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41999 - 4x4 Crawler Exclusive Edition

Rich B

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OK, so I keep hearing TLG starts banning resellers, does anyone here know if they actually give out a warning notice first before ban happens?  


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. This has been discussed a ton on other threads. At least 3 or 4 major threads that I know of. Let's not talk about it again on this 41999 thread. :)

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IMO and others have mentioned, corporate is going after 'big' resellers.  7-10 sets of anything won't matter.  But I guess if you're nervous buy some in cash or buy a few small orders of individual bricks online to show you're a builder ;)  Using up your vip Pts is a good idea too. I think +30 will probably get you noticed but nobody really knows.  All big companies track their customers especially the 'big fishes'.  


Getting back to the crawler...in Toronto CAN they let us reserve 2.  We have 3 stores here so you can technically have 6 on hold...add a friend or whatever and it easily becomes 12 sets.  I didn't have to do this but I am sure some investors/flippers reserved 2 by phone....went to store and picked two off shelf, paid and later came back for their two reserved.  so in one day you and a friend or two can easily get +20 sets.  Unless the manager recognizes you and said something you should be ok.  Would be kinda embarrassing if you got kicked out or 'lectured' haha.

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I've been banned along with 23 other people from buying any Lego exclusives from the four Lego Stores closest to me.. The big resellers in my area. I can only buy one of each exclusive for myself now apparently. They will check photo ID at the managers discretion and will not allow me to buy the sets if my name appears on the list (which it is on) Both me and my partner and Rich B along with several others I know are on that list hah. 


I got a phone call today telling me. It sucks because I definitely contribute a lot of money to keeping at least one of the stores going hah. But whatever they can't ban all my family and employees and friends so it doesn't really limit me that much. Also doubt it really had that much to do with the crawlers, I bought most with cash and with different VIP cards. I think it was more just buying crap tons of sets for 8 years straight hah! 


I'm still getting 8 crawlers tomorrow..so I'm not too worried

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I have zero sympathy for people who get banned for being greedy, not that it really matters that they are banned anyway....

Not asking for sympathy, actually find it kind of ironic they are limiting some of their best customers. Define greedy? If this was a toy mainly going to kids I'd feel a little worse. People tend to know me as a fair seller and brickpicker, I don't really feel bad buying some of these sets and holding on to them for 3 years until some AFOL wants to drop a couple bills on them

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The greed runs rampant and is ridiculous, if you want to buy a few to build and sell a few I have no issues with that buying so many you get banned? What else is that besides greed? You guys can burn me at the stake for my opinions and that's fine. just because my opinions differ from someone's I guess that makes me a horrible MOD. O well life goes on :)

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The greed runs rampant and is ridiculous, if you want to buy a few to build and sell a few I have no issues with that buying so many you get banned? What else is that besides greed? You guys can burn me at the stake for my opinions and that's fine. just because my opinions differ from someone's I guess that makes me a horrible MOD. O well life goes on :)

Sorry, my comment wasn't solely based on this thread. I have noticed over the months that you are frequently combative and often rude to other members. Just an observation.

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I'm not even going to put up a front, I'll admit it, I'm super greedy when it comes to Lego............I love collecting it, building it, and reselling it.  I want as many of the best sets as possible, in the best condition possible, period!  I love Lego sets, not just the 41999 and I will continue to ride the profit wave and capitalize until the game is over.

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Yes I have been out of line many times and every time I have thought better of my comments and personally aplogized to anyone I have offended. I am human and sometimes.my emotions get the best of me just like every other person in this forum, and yes my attitude as of late has sucked because I am tired of hearing people buying 20, 30, 40, 50 of multiple sets. Call it jealousy or whatever you like, I just dislike when greed comes into play when we are talking about plastic bricks that are meant for kids and adults to build and enjoy. These are my opinions and I just because I am MOD doesn't mean I'm not entitled to have one.

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Yes I have been out of line many times and every time I have thought better of my comments and personally aplogized to anyone I have offended. I am human and sometimes.my emotions get the best of me just like every other person in this forum, and yes my attitude as of late has sucked because I am tired of hearing people buying 20, 30, 40, 50 of multiple sets. Call it jealousy or whatever you like, I just dislike when greed comes into play when we are talking about plastic bricks that are meant for kids and adults to build and enjoy. These are my opinions and I just because I am MOD doesn't mean I'm not entitled to have one.

Fair enough. Good enough for me.

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Yes I have been out of line many times and every time I have thought better of my comments and personally aplogized to anyone I have offended. I am human and sometimes.my emotions get the best of me just like every other person in this forum, and yes my attitude as of late has sucked because I am tired of hearing people buying 20, 30, 40, 50 of multiple sets. Call it jealousy or whatever you like, I just dislike when greed comes into play when we are talking about plastic bricks that are meant for kids and adults to build and enjoy. These are my opinions and I just because I am MOD doesn't mean I'm not entitled to have one.

I honestly can sympathize with that but it's unfortunately how resellers have to make money. Most times not worth the money to buy two or three of a set. Like I said earlier if this was a limited edition friends or duplo set I might feel a little worse...

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One of the chick at the Lego store let me play with the store copy when I was there 766 out of 20,000.  They had 15 at the store so she told me I should try it out since it's such a big purchase and they would all be gone by the end of the week.  There are 4 Lego stores with 20 miles from where I live so there probably should be some left.  I'm not sure if I should just clean them all out.  I know the store copies of all the sets end up in plastic totes.  I have also seen the staff break up the pieces off those totes early morning, maybe some of those pieces might end up in pick-a-brick wall in a few months.  I'm not sure how many outlets of Lego stores are in the world so it's safe to say a few hundred of them is off circulation since they each have 1 in store display. 

From my experience the display models do not end up in the pic a brick(if you think about it how can you have space for hundreds of different types of pieces on the pic a brick).They take any leftover pic a brick pieces and the pieces from the display models and put them in  a big box.They take the large pic a brick cups and scoop up the pieces.They then take the cup and empty it into a plastic bag.They charge the small cup pic-a-bric price for this bag.At least at the store I go to this is how they do it.

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I honestly can sympathize with that but it's unfortunately how resellers have to make money. Most times not worth the money to buy two or three of a set. Like I said earlier if this was a limited edition friends or duplo set I might feel a little worse...


Haha no you wouldn't ;)


It all stems back to the exclusive nature of this set. As far as I am concerned, Lego put in a limit to stop people amassing all of them for resale, trying to allow more people to acquire them. Those have been circumvented. Anyone could do it if they wanted as it all comes down to choice but these are the reasons why restrictions are being placed on us in the first place.

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There are tons of lego sites that are better than this for hobbyist and collectors. Most of us are here to make money. I want as many lego sets as cheap as possible...and want to sell them for the highest dollar I can get. We also spend a couple thousand a year for our collection and entertainment for my son on lego...and give them as gifts to everyone..young and old for birthdays and christmas.

I think it's awesome people are buying these up in anticipation of profit....in quantity. We are all here to get the best information possible...to return the best possible information....in hopes of all of us investors making money...and most of us also having fun with our new "investment vehicles". Quite literally in many cases. I personally have diverted some 401k destined money to this venture. I know I am not alone.

The crawler is my latest investment "vehicle".

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