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41999 - 4x4 Crawler Exclusive Edition

Rich B

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I tend to agree with this. And I also like the phrase "butt hurt". And I think Lego wants resellers to consider something else to do.


The only thing I will say for the other side is that some of this type of stuff can start to bother normal consumers as well - mainly the exclusives coupon issue, the whole rigged giveaways, the limits on exclusives in store, etc.  And on top of this all of the scams and everything that are becoming more and more prevalent.


So really my feeling on it is - I don't have any problem with what they do to try to stop the reseller, but I hope they don't make decisions that would go against the normal consumers because we need them to keep growing. I put the coupon issue in that corner. Because I don't see at all how that hurts resellers. Now if they come out and actually have a consistent policy with consistent wording that doesn't sound like a load of local manager BS, maybe its a different story.

Normal consumers will not even notice.  

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Well....they limited this set to 2 per person......then 1 per person. I still ended up with 14....could have had more..maybe another 4 or 5 if I wanted to make multiple trips at different times...and maybe another 10 if I wanted to ask my wife and brother get a few more each.

Looking back now.....I wish I did! Only 4 left.

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About my last straw comment, I was speaking about its effect on me, personally. I agree with you Ed, Lego could go back and forth on their policies all day and 90% of their customers wouldn't notice.

As for me, I notice. And I don't like it. I love Lego products but TLG is getting a bit shady. A re-issue of a limited set (hypothetically speaking) might be enough to push me to focus more on other hobbies.

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Normal consumers will not even notice.  


As a frequently normal consumer (not of Lego, obviously, but of many other things), I can say that we do usually notice and we often care quite a bit.


When someone gets a coupon that looks like a good deal, they're not best pleased to make the trek to the store just to find out there's a lot of fine print designed to make the thing hard to use on what they want to use it for.


There are a lot of "normal consumer" women just like me - moms, aunts, grandmas - and no doubt men, too, out to get a much desired set for little Johnny and when they find out the $150 set doesn't get the $15 off, it makes them mad.


Lego blew it on the coupon. Lots of the other anti-reseller stuff won't affect the general public (or any smart reseller, much), but the restriction on the coupon is a mistake.

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Guest brickcrazyhouse

does anyone know if there is a "if it fit it ships" box from usps that the 41999 fits in?  I'm sure shipping has been discussed in this topic but really 84 pages.

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Guest brickcrazyhouse

oh well was just wondering.  Just got back from mall and no less then 10 crawlers were at the lego store.  Limit of 2 per customer last week it was one. I never thought about flipping these but now it seems they're mocking me.  I hate being picked on by inanimate objects. 

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well legitimate or not, he really does have that many. We just can't beat him... we all could get that much if we ask 100 relatives/friends to buy onine at LEGO Shop at Home on August 1st...


Ya because asking 100 relatives friends to spend $400+ dollars and than paying them all back and picking up all those crawlers totally sounds reasonable lol .. highly unlikely

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