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I think a good way to not get writer's block during a review is to build/re-build the set. I find that it keeps me interested and refreshes my memory. I have noticed a slowdown in the reviews from a few members, though. It also really, really helps to read other reviews and see what they are about, and maybe write about similar things.

I think most of us who started writing a lot have reduced our output in some way. Just remember how it was when the contest was just announced. I know I was writing at least 2 per day, Mike was doing around 4 or 5 (or more lol), same with Blackjack. It would not be possible to maintain that level for the long time the contest is going to last.


Slow and steady wins the race baby! That and me avoiding other work by writing reviews. I find I do my best work when I have ten other things that actually need to be completed in my life. If I win - it will be purely because I was too lazy complete my real responsibilities. :)


I think most of us who started writing a lot have reduced our output in some way. Just remember how it was when the contest was just announced. I know I was writing at least 2 per day, Mike was doing around 4 or 5 (or more lol), same with Blackjack. It would not be possible to maintain that level for the long time the contest is going to last.

I think the output some of have done is just admirable. It was tough trying to come up with a fair amount of time. We know everyone has a different ability for writing. Some LOVE to do it and it just flows out of them while others it takes time. We also have a new group of people registering everyday, and don't want them to feel that there is no chance to compete if it was too short of span. Regardless, everyone is just doing great.


I think a good way to not get writer's block during a review is to build/re-build the set. I find that it keeps me interested and refreshes my memory. I have noticed a slowdown in the reviews from a few members, though. It also really, really helps to read other reviews and see what they are about, and maybe write about similar things.

I think most of us who started writing a lot have reduced our output in some way. Just remember how it was when the contest was just announced. I know I was writing at least 2 per day, Mike was doing around 4 or 5 (or more lol), same with Blackjack. It would not be possible to maintain that level for the long time the contest is going to last.

I just did four battle pack reviews today, and it was so grueling. :sick:


I think the output some of have done is just admirable. It was tough trying to come up with a fair amount of time. We know everyone has a different ability for writing. Some LOVE to do it and it just flows out of them while others it takes time. We also have a new group of people registering everyday, and don't want them to feel that there is no chance to compete if it was too short of span. Regardless, everyone is just doing great.

Right, and you guys did right in choosing that timeframe. What I was trying to say is that, even if some of us are not going at the rate we were before, that should not make us feel as if we are falling behind.


I think a good way to not get writer's block during a review is to build/re-build the set. I find that it keeps me interested and refreshes my memory. I have noticed a slowdown in the reviews from a few members, though. It also really, really helps to read other reviews and see what they are about, and maybe write about similar things.

I think most of us who started writing a lot have reduced our output in some way. Just remember how it was when the contest was just announced. I know I was writing at least 2 per day, Mike was doing around 4 or 5 (or more lol), same with Blackjack. It would not be possible to maintain that level for the long time the contest is going to last.

I just did four battle pack reviews today, and it was so grueling. :sick:

Lol, I can only imagine.


I think a good way to not get writer's block during a review is to build/re-build the set. I find that it keeps me interested and refreshes my memory. I have noticed a slowdown in the reviews from a few members, though. It also really, really helps to read other reviews and see what they are about, and maybe write about similar things.

I think most of us who started writing a lot have reduced our output in some way. Just remember how it was when the contest was just announced. I know I was writing at least 2 per day, Mike was doing around 4 or 5 (or more lol), same with Blackjack. It would not be possible to maintain that level for the long time the contest is going to last.

I just did four battle pack reviews today, and it was so grueling. :sick:

Lol, I can only imagine.

You have to say exactly the same thing four times with different phrasing.


Anyone else find themselves slowing down? I'm starting to lose momentum and consistently get writer's block when I try to start a new review.

I know I got burnt out right after my review of Market Street; it gets exhausting trying to find the time to write consistently detailed reviews almost every single day, especially when I have work at home that needs to be done. (BIG emphasis on needs to be done.) I'm fine with doing a review here and there just for fun really.

This is one of those where you have all things to consider like time taken, effort used, and possible outcomes that could better help your current financial situation. I have some side projects that I really must put more effort into and have to choose between putting that energy into another review, or doing my job as a moderator, or a personal side project, or work even. I'll try and see if I can chaulk up another review throughout the week but I can't promise anything. My mind is in another playing field entirely.


I know I got burnt out right after my review of Market Street; it gets exhausting trying to find the time to write consistently detailed reviews almost every single day, especially when I have work at home that needs to be done. (BIG emphasis on needs to be done.) I'm fine with doing a review here and there just for fun really.

This is one of those where you have all things to consider like time taken, effort used, and possible outcomes that could better help your current financial situation. I have some side projects that I really must put more effort into and have to choose between putting that energy into another review, or doing my job as a moderator, or a personal side project, or work even. I'll try and see if I can chaulk up another review throughout the week but I can't promise anything. My mind is in another playing field entirely.

For an adult, the monitary rewards you would get in relation to the time taken to wite the review make this contest a waste of time, and you could make way more money just doing your job.

I try to skim all the reviews, but don't necessarily read all of them. I can't believe the amount of work that has been put into some reviews.

