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That's weird. I clicked on everyone in the eBay app and I got the item was removed. Now it's popping up for me

Do you think it's worth it to flip these. I got mine to build and one to save. Figure maybe it's better to sell now during the hype and pocket 300$? I used my VIP points so I don't have any capital invested into this


Great question - I personally think you'll still be able to get this in 1-2 weeks on Lego S@H as I don't believe they've sold all 20,000 yet, although I have no physical evidence other than descriptions on the 41999's S@H page and its "Out of Stock" label.  


Because you have two, you have a lot more flexibility.  If you flip it and the model tanks, then you've made your money better than anyone else.  If you flip and it takes off, you'll still have a used set to sell in the future if/when you want to liquidate it.


That's weird. I clicked on everyone in the eBay app and I got the item was removed. Now it's popping up for me

Do you think it's worth it to flip these. I got mine to build and one to save. Figure maybe it's better to sell now during the hype and pocket 300$? I used my VIP points so I don't have any capital invested into this

I say no to the flip, since you really won't pocket $300.  Regardless of using VIP points or not, this cost you $200 + tax.  Competitive pricing on eBay is ~$300 free shipping.  So subtract out a reasonable shipping cost and eBay/PayPal fees and how much profit are you left with?


Let all the folks who bought because it was posted to SlickDeals try and flip. My advice is to hold for now.


Great question - I personally think you'll still be able to get this in 1-2 weeks on Lego LEGO Shop at Home as I don't believe they've sold all 20,000 yet, although I have no physical evidence other than descriptions on the 41999's LEGO Shop at Home page and its "Out of Stock" label.  


Because you have two, you have a lot more flexibility.  If you flip it and the model tanks, then you've made your money better than anyone else.  If you flip and it takes off, you'll still have a used set to sell in the future if/when you want to liquidate it.


Yeah I am thinking about doing this. Wish we knew for sure more were coming. But heck, if I could make 50 bucks off the set and then buy another...


Yeah I am thinking about doing this. Wish we knew for sure more were coming. But heck, if I could make 50 bucks off the set and then buy another...


It's a little bit of a gamble since we don't know with 100% certainty that the newly stocked sets shipping 8/22 will be the LE release, although all signs point to continued shipment of the LEs.  You (and Starpod) may think about listing this set at $350 just to see if it moves for that price.  If it doesn't, you still have a great, unopened model that will likely mature well in retirement.


It's a little bit of a gamble since we don't know with 100% certainty that the newly stocked sets shipping 8/22 will be the LE release, although all signs point to continued shipment of the LEs.  You (and Starpod) may think about listing this set at $350 just to see if it moves for that price.  If it doesn't, you still have a great, unopened model that will likely mature well in retirement.

I really wish we new if it will be le when they come back in. I have a sense of

Guilt investing in a set the day it's released :p


"Out of Stock"
I think the orders are overwhelming for them to fill right now.
I believe they put this tag up to slow the traffic down and they are going to review all orders.
Many people may have placed 2-8 orders online yesterday.
I'm sure many orders will be cancelled. 
Let me know if anyone of your order got "filled and Shipped".


"Out of Stock"

I think the orders are overwhelming for them to fill right now.

I believe they put this tag up to slow the traffic down and they are going to review all orders.

Many people may have placed 2-8 orders online yesterday.

I'm sure many orders will be cancelled.

Let me know if anyone of your order got "filled and Shipped".

Half my orders marked shipped including 41999 x2

I think this is a lot of needless speculation. It says its a 20K exclusive. Just trust that it is.


I don't. Minecraft was a 10k exclusive. LEGO can do whatever they want whenever they want.




Pretty sure in the Europe/Asia continent people pay loads of cash to get the lowest actual plate number to signify class/wealth/vanity etc.  Billionaires, government agents.  Sorry to be off topic ;)       


Not at all - I thought this was pure gold. It is probably true too.


I don't. Minecraft was a 10k exclusive. LEGO can do whatever they want whenever they want.


Exo, I could be wrong about this but I don't think Minecraft was ever marketed as a "Limited Edition".  There were rumors the original production run was 10,000, but I don't think TLC advertised that.  You are right that it was a "Lego Exclusive" (and still is, just like the modulars, Hayabusa, etc.), but Minecraft was never sold as a "1 of X Limited Edition".  That's a pretty big difference and completely different product marketing strategy.  I believe the original Minecraft box and contents are exactly the same as the one you can order from S@H today.


Where are you getting this information?


Do you have a substantiated source?


I would like to see where this was stated as everything I have seen in the press has indicated 20K sets and no more.


I'm not trying to be confrontational but it would be nice if you could back up your statement with supportaing facts.

So much speculation but from a business point of view.. Why would they make more? They have a current rock crawler that would get crushed if they made more. This will drive sales on they're current line. I believe nobody has a legit "source" for any info. It's the Internet come on... I follow my hunch, and it says this set will be gone forever after the 20k.

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Mine craft is simple. They produced it and never expected it to be as popular as it was. So they made more. With this I have a feeling it'll

Be just the 20,000 and then it's back to the original crawler if you want one. Or pay a premium for it

  • Like 1

So much speculation but from a business point of view.. Why would they make more? They have a current rock crawler that would get crushed if they made more. This will drive sales on they're current line. I believe nobody has a legit "source" for any info. It's the Internet come on... I follow my hunch, and it says this set will be gone forever after the 20k.


Lol. I believe none of these sources are any better than your hunch.


I don't know about anyone else but I just received an email from Lego saying that my order has shipped!  I checked the website and I have a Fedex tracking number.  I bought one last night at around 11:45pm.  I hope that helps someone!

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