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Prediction of worth for Series 10 "Mr. Gold"


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I'm actually surprised the counts is still this low.  This helps us that have sealed cases, we will be able to use that information and say "Hey!, there's 3,000 of these left, 1 could be in the case I have"!!!  BUY ME!!


I bought 2, with the understanding I would open 1, and keep 1 sealed.  Of course, the one I opened I struck out on, so I'm sure the other one I sell will have it :bye:

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I bought a sealed box from Tesco, opened it in the car park, felt up all the packs for the Mr Gold's hat, then took it back for a full refund.


There were actually two Mr Gold in there, but I left them for others to find.

Heh, you felt up Mr. Gold's hat. Naughty. I bet you didn't even buy him dinner first.

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Obviously there is a hysteria behind this right now about obtaining a Mr Gold with boxes being opened and rifled through. Looking over my local ebay though I am noticing a lot of people selling off bulk lots of packets, some for as cheap as $2 a pack here (retail is $5). Obviously these have all been smooshed to ensure a Mr Gold isn't in there, there potentially be full series amongst those lots if people haven't looked past anything further than Mr Gold. New sets seems very cheap considering it is a relatively new release.

Is this a temporary issue or will this series, though harder to obtain a full set, be simply an afterthought? Is there a lot of people stashing these boxes hoping for the premium later?

Just finding it fairly hard to gauge right now.

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I'm hoping to sell my sealed case this holiday or Jan for at least 40% ROI. At the rate Mr Golds are being found so far, I don't think I'll have any problem getting the profit I want. I just hope the value of Mr Gold doesn't dip too low. If he gets down to around $400, buyers probably won't want to pay 275 for a case.

As for the other series 10 figs, it seems like the only ones worth a profit are Medusa and Sea Captain. So Darkness, your hunch is probably right.

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I picked clean all the Medusas and Sea Captains early out in my area, probably about 20 or so of each.

As for cases, I don't think it's Mr.Gold that's devaluing the other figs, but more that there's still so many around that are being sold off in bulk simply because they aren't Mr.Gold.

This really is a failing on LEGO's part. What they should've done is put the code insert randomly into 5,000 packs that is redeemable for a free Mr.Gold online, and either pay the postage as they do for sending missing parts (For a 0.02 oz fig it's probably dirt cheap), or simply make people pay the S&**** if they want thier fig.

This would've still drove sales of S10 (as that was clearly the goal) while removing the factors such as people practically destroying retail fixtures and product looking for Mr.Gold, and also prevent this mass dump of S10 figures that aren't Mr. Gold.

Also would've stopped this "Hot pack" bulls**t, which I find really trashy.

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As for cases, I don't think it's Mr.Gold that's devaluing the other figs, but more that there's still so many around that are being sold off in bulk simply because they aren't Mr.Gold.

This really is a failing on LEGO's part. What they should've done is put the code insert randomly into 5,000 packs that is redeemable for a free Mr.Gold online, and either pay the postage as they do for sending missing parts (For a 0.02 oz fig it's probably dirt cheap), or simply make people pay the S&**** if they want thier fig.

This would've still drove sales of S10 (as that was clearly the goal) while removing the factors such as people practically destroying retail fixtures and product looking for Mr.Gold, and also prevent this mass dump of S10 figures that aren't Mr. Gold.

Also would've stopped this "Hot pack" bulls**t, which I find really trashy.


This is the thing. Because they aren't Mr Gold there are so many being dumped into the market or in bulk. Without Mr Gold we wouldn't be seeing this.


I agree with the failing by Lego. First they dropped the ball altering the minifig ratios in a box and now this. This promotion is very gimmicky and I am not a fan of it at all. Throwing in a code or something would have been a far better system. This setup really does remind me of the old sports cards system which turned sour.

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The problem with an included code would have just turned the problem in the other direction of every mystery packet getting cut open in store and all the 'unwanteds' getting left behind for someone else like sloppy seconds. Unfortunately no matter which way Lego had or could have gone, the average person gets boned. Honestly, they should never had made Mr. Gold to begin with or not have made him so insanely limited.

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Maybe if it was one per box instead.

