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Here's a random thought. For the first person that is lucky enough to find one of the "Golden Minifigures", what do you think they will list it on eBay for? (Let's just assume he/she did for the fun of it.) How about....

Here's the list of Mr Gold's that have appeared so far (that I know of).

796 - Zellingen, Germany

865 - Karlsruhe, Germany

870 - Karlsruhe, Germany

880 - Karlsruhe, Germany

898 - Burke, Virginia

933 - Karlsruhe, Germany

934 - Karlsruhe, Germany

942 - Karlsruhe, Germany

1229 - Germany

1331 - Belgium, Europe

1604 - agp548 from Hawaii, USA

1849 - Graz, Austria

3160 - Benzo on Brickset from Saskatchewan, Canada

3194 - Mos Eisley from Fullerton, California

3271 - Tuckerton, New Jersey

3342 - mushedroom

3739 - La Mesa, California

4154 - Richardson, Texas

4544 - Mountain Home, Idaho

4576 - Lake in the Hills, Illinois

4610 - Tacoma, Washington

4616 - Ellensburg, Washington

4625 - BrickBrats on eBay from Victorville, California

4628 - Portland, Oregon

4746 - Mos Eisley from Fullerton, California

4838 - Deder2416 on Brickset from Georgia

4855 - SamuraiPete on Brickset from Spring Hill, Kansas

4914 - datsunman on Brickset from Phillipsburg, New Jersey

4928 - Twiddlepotts from Portland, Oregon

These have been found but no number given.

Bricks was lucky enough to find 2

Tommahas8012 had one :)

Akamu54 on Brickset from Thunder Bay, Ontario

buriedbybricks on Brickset from New Brunswick, Canada

jvdrummer182 on BrickSet from New Jersey

Mike in Southwestern Ontario, Canada (No idea on number or what the guys real name is.)

Mr. Gold's found: 2,152

Mr. Gold's left to be found: 2,848

Mr. Gold: Where is he found?

Mr. Gold: World Map

Ed Mack's Edit: In addition to the Mr. Gold value discussion, John and Dave from BRICKS AND MINIFIGS posted a picture of the "dot codes" from a Mr. Gold they have in their possession. Maybe it will help you find another one.

Edited by TheOrcKing
update to Mr. Gold count

An added element to the rarity of the "Golden Minifig" would be that if they are numbered. In order to do the online tracking of the number of GM's found, there should to be a unique identifier associated with each one. This is of course is speculation, but assuming that this is true and they happen to just use a simple numbering scheme, how valuable do you think a "Golden Minifig" #1 would be??


An added element to the rarity of the "Golden Minifig" would be that if they are numbered.

In order to do the online tracking of the number of GM's found, there should to be a unique identifier associated with each one.

This is of course is speculation, but assuming that this is true and they happen to just use a simple numbering scheme, how valuable do you think a "Golden Minifig" #1 would be??

They will in fact be numbered, I just how no idea what the numbering system will look like. It could be a six digit code, like XI4O92 for example, that people can enter somewhere on the main LEGO website. Type in where they live basically and then a little red flag pops up on a mapquest style page showing the entered "Golden Minifigures". I'm wondering if they will just print the number on the back of the minifig or on the baseplate. (I'm thinking the first.)

As for worth, I can imagine some BIG numbers in an all out 'Bid War' for the first one or ones to hit eBay!

I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but I can see just one of these "Golden Minifigs" outdue the "Minecraft" set very fast!

(Or at least, fairly close. Take my words with a grain of salt, I'm a bit of an optimist. Heh.)


Any speculation of what a sealed box of this series will go for? I doubt all the Golden minifigures will be found and it makes me curious if a speculative person would pay even more with the potential of one being in a sealed box.


Well ...

- IF it will indeed be a limited batch of 5000 golden minifigs spread over WHOLE WORLD

Then I predict it will reach 100$ mark easily

- IF it is 10.000

Then i predict 65$ easily

First one will go for an epic bid war and will end on a 100-150$ value


Well ...

