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41999 - 4x4 Crawler Exclusive Edition

Rich B

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so i got a email on ebay from Mark offering to buy all my Crawlers 41999 for 450$ each and he is in UK. i said i have 4 and i am ready to sell you at 450$ each next reply i got " please change the price to 25$ each" i said dont waste your and my time replys back that i will pay you 1800 for 4 but you need to put selling price as low as possible so that i cannot be charged for huge custom cost....


 i think this guy is fraud...did any one else interact with him?


Mark is good to deal with but understandably he does not want to get hit with a 20% tax when he does not have to. I just sold my last batch to him and have had no issues. I am not sure what volume your normally do through your Paypal account so be aware the potentially big payment may freeze your account pending review. Also basic business rule #1 - when negotiating never accept the first offer.  :yes:

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This set has actually made me a fan of Technic, which is LEGO's ultimate intention. Was never really interested before but after seeing it in person (my LEGO store built one), it's really cool looking and the power/RC functions make it very appealing from a kid/playing point of view. Now, I'm interested in the new Mobile Crane MK II.



This is most likely why 41999s are seemingly distributed more heavily to US stores.  Thanks to the greedy investors (me included, as I have 5 ;) ), the average customers will not have the chance to get them at retail, let alone build up the appreciation for Technic sets.  This short term actions will kill the growth for long term.  TLG is actually very wise in wanting to remove the big resellers from selling non discontinued sets.


Seriously, if I was a newbie builder, I would be more enticed to buy a blue general lee style 4x4 with remote control than another yellow construction equipment or F4 car (as awesome as those are).  Plus, the box for 41999 looks so damn fine.

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so i got a email on ebay from Mark offering to buy all my Crawlers 41999 for 450$ each and he is in UK. i said i have 4 and i am ready to sell you at 450$ each next reply i got " please change the price to 25$ each" i said dont waste your and my time replys back that i will pay you 1800 for 4 but you need to put selling price as low as possible so that i cannot be charged for huge custom cost....

i think this guy is fraud...did any one else interact with him?

Ok I think now, at least this moment it would be very wise to consider to lock this thread as it seems that conversation has changed from lego set 41999 to "how to get around the customs fees in the UK". Also I'm affraid that UK Customs would be very interested about this topic.

I hope that we could keep this place in a good mood and on subject. This thread has crossed the line too many times.

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Ok I think now, at least this moment it would be very wise to consider to lock this thread as it seems that conversation has change from lego set 41999 to "how to get around the customs fees in the UK". Also I'm affraid that UK Customs would be very interested about this topic.

I hope that we could keep this place in a good mood and on subject. This thread has crossed the line too many times.


Or you could let the moderators ask everyone to get off that topic. Locking the thread makes no sense.

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Not gonna lock it but I think that "Mark" and anything related to him should not be discussed in this or any thread. Those of you who deal with him do it but leave it out of this forum. We got it, he wants to control the crawler market, yay for him!


I think he already has control of the crawler market right now.  If he's not buying from us anymore, the crawlers we are holding will be going nowhere.

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I think he already has control of the crawler market right now.  If he's not buying from us anymore, the crawlers we are holding will be going nowhere.


Yep it is going to get real interesting real fast once he is no longer supporting the floor on this set. If he is not intervening in the market directly he has his middlemen buying around the $350 - $400 range and shipping to him. $275 - $300 sounds about right once the buying stops (if it stops lol).

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Not gonna lock it but I think that "Mark" and anything related to him should not be discussed in this or any thread. Those of you who deal with him do it but leave it out of this forum. We got it, he wants to control the crawler market, yay for him!

Basically...this.  I really don't care about Mark and people trying to illegally avoid taxes.  This is business between Mark and another party and has nothing to do with this site.  If people want to discuss gaming the system, go to another site.

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Guest TabbyBoy

I can't see somebody having just 2-3% of the total sets making much of a difference.  If the 41999's value has already peaked, somebody's going to have an eggy face.

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One of the two 4x4 Crawlers I ordered from Toys R Us the other day was canceled.  The 2nd order shipped this morning and I just received my $70 credit bringing the price down to $169.99.  They honored a price I received on an earlier canceled order which was 15% off $199.99.  They must be reviewing orders now and actually limiting the one per customer policy.  I know other folks had multiple orders slip through.

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Yep it is going to get real interesting real fast once he is no longer supporting the floor on this set. If he is not intervening in the market directly he has his middlemen buying around the $350 - $400 range and shipping to him. $275 - $300 sounds about right once the buying stops (if it stops lol).


I really hope he does have control of the secondary market. At this point, the more he gets the better. We generally know what he paid for them (twice our cost) and with the number that he has, he can't just dump them at a lower price without a very significant overall loss. If he sets the price up and the market follows, then we can ride the wave with him, assuming you have kept some for yourself. To hedge, I have sold enough so my remaining sets are "free" so whatever happens, I really can't lose money. You are only at risk if you are buying them for the current market price of $400.

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Alright guys - While i agree it is a little somewhat relevant conversation- we did have a moderator and the owner of the site ask that we stop discussing it. Let's follow that recommendation :)

Talk all you want about the 41999 and where to buy one or its investment potential, but we really don't need to discuss if Mark the Carpet Man has a Ferrari or not.  If you want to discuss a how a person can impact the market by buying multiples, I can see the relevance.

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