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So I went on bricklink and wanted to buy some more jet packs for my clones, found a guy that had ten for $.99 a piece so I ordered them. Well, they came yesterday and I was really excited about this, (I LOVE jet packs) but when I opened them up everything seemed normal until I compared it with another jet pack I had got in a set and the one I order was just a tad bit different, I looked on the back for the piece ID number and "The Lego group" thingy but neither of them were there. I emailed the guy and he wrote back saying that he had bought these off Bricklink a long time ago and that he didn't know about them being customs, but if I sent them back he would give me a full refund. So at least I get my money back and I can try to order some different ones, but I was thinking, how do people make customs? Too this guy has 516 "Praises" and 0 "Complaints" so I thought he was ok to buy from him. I'll put some pics in of the differences later but I haven't taken them yet and have to go get ready for something I have to go to.


Yeah, I wouldn't say you got ripped off, but it's unfortunate the guy didn't know they were customs. Custom parts like that are pretty easy for people to make if they have the access to the right equipment(i.e. molding machines). In the end, you're probably out $2 for return shipping, so chalk it up to life lesson learned and be happy it didn't cost more.


If he "makes it right" by refunding you then this isn't too big of a deal. He could just as easily accuse you of swapping out legitimate parts he sent for crudely cast knock-offs! Given his feedback, the low dollar value involved, and the relative difficulty of casting those parts vs. the potential financial gain I'd be inclined to believe him, and I don't believe anybody. If you paid via PayPal/CC you're protected in any event. Could have been much worse...


If the seller has that much positive feedback, I can't see him as someone that ripped anyone off before or at least made it right if things went awry, which in your case sounds like he is willing to do so and to me that says a lot. People keep getting better and better with their custom parts like BrickForge or BrickArms. It may stink that you had ordered one thing but received another, but trust me and others here, it could have been much worse. Not trying to downplay your situation, just showing the brighter side that's all. Oddly enough, depending on what custom pieces you received and their condition and who made them, you may have just payed less for each of them through Bricklink then you might have if you ordered those brand new from another site or distributer. (Ever seen how much a single custom accustic guitar piece goes for before shipping?)

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