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Guest eightbrick

Just a question for the people who are still going hard at the review contest: how long does the average review take you? I find it takes me almost an hour for a 10k review, wondering if that's just me being Mr. Slowpoke.


B - it takes me anywhere between 3-4 hours to do an 11-12k character review. That's the primary reason I chose to focus on the blog side of the contest - I can spend a little more time and be able to select what I want to write about.

Part of my problem with writing reviews is that I tend to dwell too much on grammar and structure, so subsequent editing takes an enormous amount of time.

It seems like our more prolific reviewers really have nailed down the format so they become very efficient with their time.


Takes me maybe 4-5 hours for a full review around 12k, maybe an hour or so less if it's for a set from a similar release wave as one I hve previously done.  About half the time is research and analysis.  Also depends on how many graphs or tables I decide to put in.  Plus I'm not a fast typer!  :D


Well, I have to say that I am a pretty fast typer...probably not as fast as some of the web developers out there, but decent speed. A 11k review takes around 2 hours for me. What I generally do is write mine in a Word Doc first, then copy and paste each section into the BrickPicker form. They have an auto-correct feature so it helps with grammar. As Quacs also mentioned, the good thing about blogs is that you aren't limited to one set, or one theme. You can write about basically anything you want. :)


Takes me maybe 4-5 hours for a full review around 12k, maybe an hour or so less if it's for a set from a similar release wave as one I hve previously done.  About half the time is research and analysis.  Also depends on how many graphs or tables I decide to put in.  Plus I'm not a fast typer!  :D

This is about my speed even on a really small set or one I rather enjoyed buidling. It's tricky trying to write anything up on something you don't particularly care for. Almost like you're struggling to fill it up with a bunch of BS. My typing skills were suckass before joining BrickPicker; now I'm going like a pro! That darn shift key still sticks though on this blasted keyboard. I think the longest part is doing the background and research, plus adding links and stuff like Grolim said.


I also spend a lot of time browsing the most useful tool for any author; a Thesaurus! To add, I sometimes have 'sat' on a completed review and let it wait til the next day in case some fresh ideas come in or think I could word something better and make the whole thing more interesting. In any case even though it looks like I gave up on reviews, rest assured I have not. Its just that everything takes time unfortunately and I have to decide on what gets a certain percentage of said time. I spend so much just checking the forums leaving very little left for my own projects which need more full attention that I really can't write up reviews at this time and maybe not for a while.


Whatever, I'm proud of the few reviews I have written and will stand by them. That's all I care about in the end honestly.


2 hours sounds about right to me as well.

No offense to those who write all these wonderful reviews, but I'm not going to sit for 4-5 hours and write a review I'm not getting paid for. I feel like 2 hours is a good hard cap for me.

No offense to those who write all these wonderful reviews, but I'm not going to sit for 4-5 hours and write a review I'm not getting paid for. I feel like 2 hours is a good hard cap for me.

None taken. We just do it because we like to about the same as opening a set and building it. Then again, if BrickPoints will be the sites currency and seeing how you earn said points, in a way you do get 'paid'....sort of. :derisive: Besides, I don't think a lot of us just sit there for hours on end writing up a single review. I would take a break sometime after one.

Guest eightbrick

Whoa... I didn't realize some of you take even longer than me. I agree with Quacs though; I often find myself doing rereads for grammar and switching up my adjectives for variety. I hate it when I have a lot of momentum and am writing like crazy, then I switch to a new topic within the review and get writer's block.


I also copy and paste from word because of the lack of spell check...  


Could we please get spell check on the forums, blog, reviews, and everything else!?!

Hey Mr. Big Font Man...Spell checkers are built into browsers, not forums.  Get a decent browser. IE9 doesn't have a spell checker, you need a plugin.  Download Chrome and you won't have an issue.  


I think the newest version of Internet Explorer (10) has a spell checker but that 'upgrade' messed up everything right with my browser on my computer when I applied it. (Or rather when it decided to apply itself in a required update check.) Guess they still need to work out all them bugs.


I think the newest version of Internet Explorer (10) has a spell checker but that 'upgrade' messed up everything right with my browser on my computer when I applied it. (Or rather when it decided to apply itself in a required update check.) Guess they still need to work out all them bugs.