- IF it will indeed be a limited batch of 5000 golden minifigs spread over WHOLE WORLD

Then I predict it will reach 100$ mark easily

- IF it is 10.000

Then i predict 65$ easily

First one will go for an epic bid war and will end on a 100-150$ value

I think the first one will go higher than that. ($200-$300?) I could so see two people keep on bidding and bidding to no end.

I think the first one will go higher than that. ($200-$300?) I could so see two people keep on bidding and bidding to no end.

Possibly, i doubt anyone would want to instantly pay 300$ on a 2.99 figure chromed in gold just to be the first(2nd) to have it, IF at all.

Well if the demand will be spectacular (which i doubt since the amount of figures will discourage alot already) then it can hit 500$ but I think thats the max it would go for.


I predict everyone will pay top dollar for these and then TRU will have them as a giveaway when you spend $75 on inflated LEGO prices. Then LEGO LEGO Shop at Home will give them away with a $25 purchase. Then someone on EBAY will somehow get a hold of Thousands and sell them for $10 a pop. Then the "so called" exclusive will be no more. I have a crystal ball. :)


I predict everyone will pay top dollar for these and then TRU will have them as a giveaway when you spend $75 on inflated LEGO prices. Then LEGO LEGO Shop at Home will give them away with a $25 purchase. Then someone on EBAY will somehow get a hold of Thousands and sell them for $10 a pop. Then the "so called" exclusive will be no more. I have a crystal ball. :)

This oddly enough makes the most sense...


I think they will settle in the 80-90 dollar range with the first few selling for more. I think this could help sealed boxes of this minifigure series appreciate a lot. I think most people who get them will open them all...and if that happens a lot less will be around sealed in a couple years. Plus the promotional could drive up the value too.


20 dollars most. After market gets them. 1st one may be a lot higher from a naive buyer. Only way it will be worth a lot is if lego changes the packaging system they have.

Would you please elaborate, I mean I am a realist but 20$ seems way below the line for 5.000 exclusive chrome gold minifigure despite its worth is 2.99


I predict everyone will pay top dollar for these and then TRU will have them as a giveaway when you spend $75 on inflated LEGO prices. Then LEGO S@H will give them away with a $25 purchase. Then someone on EBAY will somehow get a hold of Thousands and sell them for $10 a pop. Then the "so called" exclusive will be no more. I have a crystal ball. :)

Why does this not sound that far fetched?

Why does this not sound that far fetched?

Lego promotions are unpredictable and things that are exclusive aren't always so exclusive. I think back to when Chromestormtrooper polybags were sold at TRU with a Star Wars Lego purchase and then there was an explosion on ebay selling them off in large lots later on. Lego also at one point sold Chrome stormtrooper magnets prior to this for 15.00 a piece from what I remember. Even the shirt Darth Maul has had inconsistent distribution with TRU selling them outright instead of as a promotion. I'm hoping things are more consistent with the golden minifigure but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised to see one on ebay before people see Series 10 in stores.


I can see the first few going for a lot, a few hundred easy. Will it be possible to find the golden figs through "smooshing" or bump codes? If it is then the first ones to appear will be from store workers who comb every box before putting on sale = even lower chance of Joe Public finding one.


I wouldn't be surprised to see one on ebay before people see Series 10 in stores.

If those eBay sellers from last year selling this year's minifigures way before they were even available was any kind of indication, then we are in agreement.

How many customs are we going to see that are painted gold? I'm sure many will leak out onto the market.

Such scams are always inevitable, but I think everyone here is intelligent enough to see those scammers bulls***.

I still feel bad for anyone that does fall for them though.

The top hat for the minfig will make it easier to detect

You are so right. "Mr. Good & Evil" from the current Series 9 was one of the easiest to find simply cause of that tophat.

Finding this "Mr. Gold" solely on feel will be easy as pie. Finding him in the first place though is gonna be a b***h.

one in each case!!

You must have misread the page in the image (lousy low resolution), it says that "He is very rare and the only figure that can't be found in every case of Minifigure bags."

mmmm.... awkward. i did misread that.

Haha it's all good, we all make mistakes. Earlier this evening I said a $130 set was $200, and I wasn't under the influence of drugs or alcohol.......

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