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Jurassic World 2015


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Anyone else notice the major retailers seem to be trickling these sets every couple days?

I really doubt there is much of a shortage on the smaller sets. I am convinced Lego is just routing their inventory to the big box stores. The ones that are hard to find, and always has been are IR and RE.

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I managed to find 30 RE from a few WM in my area. And I grabbed the last 3 IR from the Lego store as well. WM had plenty of the the other sets, from the cheapest to T-Rex.

OK, so its a rare occurance.

It seems that through September and into October, many Canadian members reported seeing RE everywhere, whereas it had been gone from US Walmarts in July or August.

Its funny though how 4-5 posts can be extrapolated into representative fact for entire nations :)

I've only seen Raptor Escape 3 times up here and I cleaned them out the last 2 times. I think we're quite similar.

OK, so the post at the top is what i'm talking about. 

THIRTY!!!!!!!!!!! that's very different that anything in the US.

Mr. Tacsniper, can you please share the seal codes? Also, congrats!

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Keep it that way! I'm hoping to ship quite a few sets in and around Ontario. It simply wouldn't do if folks could go to a local B&M store to get JW sets...

It's hard work but someone has to. All of my sales have been to out West as it happens. It is dinosaur country out there I suppose.

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I don't believe LEGO is shipping any of these to WM.  These are sitting at various WM distribution sites and have for a while.   If you can befriend a night worker, you can ask them to scan an item's tag and have them order for you.  There's a lady at the closest Walmart to me that has done this a couple of times.  She simply scans the tag, puts how many I ask her to order, and gives me a ballpark day that they should arrive.  I say night worker because the days can be hectic and nights boring.  Usually, night people love an excuse to stop putting things on shelves and help a person out.  It breaks the monotony I suppose.  It doesn't hurt that this particular employee has a grandson that loves LEGOs and she wants to get him a couple of the sets for Christmas.

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The most up-to-date seal code is 37R5, which is on 2 RE I cleared from a local WM on Oct 11.

Right now I have 5 RE, 4 RR, 2 TT and 2 RI. These sets are really get in my nerves because these are all acquired by MSRP.

I don't think you have anything to worry about... I am sure there are many on here holding much more at MSRP. Just don't hold too many 75915,6,7,8 at this time. I do expect Lego to honour their 'check back in feb' statement on it's website ;)

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The funny thing is on my app on my phone it showed out of stook at every store but on my tablet it was showing up in Stock for about 6 stores. I didn't trust it but went to the stores and they were there. I cleaned them all out but some are still showing in Stock. I did call the one store and he said none were there that showed in Stock so hit or miss. I have sold the 15 or so I got because that is only set I have good stock of. 

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The funny thing is on my app on my phone it showed out of stook at every store but on my tablet it was showing up in Stock for about 6 stores. I didn't trust it but went to the stores and they were there. I cleaned them all out but some are still showing in Stock. I did call the one store and he said none were there that showed in Stock so hit or miss. I have sold the 15 or so I got because that is only set I have good stock of. 

What are you accessing on both devices?  WM app?  Stock tracker?  If so, which one?

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It's hard work but someone has to. All of my sales have been to out West as it happens. It is dinosaur country out there I suppose.

Funny you should say that...the last two IRs I sold were sent to AB. $269 shipped each. Since they came from the London Drugs 20% off sale (plus $10 off my order) I'm pretty happy with that return. At first my wife blanched at the double digit IRs coming into the house, but unless a major restock hits in the next few weeks I think she'll end up pleased.

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Funny you should say that...the last two IRs I sold were sent to AB. $269 shipped each. Since they came from the London Drugs 20% off sale (plus $10 off my order) I'm pretty happy with that return. At first my wife blanched at the double digit IRs coming into the house, but unless a major restock hits in the next few weeks I think she'll end up pleased.

Which platform are you guys using to sell in Canada?

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Jurassic World has totally gone from Lego.com (Australia) . Theme has gone .Nothing comes up when you type in Jurassic World in the search engine, and nothing comes up when you type in the individual sets. And nothing comes up when you search top sellers. Why wouldn't they just say "Check back in _______" for availability - say in March or Feb.  Have they pulled other themes in the past like that? Maybe they are not bringing it back to Australia. 

Edited by Ryan Junior
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So I ordered 4 IR from target last week when it blipped into stock. They are sending three, one has been delayed. Will be interesting to see if they get any more. I won't mind not getting the 4th if it truly dries up everywhere. 

Starting to wonder how these Jurassic sets will do at xmas. I have to think most (if not all) of what has come into stock for the past month has goes to resellers.

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