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Good morning, I am new to this site and I am looking for some advice. I have a very large collection of Legos that I am slowly moving out of storage and would like to sell them in bulk. Growing up I had a double deck lego city 16" x 16" up top and 20" x 16" below, entire city was built on roadplates and baseplates - bottom city had multiple trains. Rough Guess is around 500-700 pounds AT LEAST, right now I have (15) Blue Lego Bins full with legos, and then (12) 30 Gallon tubs filled with legos. . Most of the sets are from 1985-2000 and 95% have at least one copy of the instruction manual. I had sets from every genre, and when I was able I would buy the entire catalog each year. I was an avid builder so it was not uncommon for me to get multiple sets and I have dozens of the purple 400 piece bins and dozens of the blue 1200 pieces bins mixed in. Brickbay didn't exist till the last few years of my building career so I usually bought full sets. But once I found brickbay I bought a ton of hard to find and niche pieces to really start modeling. I did a lot of modeling, Military Vehicals, houses, skyscrapers, Naval Ships ect. , I believe I still have a 1:32 scale Aegies Destroyer Built somewhere in boxes. I am not sure how I should sell this collection. I do not have any current pictures, but I do have some pictures of the original city from when I was a little kid. Any help would greatly be appreciated.


Wow you are the only person I have ever heard someone call bricklink brickbay......I'm not sure if eBay sued them but they sure did threaten a lawsuit.....hence the name change. Anyways to your question I think it would be a very tough one deal sale unless you were willing to let them go at a steal of a price, like a couple of bucks a pound.


I was afraid of that, its such a hard call hold onto them or sell them. If I new I could get a decent amount of money I'd put the time in and rebuild all the sets. I'd imagine it would take at least 100 hours and I would need a decent payoff for it to be worth while. Would it be worth hauling them to a large lego expo and trying to sell them to a collector? I have been to some lugnet organized events in the past and they always had buy/sell/trade rooms/booths set up. Not sure if I can move all these at one time. Thanks Stephen!


Put them all up in 1 bulk with ALL pictures possible (to be 100% sure it is not scam) and offer them on LOCAL pickup once the Brickpicker function to sell here comes out for a reasonable price... I have no idea how much these would be worth but 500-700 pounds is about 250-325kg and and if we go by the rule that 1kg= roughly 12


Put them all up in 1 bulk with ALL pictures possible (to be 100% sure it is not scam) and offer them on LOCAL pickup once the Brickpicker function to sell here comes out for a reasonable price...

I have no idea how much these would be worth but 500-700 pounds is about 250-325kg and and if we go by the rule that 1kg= roughly 12


That's a tough one. You might try to see if you can find a local collector that knows the value of what you have an can offer a fair price. There might be a Lego User Group in your area that would buy it all up for their own activities and get togethers. I would be averse to trying to rebuild it all again because that might be a large investment of time and I've tried doing it once before. If you enjoy the reassembly though it's not bad, but it just wasn't for me.


I agree with all of the responses, it really comes down to how valuable your time is, and whether it's worth it to you to separate and reassemble. Whenever I see bulk lots of several pounds or more, I notice they go for a lot less than what they are likely worth, but you have to look at it from the buyers point of view as far as their concern that there isn't any certainty that all pieces are there to many sets, and also, the bigger bulk lot you sell, the more of a discount you are typically expected to honor. This seems to hold true when it comes to the selling of all large lots of physical merchandise- if you have someone willing to drop hundreds or thousands of dollars at once for several items, you are serving them a discount based on the concept that they saved you the time of selling the parts individually.


Thanks for all the advice guys. I have already started selling sets that are 99% complete with boxes and manuals. I had one bin filled with about 12 sets that I picked up right before I quit. I put up a few on ebay to test the waters and see how it goes on ebay. I'll be taking pictures and weighing stuff this weekend and then I'll go from there. I think I will do a Best Offer Auction on Ebay and also try to sell them locally. If I am unable to sell for a decent price, I guess I'll start building sets and selling them. Here is a rough guess, Mini figures = 250+ (Blue 1200 Piece Bin filled) Red Bricks 70 lbs Black Bricks 80 lbs Yellow Bricks 50 lbs Blue Bricks 50 lbs White Bricks 50 lbs Brown Bricks 20 lbs Green Bricks 15 lbs Orange Bricks 5 lbs Windows/Glass - 20 lbs Wheels/Cars - 25lbs Baseplates - 80lbs Train Track - 20lbs Mixed - 50 lbs Instruction Books 30 lbs I had just about every city piece worth having from every year, every fire station, police station, airport, space shuttle, boat/dock ect. Large amount of Pirates, Ninja, Wild West, Space Sets and Star wars. Maybe 7-10 Technic sets along with a lot of model sets, 2 or 3 trains sets with a ton of extra track.


Thanks for all the advice guys. I have already started selling sets that are 99% complete with boxes and manuals. I had one bin filled with about 12 sets that I picked up right before I quit. I put up a few on ebay to test the waters and see how it goes on ebay.

