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Bubble mailers. If you buy them in bulk, they're not that expensive; they're the easiest way to qualify for the parcel rate, which you have to do for tracking purposes. I'm not saying I'd insta-neg someone who sent me a minifig in a letter envelope, but I probably wouldn't buy from them again. And you want repeat buyers, frequent bidders, good feedback, high DSRs. Bake your shipping and packaging costs into your Buy It Now minifig listings, offer them with "free" shipping, process orders promptly. If you're diligent about it you'll be Top Rated in no time. Lower fees, more money for you.


Bubble mailers. If you buy them in bulk, they're not that expensive; they're the easiest way to qualify for the parcel rate, which you have to do for tracking purposes.

I'm not saying I'd insta-neg someone who sent me a minifig in a letter envelope, but I probably wouldn't buy from them again. And you want repeat buyers, frequent bidders, good feedback, high DSRs. Bake your shipping and packaging costs into your Buy It Now minifig listings, offer them with "free" shipping, process orders promptly. If you're diligent about it you'll be Top Rated in no time. Lower fees, more money for you.

Good advice here.

  • 1 month later...

I sell a lot on ebay but never single mini-figures. Can I just slap some first class or forever stamps on a little envelope and call it good? Weight wise I think I'm good but wondering if it's "machinable" as I've heard that term thrown around the Post office a few times.


I haven't tried just slapping some stamps on an envelope. When I asked, the post office recommended first class. That works out to 2 bucks shipping, 1 buck for tracking, and 1 buck for your bubble envelope from walmart. So, yeah. 4 bucks. Sheesh.


get a really small yellow envelope, big enough for the figure ... wrap the figure in bubble wrap. then ship it ... should be a little over a dollar first class mail. if youre mailing an ebay auction, print out your mailing tags through ebay. you get a discount on shipping rates and free delivery confirmation numbers.


Thanks Orcking. Searched and searched but couldn't find this dang thread.

You're welcome, akohns. I was only successful in a search using "shipping minifigures" as the keywords and eventually came down to this one.

Just echoing some of what is in the thread. I recently started selling minifigs. I just buy the cheap 10 pack bubble mailers from Walmart, stick a single sheet of newspaper for extra padding and print the labels from ebay, always. I charge 1.99 flat for the shipping and it seems to work out just fine.

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