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Posted (edited)

I recently turned a major page in my LEGO journey -- I'm finally building sets! However, I'm now buying two of each set to keep one in the box and build the other. Like a wise BP'er once said, "I have a price". I too have a price and a lot of times it gets me into trouble because I'll buy and sell a set multiple times only for it to retire and not have a copy on hand then have to go to market and buy one from you scumbags for God knows how much ; )

Over the years I've seen used sets (with the box & instructions) sell for only 20% less than my sealed sets. It irked me a bit. I realized I would be more than willing to take 20% less in order to get the enjoyment of playing with the set. When hot sets retire, I see used sets make a reasonable profit over retail -- which has allowed me to cross the chasm into this new game of "Building to Resell" eventually when the price is right.

You dudes are the pros. What advice can you give beyond saving the box and instructions (seems like a bad box doesn't really affect the resell value of a used set, you just have to have it)?

  • Does keeping plastic bags increase their value?
  • Keeping the "extra pieces"?
  • I got greasy fingers, so I constantly see smudges on what I'm building now -- will I get negative feedback if someone sees that
  • What are these "used buyers" like in general? I'm scared of them for several reasons. I feel like the cheaper they are, the more they might complain or even lodge a fake complaint that not all the pieces were there
  • My biggest question: does breaking down the set and putting it in the correct numbered bag affect the resell value?

Let's not answer for the Captain, instead, let's answer "for Science"...

Edited by Captain_Obvious

wash your hands before building...it is after all ...a sacred art. Respect the build dammit!

order an extra set of stickers (or Sails or similar unique non-brick pieces) from BL for the really special sets.  If the white pieces ever yellow then the stickers are toast especially if you want to do the H2O2 trick.

I would keep the box (broken down ofc.) no matter what the condition as when flat it's takes up so little space (and can keep the manual in a ziplock bad inside the folded box together)...and gives your Used set one more thing to support authenticity.

I find that reverse building and putting the pieces back into their original numbered bags (not the original actual bags...that's just being anal) does get more buyer attention albeit a real PITA but maybe some folks like the process as well.

The best tip i ever got on storing/selling used sets was to store the loose set in USPS priority Large box (one with the sealed ends) w/ its manual. I seal it and note the level of completeness. I usually print a picture of the set and tape it to the sides. Highly efficient and ready to sell/ship (altho this approach assume no original box).


I think the buyers for high end used sets are going to be more authentic and realistic.  Less scammers in general (if I am going by my anecdotal past experiences). They tend to ask more questions (good thing). be ready tosend pictures and ofc close ups of the MFs showing proof of authenticity...most know that the MFs drive the drive so missing some small common pieces is almost expected. 

Also if you plan to take apart...wait (if you can) to get a buyer first as they may request it shipped mostly built.

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1 hour ago, Captain_Obvious said:

My biggest question: does breaking down the set and putting it in the correct numbered bag affect the resell value?

 I have sold a lot of used sets, some at over $1K each. I have found that if someone is buying a used set they are already making a compromise so if they want what you have to offer they will just buy it. I have seen people breakdown sets by color, element, and even by bag # but that is a lot of work and I have only ever done partially broken down to help make shipping less. 

I have only ever had 1 return on a used set  9497 that had a dark reddish brown plate break when the buyer disassembled the set. Even though they are always 100% complete I list them as 99% as a piece may go missing, and as AFOL displayed only never played with, smoke free pet free house which all goes to the good condition of the set. 

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I know some people have bought a set (new or used) simply for the build experience then resold the kit down the road as a whole or parted out. I can relate to a degree as a number of my purchases were more for the build itself while other times primarily only for the pieces. Moving along.


* Does keeping the plastic bags increase their value?
I do not believe so. That plastic may be part of the original packaging but once it is sliced open even with a pair of sharpened scissors, it's inconvenient waste. Since most everything is numbered anymore, you could keep the front of each bag as a means to label every storage bag of parts assuming you willingly want to go through the extra effort of sorting out all the pieces as per the instructions. I see this less of affecting resale value and more along the lines of receiving potentially better feedback.

* Keeping the extra pieces?
So long as all the pieces to completely construct the set in its entirety is there, buyers should be fine. While sites such as BrickLink do confirm a general list of expected extras (when the kit comes straight from the source), those numbers are not infallible. Plus, no one can keep track of what extras they actually did get with the set versus what is listed. I would consider the extras as "pocketed parts".

* Negative feedback for smudges from greasy fingers.
You can clean the parts before packing for resale leading to potentially better feedback. Usually, buyers do this themselves when going for used. Fingerprints on pieces is kind of expected. Unless we are talking about the amount of grease I could use for coating a frying pan to cook eggs or the kind thick as peanut butter, you should be alright. People can be pedantically picky but there is only so much one can do.


Mind you, these are based off observations and personal opinion rather than genuine experience. I am just a builder who typically buys new that has been here for a very long time. Haha.

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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

I buy used sets and sell them occasionally.

Selling:  I show them built with plenty of photos.  I keep the box, manual, spare parts, but not the bags.  Once sold, I offer to disassemble into chunks to reduce size or break down completely.  I have never been asked to reverse build into bags.  I have been asked to not ship the box because it drastically increases the cost in many cases, especially in the US where the Post Office charges by length x width x depth plus weight as factors. I do not discount them if they don't want the box unless it drastically saved them money, then I make sure they know I am doing a partial refund for reduced shipping. If I am missing a piece, I list it by its lego brick number, color and a description as best I can such as a "1x4 flat top, white" or "two of the four wheels and hubs". Stickers are "as is". I try to note discoloration or broken pieces.

Buying: I won't buy an opened set unless they show it completely built and assure its 100% complete or the known pieces missing are not rare unless heavily discounted.  I don't normally buy bins of loose stuff to resell as parts so I don't have spare pieces to make it complete in most cases and the cost of overseas shipping for a part or two from a brick store is more expensive than its worth me trying to remember several sets worth of missing details. If they don't have a manual, I am not buying it.  If they have the box, I will ask it be shipped folded back together with chunks of the set bagged up in it, like I prefer to sell. Stuff it with packing material if needed like packing peanuts, shredded paper, strips of bubble wrap, etc... I usually ask they not spend anything on the material, just use used stuff.


I have never paid attention to finger prints.

Edited by cardensb

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