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41999 - 4x4 Crawler Exclusive Edition

Rich B

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Question: is it worth it to pick up a crushed box at msrp? Thanks


Two questions:


1.) Is the set retired?

2.) How desirable is the set?


Retired sets that are desirable will still sell for near eBay's NISB price.  I just sold an opened Harry Potter set with all the interior bags sealed, the instructions, and the sticker sheet for the NISB price.


I think it gets a little trickier with sets that aren't retired unless it's heavily discounted from MSRP.  Although like anything else, there are probably exceptions.

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Two questions:


1.) Is the set retired?

2.) How desirable is the set?


Retired sets that are desirable will still sell for near eBay's NISB price.  I just sold an opened Harry Potter set with all the interior bags sealed, the instructions, and the sticker sheet for the NISB price.


I think it gets a little trickier with sets that aren't retired unless it's heavily discounted from MSRP.  Although like anything else, there are probably exceptions.


I assumed he meant the Crawler. Lol.


If you didn't, Quacs post by all means is the the much more correct answer.

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Thanks for the reply DIIM and Quacs. Lol, yeah I meant the crawler. Picked up a beat up box at msrp. If I can't sell it, I'll just gble and open it up. Might get a lucky plate! Haha


Sorry guys, I forgot which thread we were in!  That said, I agree with DNIIM.  You can always sell this as an opened box item when you go to sell.  My guess is you will have no problem making a nice profit in 6 months to 1 year on an open box item.

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Another 4x4 Crawler bonanza today. Picked up 5 of the halloween 3 figure sets, 3 summer scene sets, and 3 spring scene sets to qualify for a free christmas box. Then got 2 more 4x4 crawlers in separate transactions to get 2 more christmas boxes, plus the double VIP points. That brings me to 4 4x4 crawlers and 5 christmas box sets in the last 4 days, and I only ever expected to have 1 christmas box set when this month started. The clerk said they sold 17 4x4 crawlers over the weekend and they still have more on hand. Check this space tomorrow.  ;)

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Thanks for the reply DIIM and Quacs. Lol, yeah I meant the crawler. Picked up a beat up box at msrp. If I can't sell it, I'll just gble and open it up. Might get a lucky plate! Haha

i just sold a very beat up crawler on ebay for 335.00 free shipping. here's the link, http://www.ebay.com/itm/181248235690?ssPageName=STRK:MESOX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1561.l2649 . when selling make sure to clearly highlight any damage in order to avoid negative feedback.

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i just sold a very beat up crawler on ebay for 335.00 free shipping. here's the link, http://www.ebay.com/itm/181248235690?ssPageName=STRK:MESOX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1561.l2649 . when selling make sure to clearly highlight any damage in order to avoid negative feedback.

Thanks for sharing.  Given the condition, were you able to get a discount from the store when you purchased it?

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Browsing around eBay UK came across this:




The seller has stated clearly in several places that the box is empty. Still, the box is going for close to 100 GBP with 5 days to go.


I mean, it's a limited edition and all... But 100 GBP for an empty box? Somebody's gonna be really mad when they receive it.

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You guys are all lucky you have stores with them.  None of my stores anywhere have them...  :(.  And I refuse to pay more than retail for the set either.  Maybe one day I'll be lucky and run into one if Lego releases another wave of crawlers.

I'm pretty sure there will be one more wave right before christmas.......keep an eye out.
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Doesnt seem that crazy. The instruction manual for market street sells for $100, ive seen its box go for close to that as well. Maybe people are investing in the box, or they bough a set and the box was badly damaged and they want a replacement.



Maybe, but it seems odd to still spend THAT much on the instruction manual and box.  Granted if someone is willing to spend that much then power to them.


P.T. Barnum was correct though.

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