts but then I thought maybe I should hold onto them. For a quick back story I have 1 copy of each LotR/Hobbit set except 2 Helm's Deep, 6 Uruk Hai Army, and 5 Weathertop. All of these sets were bought to build, display, and MOC. I also have 2 Mines of Moria that were bought to invest. Now I have a few other sets (City, Ninjago, MF) that I bought purely to invest and I also have the TMNT line, a few Kingdoms sets, modulars etc. that I bought to build. However I find with the LotR/Hobbit sets (and somewhat with the Kingdoms/Castle) I want to amass a huge army of minifigs, as well as a good stash of light and dark grey bricks for future castle building efforts. I need to find some good cheap brick/dollar ratio sets to expand my bricks first off, that would probably somewhat hold me at bay. Does anyone else have a problem wanting to open sets they bought to invest in?


In general I try to constantly be buying used Legos on Craigslist helps keep me from opening a lot of investment sets. I try to buy collections that I can rebuild a few key large sets to recoupe my costs. Then whatever I want to keep I can while selling the rest for profit. The average collection has at least some light and dark grey pieces or even actual castle parts like wall planels.


I also try to buy from craigslist and resell on ebay if I can find good deals, or part out certain sets to use those profits to pay for sets i want to open and keep for myself. I think a lot of us use the investment side to fund our hobby side, and as long as you keep good records - its a good way to find comfort in opening sets. As an example, I wanted a set of ninja turtles for my collection. I bought a bunch of sets, sold off the other figures, sold off the other parts, and essentially recouped my costs (barely) but I got 4 ninja turtles plus a large pick a brick cup (filled) for my efforts. Its a lot of hustle and you aren't getting huge return on investment, but it keeps things free and fun. My newest endeavor is to put together a collection of all the dwarves, bilbo, and gandalf from the hobbit sets. After selling a bunch of figs and pieces, I've got everything I want, plus bilbo's house, plus random pieces from a few other sets and it has cost me $50. Even if you don't get it all for free, it defrays the costs.


For me the easiest way to not open my investments is to forget about them...put them in a sealed cardboard box out of sight out of mind. This also works for me since I have to store all sets in my garage (wife's rules!) It's much easier to ignore my sets when I can't see the box art.


For me the easiest way to not open my investments is to forget about them...put them in a sealed cardboard box out of sight out of mind. This also works for me since I have to store all sets in my garage (wife's rules!)

It's much easier to ignore my sets when I can't see the box art.



To help not open investment sets I just look at the current market price and ask myself if I would pay that amount for that set right now. Because that is essentially the trade off you are making when you open one. I also buy a few used sets in good condition to build. Another thing you may want to try if you just want specific minifigs to army build and certain part types is just to buy them off Bricklink. It is an expensive way to get parts and minifigs when you buy whole new sets.


For me, it might be easier than some. Since my children are only 3 yrs old (almost 4) and 6 months, I only open sets 1) my oldest would play with and 2) we have space from them in on of his 2 Lego bins with the boxes folded flat. His largest element count sets are 7594 Woody's Roundup, 7888 Batman Tumbler, 7783 Batcave, and 7785 Arkham. I also only buy his "play" sets already opened or in damaged sealed boxes. Regarding my temptation, it is easier. I get to build Lego with my son (that settles the AFOL in me). Plus, my wife would nag / rag on me if I built sets without the boy. The line exception so far was the 10220 VW Camper that she liked. So I built it with limited help from my son and put it on display in our master bedroom.


Buying used sets on CL at a reduced price is a good way to avoid opening things. There's always someone selling some set on there used for usually 40-50% or more off retail, and it's a good way to buy if you want to build.


I almost never buy new sets to build/add to my collection, i will wait a few months and buy a used set on ebay/craigslist for half the price. Investment sets go in a closet in a bedroom i never go into and i only go to the closet to add sets or remove them for sale, by keeping them two floors away from my lego room it helps with temptation to open them.


Very simple. I love to build sets but I have found that after they are built, they just sit there and take up space, I try to remind myself of this, if I opened just one of every set I have right now, I would have to devote a lot of my home to displaying those legos or disassemble them all. Neither of those are attractive options to me so I just don't open them. Interestingly, even though my wife isn't crazy about the amount of money spent on lego, she really wants to open some of the sets I have, I have to provide restraint sometimes. Personally, I don't like the idea of having less sets to sell, I kinda hate opening them up sometimes. I COULD go ahead and open a fire brigade, GE, Pet Shop and Town Hall and palace cinema, if I did that though, I'd have to remind myself that I was opening $800 of Lego sets. Do I really NEED $800 of modulars sitting around forever? Maybe not, maybe I could do without those, we will see.


