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41999 - 4x4 Crawler Exclusive Edition

Rich B

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El Guapo, certainly if you're a fan than it's exciting buying something on release day for your own enjoyment.  I'm looking forward to the mini vw polybag just to build myself and not to flip. 


Kinda dumb logic but I don't have an ebay/paypal account or shop online outside of CAN haha.  I have a few things that would sell well on ebay but I'm too lazy to read rules/polices...maybe just a mental barrier.  Just helps to keep my spending in check as I know I would be VERY tempted to buy a lot of things I see on ebay!  One of these days I will have an ebay account :)  I eshop all the time but just from stores and not from private secondary sellers.  Again, I'm not a true collector so there's nothing I really want that I would push me to buy on ebay etc. (for now).



I find the most interesting thing about this is the power given to TLG. They materialized 4 million dollars in a few weeks. Anytime they need a cash infusion they can whip up a special edition with a nice color and BAM mo money. /slowclap to the geniouses at TLG for thinking this up and executing it flawlessly

Yup, slap exclusive on anything and usually it'll sell faster.  Just a matter of time before we see 40,000 or 50,000 set limit advertised for some builds. 

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I find the most interesting thing about this is the power given to TLG. They materialized 4 million dollars in a few weeks. Anytime they need a cash infusion they can whip up a special edition with a nice color and BAM mo money. /slowclap to the geniouses at TLG for thinking this up and executing it flawlessly

Not trying to be critical, but Lego only does this occasionally.  The exclusivity of this product isn't it being labeled exclusive.  It is a great set and only has 20,000 in production.  The other exclusives (Orthanc, SOH, EV) all start as exclusives and then become any old set.

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I don't think you understood my post. While what you say is completely true, it has nothing to do with what I said :)


Not trying to be critical, but Lego only does this occasionally.  The exclusivity of this product isn't it being labeled exclusive.  It is a great set and only has 20,000 in production.  The other exclusives (Orthanc, SOH, EV) all start as exclusives and then become any old set.

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I find the most interesting thing about this is the power given to TLG. They materialized 4 million dollars in a few weeks. Anytime they need a cash infusion they can whip up a special edition with a nice color and BAM mo money. /slowclap to the geniouses at TLG for thinking this up and executing it flawlessly


Must be nice to be have the popularity/demand to "print money" like this.  I would bet they could do this with a set once per year and still maintain these Limited Edition sets' popularity.

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Yeah...i wanted the BTTF to build.  Was really looking forward to it...and it didn't disappoint.  I will be getting more, as I think that it will be a good set down the line.  I think some people underestimate the fact that BTTF never really had a popular toy line so there isn't a ton of outside competition.  Forget that it's lego.  If someone is a BTTF fan and they want a momento or something...what other choice do they have?  This ---> (http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-Back-to-the-Future-BOARD-GAME-Complete-Delorean-Universal-McFly-Fox-Hover-/171079226757?pt=Games_US&hash=item27d51dd585


Because of that I think this set will gain traction and be very popular once it is EOL.  Think about some back to the future fan in 5 years that says "wait...LEGO made a BTTF Delorean, howcome I never saw it!"


Just my 2 cents. :)  Bt the way, love your avatar...and did you set up your Ebay account yet...GO!!! NOW!!!!  I am just giving you a hard time, but really, you should set up your ebay account.  It's easy and will let you get a good start.  I just bought some HP sets for a tad over retail this weekend.  They aren't great sets but they will be delivered to my front door for less then the brickpicker "value" on ebay so I am happy. 


I am with you. I don't at all get the whole "Its nto that great a set thing". Assuming this sees a 1.5-2 year run, I think it will be a 75-$100 set in 3 or 4 years.

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Why do I keep clicking on this thread? I don't have the Crawler. Literally it's like looking in the window at a party where everyone is having a great time but you are sad and cold and in the snow outside. And there is a dog peeing on your leg...and it's late and you just want to participate anyway you can :(

Ha ha ha, I can relate. It's just like that Clearance Deals thread. Why do I keep clicking on it as though I were compelled by an unknown force to look at deals I'll never get? Well, at least a few days ago I did find some great 30% off deals so that felt good for once. Of course it still was nothing like finding the Lone Ranger train for $30 or finding a Helm's Deep at half off but for me and my area, it was awesome. :D

Like everyone else, I knew the Limited Edition Crawler would be a insta-win (not to such a high degree already though) but I didn't have $200 just laying around, and I have other things to worry about anyhow.

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Heads up. While there are no 41999's at TRU in my state, they did tell me that there is one at a TRU in Minnesota. Good luck!


I was just going to post this same exact thing. I spoke with a very helpful associate at one of my local TRU's today and she looked up the inventory at all the stores in what appears to be the "heartland" or "midwest" region(not sure how they break that down). She indicated that the only store in the area that had a Crawler was a store in Minnesota but that it appeared to be flagged, maybe an "order to store" if that option was available at release?


I am hoping that her numbers aren't accurate and that all the TRUs are randomly receiving 1 or 2 of the couple thousand that are probably still in stock. 


She did also indicate the national Distributing Center(DC) showed 0 inventory of 41999 so that could mean that any excess they did have has in fact been allotted to the appropriate stores already.

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I was in TRU in Ontario, CA... the guy was so nice he helped me looked up if there is any in their DC and he said the entire CA is having 20 sets which is about 7 boxes and he said that means only 7 stores will get them if they dont get lost as he said chances of getting lost count in inventory happens often... oh well... I know one of the lucky store is in City of Industry....

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I was in TRU in Ontario, CA... the guy was so nice he helped me looked up if there is any in their DC and he said the entire CA is having 20 sets which is about 7 boxes and he said that means only 7 stores will get them if they dont get lost as he said chances of getting lost count in inventory happens often... oh well... I know one of the lucky store is in City of Industry....


Yes, I can confirm that 3 sets were at City of Industry.

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Cos everyone is/was so hoping they will score big money on it and some used other means of obtaining more than 2 so ye... it would be fun reading them rage and so :P


Because he didn't buy one and has decided to be a jerk about it.


Alcarin, why are you always stirring the pot like this?

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Not to hate on the Austin TX location but they have told me things so many times that have been completely false. I literally stood there asking about the Back to the Future set a week after they came out and the guy laughed in my face and said they didn't have any. It turned out my wife went in about an hour later and picked up 2 for a late bday present. It blew my mind! The guy didn't even know they were there. This is just one of many instances. I suppose in that hour time frame they could have received a delivery...but doubt it.

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