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Prediction of worth for Series 10 "Mr. Gold"


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I wasn't judging, just curious. I am not the type of ignoramus who will say "that's unfair" or call someone greedy if he makes money. If you made billions from affiliate links and spent it on hoes and yachts, more power to you.

Just want to help people make money here...myself included. I have bought 10 sealed cases. I am very confident in these sealed cases exploding in growth if things play out the way I think they will.
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I get these kinds of messages on eBay too. Do these people think they will guilt-trip me into lowering the price? They won't. I'm not selling necessities like food, water, shelter, medicine. I'm selling luxury items (toys, electronics). If a person doesn't like the price of an item, don't f**king buy it.

watch the language please........
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Add me to the group of those buying a case, I think I'll probably buy 3, one to open and another couple to sell. I'll smoosh out a set, grab a couple extras for my kids and sell you guys the extra Roman Commanders. I'll make my girl smoosh with me from the comfort of home and it will be a relationship building experience. :-)

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I added the now online page for tracking the Mr Golds to the main post.

Well it says where they are but not what number. I wonder if that is meant for privacy?

exactly what I was talking about in the other thread about series 10. I wrote a letter to lego about this sort of thing happening last week. It really is bringing out the worst in people. Its quite sad. Pretty much what is happening is what many of us predicted and it is atrocious. I wonder if some of this (to a slight degree at least) could have been alleviated if they included one Mr Gold in every box. It would still be rare just not as much, but then again if people are going to buy the whole dang thing, feel each one as they feel like it, and then return their leftovers that probably wouldn't help much either.

Whatever. It doesn't matter much to me whether or not I find any Mr Gold, but it sure as hell will piss me off if I can't even find a single Series 10 minifigure that hasn't been pilfered cause of this Goldgate.

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With all the hype, I wonder if the remaining Mr Golds will go down considerably? If between 50 to 100 listings were up for a single Mr Gold at the same time, I would think then. So far though has barely been 30 at once and value has been pretty high still. Maybe not quite $1,000 like the initial 5 or so but still pretty high when given enough time to gather bids. An awful lot of collectors out there with too much cash to spend and so little supply.

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Super high demand vs super low supply, fairly basic really. A more are found, supply increases and demand drops as well as the serious collectors probably have one already. give it a couple of months and you'll find a happy equilibrium where we can really judge the value of Mr Gold.

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well the most unbelievable thing has happened. I received my sealed case that I ordered off of ebay and I started going through each pack. my plan was to feel each pack and open a full set and keep a full set sealed. I went through each one by one and when I got to pack number 50 there it was...mr gold. I couldn't believe it. number 1604 found in Hawaii. I have ten more packs to open. If anyone is interested to know which figure mr gold replaced or the distribution of characters in my case feel free to message me and ill let you know. so far I haven't found a single medusa.

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well the most unbelievable thing has happened. I received my sealed case that I ordered off of ebay and I started going through each pack. my plan was to feel each pack and open a full set and keep a full set sealed. I went through each one by one and when I got to pack number 50 there it was...mr gold. I couldn't believe it. number 1604 found in Hawaii. I have ten more packs to open. If anyone is interested to know which figure mr gold replaced or the distribution of characters in my case feel free to message me and ill let you know. so far I haven't found a single medusa.

I know all my posts in this thread has been negative......but this is doing it the right and honest way IMO. Good job man!!!
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I know all my posts in this thread has been negative......but this is doing it the right and honest way IMO. Good job man!!!

Thank you Stephen, much appreciated. Most of my post about this have been negative too. Doing it the right way paid off. like I said in one of my post about being honest....Karma is real.

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There is a listing on eBay that will donate 100% of the money raised through the sale of a Mr. Gold to the American Lung Association. The current bid is at $430.00. I just thought it was so cool that someone would do this. They have a feedback score of 6,545 and a 99.9% feedback rating so they are legit. What you guys/gals think about this?

Link to Brickset article.

Link to eBay listing.

Edit: Sorry TheOrcKing! I didn't even see your previous post about this even though I did use the search bar. My bad! (Picture of your post is below.)

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So yesterday, when I got to Target and there was not series 10 on the shelves I lost all my interesting in smooshing CMF for the first time. I still want to at least try once and get a Mr.Gold, so I am considering ordering one of these sealed boxes. The issue is, I will be opening the box and smooshing them to check. If, as probability suggests, I don't get a Mr.Gold, do you think is there any way I can get most of my money back, and I don't mean trying to return it, but maybe selling the figures individual, the whole box as "No Mr.Gold included" or something around those lines. Thanks for your help.

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