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Jurassic World 2015


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Ohh well, i'm in this mostly for the long term.  

This site dose set some bad precedence, and we are all guilty in a sense.  But, as we have seen multiple times this year, next year could be a very interesting time to even think of "investing".  This year, more and more "loop holes" were closed, and i'd suspect next year the tightening will continue making investing even harder on many fronts.   Just look at how B&N went from being a good place to land higher end sets a few times a year with their coupons/discounts to now becoming one of the worst places to go into because everything lego is excluded.  Target also start getting more stringent against resellers, and there's a large thread on that.  Now that lego b&m's are limiting purchases, it's only going to get more stringent, and things like that don't help.  I get some of it. .  you're in the moment, dollar signs of making 5.00 on each one of those sets are flashing in the mind, so you rush up to the table with them all.  But in the end, as more and more people act like that.  It triggers a response by the retailers to combat that, and that response ends up in a sense making it harder to even go in there once every few weeks and buy a few more (not 20, but maybe like 1 of each) to add to your stock over time, because they'll start tagging every purchase you make not only at one store, but all stores and online.  The systems can already do this...  

I think we've all said it before.  The best approach is under the radar - low and slow.

Edited by fossilrock
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Look at all that stock... prices are going to tank in the coming weeks...

Yep, reseller numbers have gone up about 30% this past week on amazon, and on ebay as well.  Prices have also fallen again.  Seems like the continuous cycle until the stock officially dries out and the last of the restock bursts are finished.

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I think selling JW sets now is a huge mistake, I have 25 of the 75919 set, and will be getting more, unless you need the money don't sell.

But Ed, you're missing on the QFLL'ing them!!!

Seriously, though, those that are talking about selling now are worried that their QFLL profits are going to tank.  They're not even thinking about long term buy and hold for investment.

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do they ban at B&M store? 

They ban accounts.  It isn't as simply as "B&M" or "online."  I'm sure the totality of the purchase history is taken into consideration.

mfortunek is correct.  Lego takes into account your entire purchase history.  We've been able to piece together that it has to do with every way they can to track you - name on credit card, address, VIP account.

You will sometimes see people suggest walking into the store without a VIP card, and without a credit card, buying the max limit, and paying cash.  That's the only way for Lego not to track your purchase.

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 they know its a business and the stuff is there to sell.


I wold not worry so much anymore with what lego continues to do. Winter soldier being sold in a true b&m is just another example of this being a business.  They had thousands of those left during the promo. They would not sell them as "they are not allowed to sell promos".   Guess that changed as well.  

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Guest betsy805

yone else notice the lack of this theme on SAH? Might be a glitch using mobile device.

not just mobile...I'm on a pc and it's not listed as one of their themes today.  I can still search for the individual sets, but if I try to then access the theme it bumps me back to the home page

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not just mobile...I'm on a pc and it's not listed as one of their themes today.  I can still search for the individual sets, but if I try to then access the theme it bumps me back to the home page

Entirely possible this is a glitch. But I don't think so. I think it's intentional by Lego. Lego doesn't want to advertise (website, catalog or in store) things it can't deliver for the holiday season. It isn't going to have these available for shoppers and it's smarter and safer to just ghost the line for the time being.

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I wouldn't put too much stock into any weirdness at LEGO Shop at Home. That website is constantly having issues.

normally I agree but this time I actually think it might be intentional.  

there are zero sets from this theme in stock or available from _ANY_ retailer but sporadic sightings on amazon and target going into the holiday selling season.

imagine all the pi$$ed off parents and grandparents calling up trying to buy these for holiday gift giving and being told that they aren't available and they don't know when they will be available and are instead being referred to ebay or amazon resellers where the prices are all double MSRP and more.

If I were LEGO and I couldn't deliver these by Xmas but wasn't going to retire the theme, I'd pull the theme link down to avoid thumbing the nose of their loyal customers showing them the things they want that they can't have this year (at msrp).


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If I were LEGO and I couldn't deliver these by Xmas but wasn't going to retire the theme, I'd pull the theme link down to avoid thumbing the nose of their loyal customers showing them the things they want that they can't have this year (at msrp).


 What would you do if you were LEGO and couldn't deliver these by Christmas and WAS going to retire the theme?

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 What would you do if you were LEGO and couldn't deliver these by Christmas and WAS going to retire the theme?


Have it go to SOLD OUT.  

I don't think this theme is retiring.  I don't know why TLG can't get it together to meet the demand but I'm happy to profit.

Edited by cladner
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Hypothetically speaking say this line is done which sets would be the winners?  I know RE has always been the one that was the hardest to pickup but after that i guess the IR, TRex, RR, what about the two smaller sets or would you just concentrate on having the four mentioned?   The two small sets have always been the ones on the shelves at TRU and Walmart when I have rarely seen them.   

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Hypothetically speaking say this line is done which sets would be the winners?  I know RE has always been the one that was the hardest to pickup but after that i guess the IR, TRex, RR, what about the two smaller sets or would you just concentrate on having the four mentioned?   The two small sets have always been the ones on the shelves at TRU and Walmart when I have rarely seen them.   

I predict the $20 JW set will do great. Last Christmas, there was window where Minecraft The Cave was the highest ROI of all the MC sets. I have a hunch 75915 will perform better than expected in December. I built it this week, and my 5 year old is having a blast with the net shooting helicopter. Playability is strong with this one.

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I believe RE and RR.  Kids LOVE the raptors and I believe more people will be able to afford the secondary prices of those two than those who can afford the IRex and Trex.  Which leads me to believe 915 and 916 will be good flippers as well given they should fall in that $45-$70 range.  All guestimates of course.  As far as 'hard to find', in my experience, it's not even close; RE.  

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