I would have rather had Lego do that instead of what they did with him. Although there would still be a lot of scalpers looking for Mr. Gold, at least any regular kid could have had a chance of finding one for him or her self.
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I picked clean all the Medusas and Sea Captains early out in my area, probably about 20 or so of each.

As for cases, I don't think it's Mr.Gold that's devaluing the other figs, but more that there's still so many around that are being sold off in bulk simply because they aren't Mr.Gold.

This really is a failing on LEGO's part. What they should've done is put the code insert randomly into 5,000 packs that is redeemable for a free Mr.Gold online, and either pay the postage as they do for sending missing parts (For a 0.02 oz fig it's probably dirt cheap), or simply make people pay the S&H if they want thier fig.

This would've still drove sales of S10 (as that was clearly the goal) while removing the factors such as people practically destroying retail fixtures and product looking for Mr.Gold, and also prevent this mass dump of S10 figures that aren't Mr. Gold.

Also would've stopped this "Hot pack" bulls**t, which I find really trashy.

For real man!! Ebayers like that piss me off to no end! The seller knows good and well that its a Medusa in that pack!
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The problem with an included code would have just turned the problem in the other direction of every mystery packet getting cut open in store and all the 'unwanteds' getting left behind for someone else like sloppy seconds. Unfortunately no matter which way Lego had or could have gone, the average person gets boned. Honestly, they should never had made Mr. Gold to begin with or not have made him so insanely limited.

People have already been tearing open these in store since S1. That aspect would't have changed, but I guarantee you the amount of people who smooshed or felt for Mr.Gold far outnumbers the amount of people who would cut open every packet in a store fixture.

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The Centurions are a good bet, just look at how much the Roman Soldier goes for.


As for Mr gold, he isn't really gold is he. Just colored plastic, you can probably get any minifigure plated with real gold for less than the series 10 Mr gold.


They should have put one in for every full set.


5000 its just not fair to the rest of us.

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The Centurions are a good bet, just look at how much the Roman Soldier goes for.



I loaded up on these and have about 20 or so. Sure I have to sell a bunch, but I don`t see why I can`t sell them in groups of 5 or 10 for $35-$70 each down the line. Like you said, look at the Romans and, dare I say it, the Spartans as well. 


As for Mr Gold, 1 per box wouldn`t really have created a value either. You get 2 Medusa and quite a few others as well, so 1 just won`t be enough to create a huge stir. He might only be worth $15-$20 then. Maybe 1 in 5 boxes would have been better. Not sure, but seeing single figs go for hundreds of $ is just crazy. So is the fact that very few will truly be able to own a complete set. As far as values of others go, I doubt Mr Gold is going to ruin them. Many are pretty darn cool on their own if you ask me (there are duds just like every other series, namely Skydiver) and that should be enough to raise their individual values. 

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Guest TabbyBoy

The odds of finding 2 Mr Golds in one box must be staggering.  However, I think Lego should've put series 10 minifigures in small boxes/tubes (of exactly the same size/weight)  rather than bags so that customers (and greedy/selfish staff) are unable to feel for Mr Gold.  I've heard of Toys R Us, WH Smith and Tesco staff rummaging through boxes before loyal, paying customers have a chance.  This is shocking behaviour and I think Lego have dropped a big clanger with this one.  I consider myself incredibly lucky where I found mine by buying 4 sealed boxes off eBay.  BTW... He's not for sale!  I'll be keeping a couple of full sets of Series 10 and will donate the other minifigures to local schools.


Is it me or is this Lego investing thing starting to bring out the worst in AFOLs?

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Guest TabbyBoy

I bought a sealed box from Tesco, opened it in the car park, felt up all the packs for the Mr Gold's hat, then took it back for a full refund.


There were actually two Mr Gold in there, but I left them for others to find.


That was the day to buy a lottery ticket! ;-)

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There were actually two Mr Gold in there, but I left them for others to find.


Maybe you're just a really "nice guy", but I feel like calling BS on this. First off, it's pretty unlikely to have two Golds in one case, secondly, even if you did get that lucky, you essentially threw away money by taking them back. Why the heck would you do that? Third, you more or less stole the one Mr. Gold you did keep, if you took the case back for a "full refund", because I'm honestly not believing you just took them back. In fact I can hardly believe a word of your entire post. 

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