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41999 - 4x4 Crawler Exclusive Edition

Rich B

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All this activity reminds me of the Minecraft set in a lot of ways in that there was supposed to be limited numbers of the set, yet more were released.  I know LEGO stated that there will only be 20,000 Limited Editions of this set released, but who is to say LEGO won't release non-Limited Editions?  Before you say,"Oh LEGO would never do that, they said 20,000 and that's it.  It would destroy the credibility,"...think about who is going to stop them?   Resellers?  Are you going to call and complain and say you are a reseller and the value is dropping on older one?  Doubt it.  Most would fear being classified and banned as a reseller.


Just thinking out loud here, with no real proof either way..

I've been thinking about this too, the connection to minecraft, but there is no difference between any of those sets. were they to make more than 20,000 crawlers they'd have to change the box from "limited edition" and change the license plate. might decrease the value of the originals, but they should still hold some value.


that being said...i am ready to return my 2 if the prices start to plummet.

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Prices aren't going to plummet. None of the LEGO stores in California have any. I just called the online store and they said they are backordered and will only be selling them in stores (take it for what its worth).A  guy just paid over $500 USD to buy mine on Ebay ($350 for kit, $50 shipping, $100 in tariffs); he lives in the UK and said he can't get any in Europe. He bought one from me and one from my friend and we are both thinking we got screwed on the deal.Once people stop selling them for a quick profit, the price will go up.

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I've been thinking about this too, the connection to minecraft, but there is no difference between any of those sets. were they to make more than 20,000 crawlers they'd have to change the box from "limited edition" and change the license plate. might decrease the value of the originals, but they should still hold some value.


that being said...i am ready to return my 2 if the prices start to plummet.

The risk of investing, it's what makes it fun

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I had heard that they track sales as well. Let them ban me! I will buy my stuff from Walmart and Target at 30% off and make even more money. That would suck if they banned me from buying at FULL RETAIL. Plus I could just stop at Home Depot, pick up five guys, and then send them in to buy me stuff. lol

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I had heard that they track sales as well. Let them ban me! I will buy my stuff from Walmart and Target at 30% off and make even more money. That would suck if they banned me from buying at FULL RETAIL. Plus I could just stop at Home Depot, pick up five guys, and then send them in to buy me stuff. lol

How much will you have to pay the Home Depot guys?

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But with that said, the 20,000 are still the set amount on that.  I don't think it should matter. Isn't the red 4x4 the non limited edition as well?  I remember back when pokemon cards were made, they had the "1st edition cards" and then they made 2nd, 3rd...etc....Those go for less, but the first ones made, hold their value.

Extra versions or similar, non SE sets will damper any growth of the original.

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On a semi-related note, to all of us (not 41999): He also said TLC is getting super focused on cracking down on investors.  He says some TLC employees have even lost their jobs for selling to investors.  So be careful, especially since the VIP card allows them to track everything you purchase in stores and online.


Sorry, even though I know people have had problems buying from LEGO, that is about the dummies that purchase 50 Fire Brigades or other sets from LEGO.  There is no way for LEGO to know who an "investor" is.  There would be HUGE lawsuits and I reall don't feel that LEGO wants to kill their profits or want the bad press.  I really wish you people would stop spreading this garbage.

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Sorry, even though I know people have had problems buying from LEGO, that is about the dummies that purchase 50 Fire Brigades or other sets from LEGO.  There is no way for LEGO to know who an "investor" is.  There would be HUGE lawsuits and I reall don't feel that LEGO wants to kill their profits or want the bad press.  I really wish you people would stop spreading this garbage.


This is supposed to be a friendly site, lets use a little less "vicious" (get it!) rhetoric. Most people are just speculating, not saying it will happen. Lego is big enough that they can probably do what they want.


If several different stores have said it, it may not be true, but that doesn't make it garbage.

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I had heard that they track sales as well. Let them ban me! I will buy my stuff from Walmart and Target at 30% off and make even more money. That would suck if they banned me from buying at FULL RETAIL. Plus I could just stop at Home Depot, pick up five guys, and then send them in to buy me stuff. lol

Many top end exclusive sets will only be available at LEGO S@H.

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This is supposed to be a friendly site, lets use a little less "vicious" (get it!) rhetoric. Most people are just speculating, not saying it will happen. Lego is big enough that they can probably do what they want.


If several different stores have said it, it may not be true, but that doesn't make it garbage.


Honestly, I tend to agree with Mr Vicious :)

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Was this an ebay listing?  Do you have a link I would like to see what was in it. Sounds like the score of the century.


It was a good one. It was local Craigslist - I let it sit for weeks because I am literally the only person inn Alabama that buys Legos. Here is the thread on it.



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It seems that stores in CA ran out on Friday and LEGO started messing with their website on Friday too. I would think that all the stores still have crawlers that were shipped earlier that week and havent arrived at the stores yet. I would guess that there will be more around on Monday and Tuesday, but after that I would guess they would peter out.

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Honestly, I tend to agree with Mr Vicious :)


I don't think there is much merit to it either, only feeling that nothing hurts with people speculating on it at least in my opinion - sure has boosted some site traffic right?


I'm not trying to stir anything up.  Maybe my computer is not displaying correctly, but this image indicates zero proof.  It doesn't have any sets listed.  Just sayin.'


I tried several ways of accessing the page - note for things like this, sometimes a place will remove the search and the link, the the site itself still has the webpage. I do this on my companies website quite a bit - unless you know the link, you can't get there.


I used the naming convention to get the link, but I still can't pull it up. If its true, Bettle got lucky. If not, troll award nomination :)


If you've got the money you should pick up some people at home depot to get the other 4


I do, and I am trying to round up others to go with me.

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So for anyone that has had the issue - I am going to pick another up at a Lego store in a little while. I have purchased one online. Should I not use my VIP account? Should I just pay cash?


The guy told me there was a strict limit of 1 per household.


i used my vip card for my two at the same store on different days (had someone go for me one time and I went the other, but same card), and it was fine

It seems that stores in CA ran out on Friday and LEGO started messing with their website on Friday too. I would think that all the stores still have crawlers that were shipped earlier that week and havent arrived at the stores yet. I would guess that there will be more around on Monday and Tuesday, but after that I would guess they would peter out.

I've called many stores and its about 50/50 on whether they think they are getting more in, but they all said tomorrow is shipment day so call back then

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i used my vip card for my two at the same store on different days (had someone go for me one time and I went the other, but same card), and it was fine

I've called many stores and its about 50/50 on whether they think they are getting more in, but they all said tomorrow is shipment day so call back then


Cool that helps a lot. I called the store in Nashville and they said they weren't getting more. But who knows?

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