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Just got a message from LSH to inform me that the 2 sets of RR that I ordered will NOT be shipping due to the demand exceeding their expectation and that the set is no longer available. Glad I picked up 4 more of these at the local B&M store this weekend. Ordered them on Oct 2nd when they blinked back in Im guessing.

I'm still waiting for folks to report what seal codes are on the REs they receive this week too.

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Just got a message from LSH to inform me that the 2 sets of RR that I ordered will NOT be shipping due to the demand exceeding their expectation and that the set is no longer available. Glad I picked up 4 more of these at the local B&M store this weekend. Ordered them on Oct 2nd when they blinked back in Im guessing.

But that can't be.  There's a massive restock coming, and these will be available in mass until 2017!  Well shooot...

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There was a child and parent behind me today in the TRU line while checking out (had 2 RR's in my hands) and the kid tells his mother he really wants JW Lego for X-mas. She was like: "well ok, don't you worry Santa will get them" Poor little Timmy, mother probably doesn't even know a shortage is coming! And no i did not take these over letting a kid have them, i left 1 RR on the shelf, and a bajaliion Pterodactyls :P

In other news a local TRU had 2 fresh cases of IR, all 38r5 codes (everything else was still 31-33r5). Did some Bricktober magic on some of em to soften the blow.

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There was a child and parent behind me today in the TRU line while checking out (had 2 RR's in my hands) and the kid tells his mother he really wants JW Lego for X-mas. She was like: "well ok, don't you worry Santa will get them" Poor little Timmy, mother probably doesn't even know a shortage is coming! And no i did not take these over letting a kid have them, i left 1 RR on the shelf, and a bajaliion Pterodactyls :P

In other news a local TRU had 2 fresh cases of IR, all 38r5 codes (everything else was still 31-33r5). Did some Bricktober magic on some of em to soften the blow.

I'm sure one of us would be happy to make little Timmy's Christmas dream come true...for the right price.  :devil:

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No matter what the seal code is, at this point we will be wiping this set out if we see it on the shelve. Unless WM start having unlimited supply of this set, otherwise it will remain "hard to find" for little Timmy

I couldn't resist and wiped out pretty much every set in my geographical area from RE size up. I got some strange looks..but the recent cancelled orders and lack of ordering capability have me sold on the fact that TLG can't get enough of these to retailers before the holidays. I've surmised that when stock was at OOS, ship in 30 days, they got enough orders to convince them to shut it down. Even worse than not being able to order it from S&H would be parents ordering it and then not getting it until the new year. I wonder how many orders they would have gotten during 2x VIP + train and Black Friday gingerbread house promo...

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I was planning to go hard on IR and RE (if orderable) during 2x VIP and lots for the train and gingerbread promo... but thats moot now unless we can order again.

I'd be surprised to see it back for the train promo. Possibly some stock for Black Friday, but current trends suggest the horde would devour that stock. Not to mention parents who want these sets under the tree this year.

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What i'm starting to like is the number of resellers on amazon are depleting rather quickly.  Most of these sets were hovering around 130 sellers or so about a month ago when that other wave of restock hit at many sites.  At that point, I started to get a little bit of the fear that things were going to take forever to move up.  Now some of these sets that haven't been back in stock in high numbers have dropped in sellers quite a bit. So, obviously there have been brisk sales on these over the last month.  Those sitting on DA's, IR's, RE's, and GT's are sitting pretty, if there is no more substantial restock, because all of those sets don't have more than 70 resellers.  RR, and Trex are still quite high, but that's ok.   Raptor Escape has thinned quite a bit over the last month, and it's price is finally about to break a 100.  I'd suspect it to thin even more when Amazon's holiday sales criteria kicks in, and it will be over 130 quite quickly (3x baby)..  

When you weigh these vs sets like petshop, red5, ds, etc, all that currently have over 150 resellers, I think it bodes well for long term value.  

The real question is it worth even flipping these for christmas? 


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What i'm starting to like is the number of resellers on amazon are depleting rather quickly.  Most of these sets were hovering around 130 sellers or so about a month ago when that other wave of restock hit at many sites.  At that point, I started to get a little bit of the fear that things were going to take forever to move up.  Now some of these sets that haven't been back in stock in high numbers have dropped in sellers quite a bit. So, obviously there have been brisk sales on these over the last month.  Those sitting on DA's, IR's, RE's, and GT's are sitting pretty, if there is no more substantial restock, because all of those sets don't have more than 70 resellers.  RR, and Trex are still quite high, but that's ok.   Raptor Escape has thinned quite a bit over the last month, and it's price is finally about to break a 100.  I'd suspect it to thin even more when Amazon's holiday sales criteria kicks in, and it will be over 130 quite quickly (3x baby)..  

When you weigh these vs sets like petshop, red5, ds, etc, all that currently have over 150 resellers, I think it bodes well for long term value.  

The real question is it worth even flipping these for christmas? 


I am pretty confident Emazers and others with access to the wholesale forms know JW sets aren't being retired (except for RE, perhaps, definitely, maybe) and will be orderable in the new year. Little gamble to try and sell them between now and Christmas. If there is a big restock, sets can always be returned, and if they don't restock I don't know if the hoarders even have enough stock to satiate the Xmas market.

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What i'm starting to like is the number of resellers on amazon are depleting rather quickly.  Most of these sets were hovering around 130 sellers or so about a month ago when that other wave of restock hit at many sites.  At that point, I started to get a little bit of the fear that things were going to take forever to move up.  Now some of these sets that haven't been back in stock in high numbers have dropped in sellers quite a bit. So, obviously there have been brisk sales on these over the last month.  Those sitting on DA's, IR's, RE's, and GT's are sitting pretty, if there is no more substantial restock, because all of those sets don't have more than 70 resellers.  RR, and Trex are still quite high, but that's ok.   Raptor Escape has thinned quite a bit over the last month, and it's price is finally about to break a 100.  I'd suspect it to thin even more when Amazon's holiday sales criteria kicks in, and it will be over 130 quite quickly (3x baby)..  

When you weigh these vs sets like petshop, red5, ds, etc, all that currently have over 150 resellers, I think it bodes well for long term value.  

The real question is it worth even flipping these for christmas? 


fossil rock I'll say this I have a fairly substantial restock for me coming in and at the moment I am planning to not sell anything until Black Friday or after.

will see what things bring by then and I could change but plan not to

I agree the question is not should I sell now or sell at Christmas

the question is should I sell at Christmas or hold longer even if there are more strong waves to restock which I am beginning to doubt when the Christmas velocity meets Jurassic World Christmas wishes the two supply and demand will head in complete opposite directions

was able to get a good chunk of GT through BC from a friend who was too kind and very glad about that I let all of mine go at 15 to 20 bucks a piece and should have held some back

in the mean time I continue to watch Jurassic World most every night and think about how much I enjoy the movie, the sets, and the potential sales


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