Mr. Big Font Man uses IE9, which doesn't.  I'm growing tired of the complaints and comments from uninformed individuals.  There are certain ways to address topics and questions with constructive criticism.  A person wouldn't go on Brickset or Eurobricks and behave this way.  They would get booted.  


Mr. Big Font Man uses IE9, which doesn't.  I'm growing tired of the complaints and comments from uninformed individuals.  There are certain ways to address topics and questions with constructive criticism.  A person wouldn't go on Brickset or Eurobricks and behave this way.  They would get booted.

That's true.


Blackjack, you are getting pretty bold and brazen lately. You may want to kick it down a notch. :warning:


That's true.


Blackjack, you are getting pretty bold and brazen lately. You may want to kick it down a notch. :warning:

I'd probably be losing my brain if I was using IE-anything, too.




Don't get me wrong, though. I hate Chrome, too. And Google. And Toys R Us. Yes that's relevant.



Guest eightbrick

Definitely intrigued by the "Mystery Article", glad Blackjack got to do a Bionicle article because I'm pretty sure he is the expert here. FCBarcelona101 is really going ham at this one O: Good luck to all of you!


Definitely intrigued by the "Mystery Article", glad Blackjack got to do a Bionicle article because I'm pretty sure he is the expert here. FCBarcelona101 is really going ham at this one O: Good luck to all of you!

You have a couple articles there yourself. I am looking forward the Top sets of 2013!


Part of my problem with writing reviews is that I tend to dwell too much on grammar and structure, so subsequent editing takes an enormous amount of time.

This is basically what I tend to do too. I have to re-read and check for grammar and spelling 3 to 4 times. I guess I'm so used to checking my grammar many times over for school so it's like a habit for me. My last blog article on LEGO CUUSOO took me 3 and a half hours. About a hour and a half was spent on grammar and structure. Pictures, videos, and links took extra time, but I think it makes the blog post look better.

I'm trying focus more of my time on completing merit badges for my Eagle Scout rank and starting my Eagle Scout project so I have not spent too much time writing blog articles or reviews. I will write some, but I have to prioritize. :)

Guest eightbrick

You have a couple articles there yourself. I am looking forward the Top sets of 2013!

Haha, I have to tread in carefully on that one. I`m already bracing for some big arguments because it depends what you are looking for in "best"; if your talking % value, then Mr. Gold is the best, but then its not accessible to everyone, more like a lotto... and these issues go on for every set. And then I keep questioning whether I should look at the mainstream sets, under the radar, or both?


Haha, I have to tread in carefully on that one. I`m already bracing for some big arguments because it depends what you are looking for in "best"; if your talking % value, then Mr. Gold is the best, but then its not accessible to everyone, more like a lotto... and these issues go on for every set. And then I keep questioning whether I should look at the mainstream sets, under the radar, or both?

Each best set should have to meet several criteria, such as theme popularity, build experience, price per piece, investment potential, piece rarity, playability, and display quality. So you'll basically have to review every set. Take your time :)

Guest eightbrick

Each best set should have to meet several criteria, such as theme popularity, build experience, price per piece, investment potential, piece rarity, playability, and display quality. So you'll basically have to review every set. Take your time :)


I'm beginning to wonder if I will have to just contract this out to Mike, FCBarcelona or Blackjack LOL. Speaking of reviewing every set, how do you guys tackle reviewing ones that you don't own (unless you are Ed and own everything xD). I try to find as much as I can about the set, watch a video review or two, and "read" the instructions. Any other methods out there?


I'm beginning to wonder if I will have to just contract this out to Mike, FCBarcelona or Blackjack LOL. Speaking of reviewing every set, how do you guys tackle reviewing ones that you don't own (unless you are Ed and own everything xD). I try to find as much as I can about the set, watch a video review or two, and "read" the instructions. Any other methods out there?

If you really think about it, the only section that becomes a little difficult is the playability and build experience. As you said, I mostly go over the instructions and see how does it look an so on.

Guest eightbrick

If you really think about it, the only section that becomes a little difficult is the playability and build experience. As you said, I mostly go over the instructions and see how does it look an so on.


I guess you could build it in LDD and then swoosh your laptop to get a feel for it. LOL

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