Very simple. I love to build sets but I have found that after they are built, they just sit there and take up space, I try to remind myself of this, if I opened just one of every set I have right now, I would have to devote a lot of my home to displaying those legos or disassemble them all. Neither of those are attractive options to me so I just don't open them.

Interestingly, even though my wife isn't crazy about the amount of money spent on lego, she really wants to open some of the sets I have, I have to provide restraint sometimes.

Personally, I don't like the idea of having less sets to sell, I kinda hate opening them up sometimes. I COULD go ahead and open a fire brigade, GE, Pet Shop and Town Hall and palace cinema, if I did that though, I'd have to remind myself that I was opening $800 of Lego sets. Do I really NEED $800 of modulars sitting around forever? Maybe not, maybe I could do without those, we will see.

Thats funny, the only sets i actually leave assembled are the modular buildings, the rest get build and then disassembled fairly quickly.


I should note, when I started this hobby, I REALLY struggled with this same predicament, now that I have had a decent haul to open, build and display, I get more excited about selling them for $$$ someday than having them sit around.


I don't stop myself... This hobby to me is primarily about collecting and playing with Legos. I love Legos. I can make money either way most times so if I really want something to build, I buy five to ten of it and build a couple and save the rest for investments. In my opinion though I only put New sets in Brickpicker as an investment. Most used sets are going to be more of a quick flip for me than an actual long term investment.


We don't stop ourselves... We buy some sets to invest, others to build. Before I buy it, I know which pile it's going into and I don't worry about the money. The bank owns it all anyway. I wonder if they know how much Lego they're currently holding? :) Some day when I stop renovating my house, I might think differently. One of this summer's renos is to make more room for Lego. hehe


We don't stop ourselves... We buy some sets to invest, others to build. Before I buy it, I know which pile it's going into and I don't worry about the money. The bank owns it all anyway. I wonder if they know how much Lego they're currently holding? :)

Some day when I stop renovating my house, I might think differently. One of this summer's renos is to make more room for Lego. hehe

Why does the bank own your Lego sets?


An easy way to stop yourself from building a set you bought for an investment is buying two. I also like to buy used sets for cheap from eBay or Craigslist and build those instead of a brand new one. Usually, if you get a good enough deal on a used set, you can sell it after you are done with it for a profit! Another way is to busy yourself with other things like selling LEGO or looking for deals online, even though looking isn't quite the same as building! :)


Why does the bank own your Lego sets?

Mortgage! We live in a lovely old house in a great neighborhood, but it has required a little more work than we anticipated when we bought it. Oh well. The bank gets some of my money, traveling gets some, the kids get some and the house gets the rest.


Why does the bank own your Lego sets?

Mortgage! We live in a lovely old house in a great neighborhood, but it has required a little more work than we anticipated when we bought it. Oh well. The bank gets some of my money, traveling gets some, the kids get some and the house gets the rest.

Hmm, well i have a mortgage too, but that just means the bank owns my house till i pay the loan in full, they dont own any of the "stuff" in my home.


I agree with these guys, buying a used set to build is much easier on my conscience and wallet. But then I think, do I really want to sort through 2000 elements out of their bags? I love numbered bags! And theres that sickening feeling when i cant find a piece right away and im thinking the seller lost it. Plus, if i'm going to build and display, I want all those pieces in brand new shape and I want those stickers on straight :) The beauty of Lego is I can buy a new set, build it, display it for a couple of years, then sell it after eol and still make a profit. The biggest deterrent to opening every set i have now is i just dont have room to display them all.


I wish there was a decent used market for Lego around where I live, unfortunately when I seem to come across some the seller is trying to get a price barely below retail i.e. if it's still a current set, I know I can wait for a sale and pick it up cheaper then the used price. I seem to have at least that much self restraint. I think I just have a major weak spot for those historic themes, especially when I see pictures like this http://mocpages.com/image_zoom.php?mocid=359665&id;=/user_images/40765/1367239476m_DISPLAY.jpg I had thought about BL for minifigs but with being in Canada (high shipping costs) it's hard to make it worth it as opposed to buying sets on sale and paying barely much above the BL prices plus still ending up with a ton of bricks. This does really depend on the set though. If Lego would just release battle packs (which I know will never happen) I would be buying them up like crazy.

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