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  • 4 weeks later...

Oy, I had to look up TLA. A three-letter acronym that stands for....three-letter acronym. :scratchhead: ....That seems confusingly redundant.

Couldn't that also be interpreted as a two-letter acronym?

  • Like 1

Couldn't that also be interpreted as a two-letter acronym?

Ten Letter Acronym!

Or twenty or thirty.

Does anyone know of one instead of random letters?


Oh my god Epic Dragon Battle is continuing to remain?

How did you get that? I could only get Oh my God Epic Dragon Battle. The rest was a mystery to me.

I honestly have no idea what the ICTR is. My first guess was actually "is counting towards retirement" but that sounds off just the same.
  • 3 weeks later...

What is f5?


F5 is the standard keyboard key that can refresh your browser.  Sometimes when retailers get low on stock, folks will F5 (refresh) over and over to see if it pops in stock as orderable.


to be complete: 


With the recent realization of how to read the date codes on the box seals I thought it could be of some value if we had the known codes listed in one place. If anyone pays attention to this thread could a MOD who enjoys playing with Excel (Grolim) make a table?

It appears as if the codes on the box seals can be read as follows
45R4 where 45 is the 45th week of year ending in a 4 or 2014.
The meaning of the letter is still unknown at this time.


Not sure if it evolved since then. We know what the letter means?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello fellow BP community members - I've been following the 'Retiring Soon' chat and have been coming back and forth to the Terms and Acronyms pages to refresh my memory on what they all mean.  To make things easier - here is the list from above, along with all I could find in the discussions I follow, plus a few new sets.

3E = Maersk Line EEE (10241) see EEE

AA = Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout (10937)

AC = Advent Calendar (any theme)

AFOL = Adult Fan of Lego

ALE = Adult Lego Enthusiast - an easier to pronounce alternative to AFOL

B&M or B+M = Brick and Mortar - stores that have a door you walk through to purchase your LEGOs

B&N = Barnes & Noble - Book Store Franchise that sells select Lego, primarily Architecture

BC = Batcave (6860)

BD = Boeing 787 Dreamliner (10177)

BF = Black Friday

BI = Building Instructions

BL = Bricklink(Largest online LEGO store for new/used parts and sets)

BOGO = Buy One Get One - usually a percentage discount on the second item purchased or BOGO = Buy One Get One Free - purchase two items for the price of one

BP = Black Pearl (4184)

BP = Brick Picker (you)

Brickipedia = Another awesome LEGO resource site.

Brickset = Top notch LEGO website with LEGO set data, reviews and new information

CAD = Computer Aided Design

CC = Cafe Corner (10182)

CC = Cloud City (10123 or otherwise)

CCP = Cloud Cuckoo Palace (70803)

CMF = Collectible Mini Figures (any series)

CS = Customer Support - talk to TLG on the phone!

CUUSOO = A Japanese partner of the LEGO Group. They work with the LEGO Group to produce community supported sets. If an idea submitted to the website gains 10,000 (originally 1000) supporters, it stands a chance of being produced as an official LEGO product.

CW = The Clone Wars (Star Wars)

DA = Diagon Alley (10217)

DC = Dolphin Cruiser (41015)

DDC = Double-Decker Couch (70818)

DO = Detective's Office (10246)

DS = Death Star (10188 or otherwise)

EDB = Epic Dragon Battle (9450)

EEE = Maersk Line EEE (10241)

EN = Emerald Night (10194)

EOL = End of Line. Basically, when a set is retired from Primary Market.

ESB = Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Episode

ET = Eiffel Tower (10181)

EU = Euro or European Union

EV = Ewok Village (10236)

F-Mixer or F/Mixer = Fairgrounds Mixer - see FM

FA = For Auction.

FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions.

FB = Fire Brigade (10197)

FG = Fairground (theme or in general) as in FG:FM, FG:FW (*new)

FH = Farnsworth House (21009)

FM = Fairground Mixer (10244)

FS = For Sale.

FS/T, FSOT = For Sale or Trade.

FT = For Trade.

FW = Fallingwater (21005)

FW = Ferris Wheel (10247) (*new)

FWIW = For What It's Worth

GC = Gift Card

GC = Grand Carousel (10196)

GE = Grand Emporium (10211)

GG = Green Grocer (10185)

Greebles = Pseudo-technical detail added to a LEGO creation to enhance its appearance, frequently seen in LEGO space and mecha creations.

