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41999 - 4x4 Crawler Exclusive Edition

Rich B

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I'm personally not concerned about the sales activity, but these were selling for $450 for a decent amount of time on eBay. I would personally wait until this second wave dies off, maybe around Christmas.


Unless you are selling to Mark. He is still buying them for over 400 plus shipping. Not worried about the price. Lol.

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Guest TabbyBoy

Unless you are selling to Mark. He is still buying them for over 400 plus shipping. Not worried about the price. Lol.

 How do I find this Mark, as I've recently come across a few more 41999s that I can offload today?

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I gave his contact info to a bunch of folks here through PM.  He isn't buying anymore now.  He said people are offering them to him for $300 now!   You guys offloading that cheap are going to be sorry.  I sold a bunch for $400--only beacuse I knew they were going to be coming out again--and I could replensih my stock--which I did.  I am hanging on to my remaining 10.  I was going to send him 5 more for $400 each (no ebay/no paypal) like our last few deals--but he said people are begging him for $300 on them now.  He bought 20 this week at sub $350.

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I gave his contact info to a bunch of folks here through PM.  He isn't buying anymore now.  He said people are offering them to him for $300 now!   You guys offloading that cheap are going to be sorry.  I sold a bunch for $400--only beacuse I knew they were going to be coming out again--and I could replensih my stock--which I did.  I am hanging on to my remaining 10.  I was going to send him 5 more for $400 each (no ebay/no paypal) like our last few deals--but he said people are begging him for $300 on them now.  He bought 20 this week at sub $350.

Hmm, I just sold him 2 two days ago for a lot more than that plus shipping after selling him 2 last month. It may be that you have to "work" with him on certain shipping issues. Either than or he liked the fact that I sent him pristine boxes very well wrapped.

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I am well aware of what he needs--as I sold him 12 now.  He isn't paying $400 plus shipping anymore.


He wired funds to my account, and they were sold outside of auction.  $50 declared value for entire shipment. They must be packed tight--in buddle wrap and boxes must be perfect.

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My paypal account says different.  :shifty:


Have you sold to him before? He's probably not paying $400 to new sellers who haven't sold to him before and have an established track record with him regarding shipping, wrapping, condition, etc.


If he really has stopped buying, it will be interesting to see if it affects the short term selling price, given that he apparently is one of the 2-3 big buyers of these. Even he probably has to have a limit to how many he can buy. If you follow his eBay IDs and have a guesstimate of how many non-eBay sales he has done, he has to have close to if not over 400 now. 

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I am well aware of what he needs--as I sold him 12 now.  He isn't paying $400 plus shipping anymore.


He wired funds to my account, and they were sold outside of auction.  $50 declared value for entire shipment. They must be packed tight--in buddle wrap and boxes must be perfect.


Well thats funny. Not sure why he would say different.


I have sold him more than 12 (all for other people) and all for over $400. I have sent him 7 people now too, 3 today and he seemed happy to have them.

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Have you sold to him before? He's probably not paying $400 to new sellers who haven't sold to him before and have an established track record with him regarding shipping, wrapping, condition, etc.


If he really has stopped buying, it will be interesting to see if it affects the short term selling price, given that he apparently is one of the 2-3 big buyers of these. Even he probably has to have a limit to how many he can buy. If you follow his eBay IDs and have a guesstimate of how many non-eBay sales he has done, he has to have close to if not over 400 now. 


You are assuming he is holding them? I would assume he is doing the same thing as me...buying them from resellers, marking up the price, and sending them off to the next buyer up the food chain for risk free profits. 

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I got two, calling them now to see if they'll price match my previous 2 orders that were cancelled.



Good luck!  Let us know if they do...


Well, it took about 45 minutes, since I was on my cell for the first call and I was disconnected after they processed the first credit.  I got a very helpful CSR the second time too and he was able to see the first credit went through.


When I ordered 2 back in August, I used the 15% off coupon and the price was only $199.99 at the time, and they were canceled after being on backorder for about 30 days.  I wanted to price match the $169.99 price I received then.  He first mentioned a 10% discount, but asked for the previous order numbers.  After I gave him the previous order numbers, he then said he'd try to process a $70 credit on each order.  Both credits went through, so I should be saving about $70 + tax on each order and I got the $169.99 price from the original purchase in August.  I received confirmations already that both 41999's are in-stock, so I'm fairly confident I'll receive them this time.  Plus that should bump me up the additional $23 I needed to get the full amount on the $100 gift card promotion.  :thumbsup:

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You are assuming he is holding them? I would assume he is doing the same thing as me...buying them from resellers, marking up the price, and sending them off to the next buyer up the food chain for risk free profits. 

It's possible and I haven't asked what he is doing for them. If you look at eBay UK, they are going for around 

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