I'll be taking pictures and weighing stuff this weekend and then I'll go from there. I think I will do a Best Offer Auction on Ebay and also try to sell them locally. If I am unable to sell for a decent price, I guess I'll start building sets and selling them. Here is a rough guess,

Mini figures = 250+ (Blue 1200 Piece Bin filled)

Red Bricks 70 lbs

Black Bricks 80 lbs

Yellow Bricks 50 lbs

Blue Bricks 50 lbs

White Bricks 50 lbs

Brown Bricks 20 lbs

Green Bricks 15 lbs

Orange Bricks 5 lbs

Windows/Glass - 20 lbs

Wheels/Cars - 25lbs

Baseplates - 80lbs

Train Track - 20lbs

Mixed - 50 lbs

Instruction Books 30 lbs

I had just about every city piece worth having from every year, every fire station, police station, airport, space shuttle, boat/dock ect. Large amount of Pirates, Ninja, Wild West, Space Sets and Star wars. Maybe 7-10 Technic sets along with a lot of model sets, 2 or 3 trains sets with a ton of extra track.

man this is just sooo soooooo massive :D

I think you can sell all this when the new stuff comes out for Brickpicker ;)


Thanks for all the advice guys. I have already started selling sets that are 99% complete with boxes and manuals. I had one bin filled with about 12 sets that I picked up right before I quit. I put up a few on ebay to test the waters and see how it goes on ebay.

I'll be taking pictures and weighing stuff this weekend and then I'll go from there. I think I will do a Best Offer Auction on Ebay and also try to sell them locally. If I am unable to sell for a decent price, I guess I'll start building sets and selling them. Here is a rough guess,

Mini figures = 250+ (Blue 1200 Piece Bin filled)

Red Bricks 70 lbs

Black Bricks 80 lbs

Yellow Bricks 50 lbs

Blue Bricks 50 lbs

White Bricks 50 lbs

Brown Bricks 20 lbs

Green Bricks 15 lbs

Orange Bricks 5 lbs

Windows/Glass - 20 lbs

Wheels/Cars - 25lbs

Baseplates - 80lbs

Train Track - 20lbs

Mixed - 50 lbs

Instruction Books 30 lbs

I had just about every city piece worth having from every year, every fire station, police station, airport, space shuttle, boat/dock ect. Large amount of Pirates, Ninja, Wild West, Space Sets and Star wars. Maybe 7-10 Technic sets along with a lot of model sets, 2 or 3 trains sets with a ton of extra track.

If you are interested, wait for the BrickPicker Classifieds and then sell it. You get a fairly knowledgeable buyer, plus, I always feel more comfortable knowing exactly where my Legos are going.

I have started to update my Brickfolio with all the sets I know I have, I'll be digging them out of my parents house this weekend for pictures. When does the BrickPicker Classified section come out? Thanks for all the help, wish this site was around 15 years ago, its amazing how much the lego community has changed. I can remember doing everything on lugnet forums/ rectoys and iirc.


Personally, if it were me, I would break it down to the separate sets, but I really like doing that stuff. Just bought another lot to set out and sell separately. Not 500lbs of it mind you, but you get the point. There are tons of collectors looking for sets of those old themes, especially the classic town, space, and castle stuff. What you have left over after that I would sell separately by color. The baseplates as well.


Thanks for all the advice guys. I have already started selling sets that are 99% complete with boxes and manuals. I had one bin filled with about 12 sets that I picked up right before I quit. I put up a few on ebay to test the waters and see how it goes on ebay.

I'll be taking pictures and weighing stuff this weekend and then I'll go from there. I think I will do a Best Offer Auction on Ebay and also try to sell them locally. If I am unable to sell for a decent price, I guess I'll start building sets and selling them. Here is a rough guess,

Mini figures = 250+ (Blue 1200 Piece Bin filled)

Red Bricks 70 lbs

Black Bricks 80 lbs

Yellow Bricks 50 lbs

Blue Bricks 50 lbs

White Bricks 50 lbs

Brown Bricks 20 lbs

Green Bricks 15 lbs

Orange Bricks 5 lbs

Windows/Glass - 20 lbs

Wheels/Cars - 25lbs

Baseplates - 80lbs

Train Track - 20lbs

Mixed - 50 lbs

Instruction Books 30 lbs

I had just about every city piece worth having from every year, every fire station, police station, airport, space shuttle, boat/dock ect. Large amount of Pirates, Ninja, Wild West, Space Sets and Star wars. Maybe 7-10 Technic sets along with a lot of model sets, 2 or 3 trains sets with a ton of extra track.

Where are you located?


It's funny you ask. We've actually been working with Jeff & Ed and will be offering some great deals in the very near future in a new and unique way. It's going to allow all of our stores to participate and we will definitely be helping out our fellow BrickPickers score some sets they may otherwise have thought they'd never get.


It's funny you ask. We've actually been working with Jeff & Ed and will be offering some great deals in the very near future in a new and unique way. It's going to allow all of our stores to participate and we will definitely be helping out our fellow BrickPickers score some sets they may otherwise have thought they'd never get.

I was talking about a deal on buying into the franchise......I was only kidding though.

No worries. If you change your mind and want to join the team just give us a holler. :)

oh no I was just kidding about the discount lol I am very interested but I am trying to find financial mean at the moment.......that and I am concerned that I am within 20 mile radius of three Lego stores, I'm thinking that could affect sales of a bricks and minifigs store what do you think?

Here in the Portland area we have 3 of our stores within a 25 mile radius of our local LEGO store and we have a great working relationship with them. We send people to them and they send plenty of traffic our way for all the things they don't have or sell anymore.


I've always wanted to go to one of the Bricks and Minifigs stores to check them out. They are nowhere close to the East Coast though =(

I know, I wish there was one here on the east coast!

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