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Prediction of worth for Series 10 "Mr. Gold"


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ps3's were selling for $6k on ebay when they were first released and in limited supply. now you can buy one for $200 or less used. similiar situation here. the hype is high and supply is currently very low. prices will come down eventually. if you have one to sell now is the time to do it. happy hunting!

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There is no guarantee to getting one no matter what route you go unless you buy one straight up. I think the price will dip down, but again, there is another audience that wants to be the first to have something which also drives up a price. I'll be curious to see how many of them are actually registered on the internet.

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the hype is high and supply is currently very low. prices will come down eventually.

As a few members have said, it's just the preliminary hype. I can almost guarantee you that we won't be seeing a Mr. Gold sell for $1,000 for at least a few years. The lowest it will probably get is around $100. Just a guess though.
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There were 10,000 golden C-3PO's, but I don't think the hype was as bad for those. There will be a ton of people smooshing for these, unlike the C-3PO where you had to buy and open the set.

Yeah you're probably right. But also the fact that back then Lego weren't as popular as they are now. I mean you're comparing a few years back to now. It's just two different worlds IMO.

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Hey all, So I saw that the Toys R Us stores had gotten some series 10 minifigs in earlier this week so I decided to stop by and check them out over the weekend. I went to the store near my house and was talking to the manager while I was going through the bags and he told me there is no Mr. Gold in there, because the employees went through all the bags even before the box was put out. He mentioned that there was no Medusa, Mr. Gold, Trendsetter (even though I found one and bought it - HA!), Librarian and Paintballer. I know stores get shipments before the release date, but to allow the employees to go through them ahead of time seems somewhat unfair. I realize that there isn't anything anyone can/will do about it, but I just thought that was in bad taste for the store to do that. Out of the 18 bags left in the box, they were all warrior women, mechanics, jumpers, clowns and 1 painter. Although I did manage to find the Trendsetter and a Grandpa. Oh well ... maybe I will just try a different store. The one by my work said that their shipment of minifigs never made it because it got stolen during shipping. Geez ... all for Mr. Gold?

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Hey all,

So I saw that the Toys R Us stores had gotten some series 10 minifigs in earlier this week so I decided to stop by and check them out over the weekend. I went to the store near my house and was talking to the manager while I was going through the bags and he told me there is no Mr. Gold in there, because the employees went through all the bags even before the box was put out. He mentioned that there was no Medusa, Mr. Gold, Trendsetter (even though I found one and bought it - HA!), Librarian and Paintballer. I know stores get shipments before the release date, but to allow the employees to go through them ahead of time seems somewhat unfair. I realize that there isn't anything anyone can/will do about it, but I just thought that was in bad taste for the store to do that. Out of the 18 bags left in the box, they were all warrior women, mechanics, jumpers, clowns and 1 painter. Although I did manage to find the Trendsetter and a Grandpa. Oh well ... maybe I will just try a different store. The one by my work said that their shipment of minifigs never made it because it got stolen during shipping. Geez ... all for Mr. Gold?

just another example of rip-offs-r-us shady business practices and why it should be the LAST place you spend your hard earned investment dollars. what i can't believe is that the manager actually admitted that. if it was me i would certainly be making a phone call to the district manager or even someone higher and complaining. that is total BS.

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You better get ready for the horror stories. If employees at any large box store have a clue about the potential value in a $3 small bag, you will be lucky to find anything of value in these sets. They will be stolen. They will be opened. Better off buying a SEALED CASE of 60 Collectible Series 10 Minifigures. At least you stand a chance of getting a complete collection.

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My local Lego store does this, but they typically just help people find a figure they want as they have some of them sorted in the back, I can't imagine one of them would find a Mr Gold and then just let it get bought unknowingly.

If they found a Mr. Gold, would they just buy it for $3?!?

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