Question for Ed; is the contest producing the amount and quality you expected? It sure has past my expectations from the first time I heard about it. Nothing motivates like a couple big Lego sets.

I think the reviews being turned in are quite impressive and Jeff and I want to thank everyone for their efforts. There are about a dozen members that have a chance at this and there are some members that have not turned any in for approval. They are writing them and leaving them in edit mode, so there might be a large influx of new reviews being submitted at some point. Regardless, when this is all done, Jeff and I will take a look at all the top reviewers and come up with a fair system of giving people some sort or reward for their efforts.

The upgraded Brickpoints scoring system helps give members another way to obtain a set for free. I'm giving away basically 10 Brickpoints for every 1000 characters, sometimes some more for special reviews. Basic EC or Blog articles get 500 Brickpoints in addition to their content going towards the contest. Some of you will be getting a second STAR WARS mini set before many get their first. I mark each top review in the system with a special designation so that Jeff and I can also consider those in the final judging. As I stated before, there will be a large Member's Choice winner as well as the TOP 3 and the other smaller awards.

As Jeff stated, I don't want new members to be afraid to turn in articles or blogs or reviews or any content for fear of not having a chance to win. An exceptional article can win a prize by itself, so keep that in mind. There could be more prizes given out than we originally planned. As a matter of fact, you can count on it....


At the start, you mentioned $25 gift cards, are those still prizes?

Yes...they will be like honorary mention sorts of things. Great article or maybe you did a good job, but didn't finish in a top spot. Those sorts of things.

Here's an updated list of articles that were submitted:

Veegs: Creator House Evaluation Corner(EC) article

Quacs: Legends of Chima EC article

Strytlr: Parting Out Blog article

Mikeur86: Avengers EC article

Fcbarcelona101: LOTR EC article

Brianl3: Pick a Brick Blog article

adewar: Winter Village EC article

Fcbarcelona101: Architecture EC article

TheOrcKing: Planet Set EC article

Quacs: LEGO Truths and Myths Blog article

Comicblast: Spongebob EC article

Quacs: Beginner's Guide to Investing...LEGO Style

Also, Brianl3 is working on a "Top Sets for 2013" article. We will be releasing Quacs article on the Legends of Chima tomorrow. We are working on Stryllr's article now. We will try to release a new article in short intervals, in the order in which they were submitted. It is time consuming to convert from the Word to HTML format, so bear with us. Brickpoints will be awarded when the articles are live. Thanks.

I just got an EC article today from Mikeur86 on the Lone Ranger sets and Strytlr is doing an EC article on Western themed LEGO sets. Please try to contact me before writing an article so I can make sure of no conflicts or repeat articles. Thanks. Ed
Guest eightbrick

I just got an EC article today from Mikeur86 on the Lone Ranger sets and Strytlr is doing an EC article on Western themed LEGO sets. Please try to contact me before writing an article so I can make sure of no conflicts or repeat articles. Thanks. Ed

I hope you are publishing both anyways....? BTW who comes up with all the excellent article titles?


I just got an EC article today from Mikeur86 on the Lone Ranger sets and Strytlr is doing an EC article on Western themed LEGO sets. Please try to contact me before writing an article so I can make sure of no conflicts or repeat articles. Thanks. Ed

Ouch. I figured that was bound to happen eventually but still :down:....

Maybe there is a way to come up with a compromise between the two articles?


I really don't know much about any of the western themed sets that precede the Lone Ranger, but I assume (I obviously don't know how similar or different the articles are) that it still makes sense to have both articles published. What you probably would like to do is try to have them published at very separate dates so that there is not as much overlap.


I just got an EC article today from Mikeur86 on the Lone Ranger sets and Strytlr is doing an EC article on Western themed LEGO sets. Please try to contact me before writing an article so I can make sure of no conflicts or repeat articles. Thanks. Ed

I hope you are publishing both anyways....? BTW who comes up with all the excellent article titles?

Yes, I believe there is enough difference between the two to publish both. Article titles are my specialty in a lot of the cases. LOL. We also have two articles by Grolim...one on the 10179 and another on remakes and an article from Comicblast about Harry Pottter sets. Also, Fcbarcelona101 is doing one on the entire Modular theme. That's the most recent updates.

Yes, I believe there is enough difference between the two to publish both. Article titles are my specialty in a lot of the cases. LOL. We also have two articles by Grolim...one on the 10179 and another on remakes and an article from Comicblast about Harry Pottter sets. Also, Fcbarcelona101 is doing one on the entire Modular theme. That's the most recent updates.

Wow! At this rate, the BrickVesting and EC database will double or more! Great articles guys...

Wow! At this rate, the BrickVesting and EC database will double or more! Great articles guys...That's the idea. Provide the members with some new and fresh content. We will try to spread it out as much as possible so that new articles get some attention from members.

I am EXTREMELY interested in Grolim's remakes article. It;s something a lot of us wonder about, especially with the new X-Wing, but it will be great to have an actual analysis on the impact they have on previous versions.


I am EXTREMELY interested in Grolim's remakes article. It;s something a lot of us wonder about, especially with the new X-Wing, but it will be great to have an actual analysis on the impact they have on previous versions.

He has a very creative title for it but I won't ruin it. ;-P

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