HD = The Battle of Helm's Deep (9474)

HE = Horizon Express (10233)

HH = Haunted House (10228)

HP = Harry Potter (in general)

IJ = Indiana Jones (in general)

IMHO = In my honest opinion

IMO = In my opinion

ISD = Imperial Star Destroyer (10030), microfighter (75030), etc.

JP = Jabba's Palace (9516 or otherwise)

LM = The Lonely Mountain (79018)

LTOP = Leaning Tower of Pisa (21015)

MC = Minecraft (in general)

MC = Mini Cooper MK VII (10242)

MF = Millenium Falcon (7965, 75030, 10179 or otherwise)

MF = Monster Fighters theme

MM = Mini Modulars (10230)

MOC = My Own Creation - Lego fans build their own sets

MS = Market Street (10190)

MSC = Metalbeard's Sea Cow (70810) - see Sea Cow

MSRP = Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price

MrskLCS = Maersk Line Container Ship (10155) (*proposed ???)

MrskSCS = Maersk Sealand Container Ship (10152) (*proposed ???)

MrskTrn = Maersk Train (10219) (*proposed ???)

OH = Olivia's House (3315)

OOS = Out Of Stock - status on Lego SAH, often as OOS 30 days

OT = Original Trilogy - Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, 6

PC = Palace Cinema (10232)

PEE = Painting Easter Eggs (40121)

PR = Parisian Restaurant (10243)

PS = Pet Shop (10218)

PSA = Pirate Ship Ambush (79008)

QAB = Quinjet Aerial Battle (6869)

QAR = Queen Anne's Revenge (4195)

QFLL = Quck Flip Low Life

R2 = R2-D2 (10225 or otherwise)

R5 = Red Five X-Wing Starfighter (10240)

RI = Research Institute (21110)

ROI = Return On Investment

ROTJ = Return Of The Jedi, Star Wars

RRP = Recommended Retail Price

S-house or S/House = Simpson House - see SH

S1 = Slave I (75060 or otherwise)

LEGO Shop at Home = Lego Shop At Home - see SAH

SA = Shuttle Adventure (10213)

SAH = Lego Shop At Home

SC = Sopwith Camel (10226)

SC = Star Wars Sandcrawler UCS (75059)

SCMF = Simpsons Collectable MiniFigures

SD = Slickdeals.net

SD = Super Star Destroyer (10221) - see SSD

SE = Shuttle Expedition (10223)

SH = Super Heros theme

SH = The Simpsons House (71006)

SL = Statue of Liberty (3450)

SOH = Sydney Opera House (10234 or 21012)

SOP = Sydney Opera House see SOH

SSD = Super Star Destroyer (10221)

SW = Santa's Workshop (10245) see SWS

SW = Star Wars (in general)

SWS = Santa's Workshop (10245)

Sea Cow = Metalbeard's Sea Cow (70810) - see MSC

SoL = Statue of Liberty (3450)

T1 = Volkswagon T1 Camper Van (10220)

TB = Tower Bridge (10214)

TF = TIE Fighter (75095-UCS and the like) (*new)

TH = Town Hall (10224)

TLA = Three Letter Acronym - too many of these!

TLC = The LEGO Company - see TLG

TLG = The LEGO Group - The preferred term to use. See http://www.brickwiki.info/wiki/TLC_vs_TLG

TLM = The Lego Movie (series or in general)

TM = Taj Mahal (10189)

TOOS = Tempporarily Out Of Stock - a status on Lego SAH

TRU = Toys R Us

TT = The Tumbler (76023)

Taj = Taj Mahal (10189)

ToO = Tower of Orthanc (10237)

Tumbler = The Tumbler (76023) - see TT

UCS = Ultimate Collector Series (Star Wars or otherwise)

UG = An Unexpected Gathering (79003)

UN = United Nations (21018)

USR = Ultra Sonic Raider (9449)

VB = Volkswagon Beetle (10187)

VC = Vampire Castle (9468)

VIP = points you want to accumulate as a Lego Very Important Purchaser

W-House = White House - see WH

WH = White House (21006)

WM = WalMart

WV = Winter Village (theme)

WVB = Winter Village Bakery (10216)

WVC = Winter Village Cottage (10229)

WVM = Winter Village Market (10235)

WVPO = Winter Village Post Office (10222)

WVTS = Winter Village Toy Ship (10199)

YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

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