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I rarely ask for advice on buying Lego, but today I got $75 worth of rewards Coupons from Toys R Us, And they are 3-$15, and 3-$10 ones. They say Valid in store or online through 5/31/13 and I can use them all at one time, or split them up. Now some may say how did I get so much, well I spent a few grand a while back, when I got 20 Friends 3185, etc. Now I could get 2 of the 8110 buy one get one half price and use the $75 coupon, so get both for $260.00, or 4 Vampires Castle for $76.00 each, Or 4 Helm's Deep for $92 each any other suggestions. Ed


I rarely ask for advice on buying Lego, but today I got $75 worth of rewards Coupons from Toys R Us, And they are 3-$15, and 3-$10 ones. They say Valid in store or online through 5/31/13 and I can use them all at one time, or split them up. Now some may say how did I get so much, well I spent a few grand a while back, when I got 20 Friends 3185, etc. Now I could get 2 of the 8110 buy one get one half price and use the $75 coupon, so get both for $260.00, or 4 Vampires Castle for $76.00 each, Or 4 Helm's Deep for $92 each any other suggestions. Ed

Hi Ed,

Any of those are solid choices and I think all should EOL sometime this year. I'd suggest the Unimog since I don't think you have as many of those in your portfolio compared to VC and HD right?


Hhhmmmm...? The Helm's Deep sets and the Vampire castles look like they'll do well in the secondary market, but depending on what you want to buy them for...? I'm assuming, by the quantity you are suggesting, you want to invest in them. Maybe two of each (2 vampire castles and 2 Helm's deep sets).


I received a bunch as well today. If I can get any of these at a reasonable starting price and THEN apply the coupon, here's what I'd consider: -Marina -Harbor -Space Center -Mine -Train Station -Helicopter Arrest -Red or Yellow Cargo Train (The TRU closest to me has 3 Yellow trains ATM) Assuming you have plenty of Vampire Castles at this point, but that's an option too. I find that more often I use TRU coupons on something for my kid, but I have purchased the occasional Barbie for a good price that I knew would sell for a profit later. Also some Hot Wheels stuff like the Monster Jams trucks can sell for a decent profit. If you can find any "Monster Jams Color Shifters" you can make money on some of those (A decent amount considering it's such as small item). If I remember right you're in NJ...is that correct? If you're close enough to the city I'd probably head in to the TRU in Times Square. This week they had things like Tower Bridge, B-Wing, and several others at RRP without any TRU jack-up price.


I thought I had been doing well with some of my purchases until I read about the Vampyre Castles, Helm's Deeps and 65 Falcons. Makes my 15/15/10 and 4 Unimogs seems so insignifant lol That being said, I am catching hell from my better half right now as I am reorganising it all again.


Wow, I'm really amazed by those of you that have so many of one set. It really reminds me that this is more of an investing site than anything else. If I even tried to buy that many of one set, my girlfriend would probably attempt to check me into rehab, not understanding the market. That being said, I'm enjoying posting here anyway because I get an idea for how much older sets are worth so I don't get ripped off as a buyer, plus when you guys announce something is going to be retired soon it gives me the chance to go grab it before it hits the secondary market.


I first started buying 5 jabbas sail barges when LEGO Shop at Home had them discounted and then sold them off at $250 per set. At the time I thought spending $500 was risky and crazy. Buy what suits you. Sites like this offer invaluable advice but none of us can predict the future. Whether you have 1 set or 100, are flipping or holding, are patient or impatient, you have to work out the best strategy for you. Oh and my wife doesn't "understand" this. She expects me to be flipping everything and can't work why Lego would increase in value. Or for that matter why I have so much of it.

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