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Why so serious? Have a laugh!: The Darth Raichu show

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I need a shower after that hahahaha.

Yeah really. "Hey dude, you're talking to the wrong end!" xD Reminds me of that one Spongebob episode where Sandy went to wrestle that worm but found out what she was fighting was just the tongue and the cave was the worm!

You might be a dweeb if... you remember that episode...

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You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't wipe your friends under the cushion of your couch.

Have a similiar one that starts out like that, it goes.

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose."

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Who says you cant pick your friends nose??

Ha ha.

Speaking of nose pickers, anyone ever hear of the guy that died because he was doing just that? Trying to remember it all but basically this man was driving down the freeway to work or from work 'digging for gold' along the way. All of a sudden a car from the other lane swerved into his lane and the two cars crashed head on which caused his buried nose finger to get pushed up into his nasal cavity and skull. The finger bone pierced his brain like a spear and killed him instantly.

Who know picking your nose could kill ya?

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Here are a couple of cartoons starring one of my all time favorite characters, Droopy. They were before my time but still some of the best stuff ever done. Tex Avery was someone that truly reveled in what you could do in a cartoon and used that to full effect with his style of humor. He even had a character say "In a cartoon, you could do most anything."


This was the very first animated short he appeared in along with Avery's other character simply titled, the Wolf. In the beginning, Droopy was nameless and called Happy Hound. It took until his fifth cartoon before the name of Droopy came about.

The semi-sorta continuation of the prior.

Just another one I remembered. I still love the TIM *crash* ber.... gag!

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Now I might actually watch some of TOK's video posts. :P 

Wait, now you might?! :wacko: Well all I'm going to say on that is you've missed a lot of good stuff. Just sayin'. Speaking of which, I went through the whole thread and edited my old posts so they have the clip embedded into the post so (heaven forbid) you need to click on the link and go to youtube. Man, I'm pooped. post-2081-0-95043700-1369796423.gif


Coincidently, I learned that you can only post a maximum of three six videos into a reply. You can still put a ton of links that go elsewhere but as for embedded players, it seems three six is the limit. Anything more and the posted link is just plain text and doesn't do anything.

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