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May be purchasing a used, partially built Eiffel Tower. I already know it's missing the baseplates---are there other key pieces I should be looking out for that may end up costing me some $ tryig to buy off Bricklink?


May be purchasing a used, partially built Eiffel Tower. I already know it's missing the baseplates---are there other key pieces I should be looking out for that may end up costing me some $ tryig to buy off Bricklink?

The baseplates aren't bad ($3.5-$5 on bricklink), does it have the pieces that cover the baseplates? - I haven't checked each piece of this set for being exclusive, but I think the catch with this set is mostly in regard to quantity of parts.


I have seen several do it, in the end, it winds up getting pretty pricey. I know it doesn't look like it has anything very rare but I put a spreadsheet together a few months ago and priced it all out, it was gonna cost me $600 or more to get the parts from brickpicker, and that was excluding the hard to find road pieces.


This set is probably a top 5 display set IMO. Maybe the Statue of Liberty, Millennium Falcon, Star Destroyer/SSD and Taj Mahal beat it out as impressive. As SBC said, it just keeps getting taller.


I just bricklinked 2 - one to keep and one to sell. The truly tricky bits are the #3633 - 1x4x1 fence pieces. Noone on BL has them in any real quantity to get easily close to the 255 that you need. You will have to go through Lego customer support and phone order if you want them at the least expensive price - about $83 delivered if memory serves. If you want the 11 base plates that make up the plaza on the bottom, they are getting rare on BL as well. Easiest is to add those to the fence piece order if you don't want to scrounge 2 or 3 from several vendors. The price is about $3.00 each at Lego if my memory hasn't again failed me. The first time I did it the total cost was $503. The second came in a little lighter at $475ish - because I knew better what I was doing on Bricklink. Well worth it in my opinion. The only one that is cooler in my collection is the Imperial Star Destroyer. Both, however, require the space to display them.


I just bricklinked 2 - one to keep and one to sell. The truly tricky bits are the #3633 - 1x4x1 fence pieces. Noone on BL has them in any real quantity to get easily close to the 255 that you need. You will have to go through Lego customer support and phone order if you want them at the least expensive price - about $83 delivered if memory serves.

If you want the 11 base plates that make up the plaza on the bottom, they are getting rare on BL as well. Easiest is to add those to the fence piece order if you don't want to scrounge 2 or 3 from several vendors. The price is about $3.00 each at Lego if my memory hasn't again failed me.

The first time I did it the total cost was $503. The second came in a little lighter at $475ish - because I knew better what I was doing on Bricklink.

Well worth it in my opinion. The only one that is cooler in my collection is the Imperial Star Destroyer. Both, however, require the space to display them.

Awesome!!!! Have you sold it yet? How much if you don't mind me asking?

This set is probably a top 5 display set IMO. Maybe the Statue of Liberty, Millennium Falcon, Star Destroyer/SSD and Taj Mahal beat it out as impressive. As SBC said, it just keeps getting taller.

Yep it does keep getting taller and taller......you have to be cautious when building it because the taller it gets the more fragile it becomes. There were a couple times where I applied a little too much pressure when I was building this set and had some parts of the tower collapse or cave in, which was a bit aggravating. Once it's complete it is one heck of a display!


Awesome!!!! Have you sold it yet? How much if you don't mind me asking?

Not yet. It is currently sitting on my dining table with the SSD next to it. I think the Empire is going to conquer the French. :)

Both need pictures taken as they are both going up for sale.

I also found a box and instructions for the tower so I plan on selling like that. I am hopeful I can get about $800-900. I am hoping for a local sale, but may end up Ebaying it if nothing pans out.


Just wondering Arcanum777...Did you buy majority of the pieces from one seller to minimize shipping costs or did you decide to get a low price from say 30 different sellers? I am in the process of BrickLinking a Taj Mahal and have roughly 1,200 of the pieces that I need (around 5,900 total) from Pick a Brick Walls.


I would check, for example, part 2357 (295 needed or so) against 4 vendors that had enough pieces and a good price. I then just started down the list with those 4 open and as I found a piece and quantity needed, I would add to cart with whoever had it cheapest. If you do that, you have generally started off with vendors that have high piece counts of many types of bricks and can get a lot of what you need from fewer vendors. I still used 9 vendors on BL and Lego proper, but it was certainly cheaper than using Lego alone. The other key is to start with vendors that have the harder to find pieces and use them for as much of what you need as possible. 8x8 black plates being a good example with the Eiffel Tower. I would find the ones that had them and then fill my cart with as much as I could from them. If you do that, you ensure that when you get down to the nitty gritty at the end, you aren't trying to find 4 hard to find pieces from 4 different vendors to finish off and paying all the extra shipping fees.


As one who has one in their collection built it truly is a fantastic build and amazing display piece. My Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty are my favorite displays so far prob. followed closely by my Taj Mahal. I'm still looking for a used complete Grand Carousel and Cafe Corner.


Well, ended up buying it. It's missing the instruction sheet for the base part I still need to build, so need to download that to see what parts I'm missing. No box and no baseplates for sure, but for the price I paid I may be able to complete it for pretty cheap.


Well, ended up buying it. It's missing the instruction sheet for the base part I still need to build, so need to download that to see what parts I'm missing. No box and no baseplates for sure, but for the price I paid I may be able to complete it for pretty cheap.

That's cool, you will love this set once it's completed. Let us know if you need any help along the way as far as missing instructions, etc, and we'd be glad to help!

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