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Jurassic World 2015


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That's fine for those of you living in large metro areas and you can hit multiple lego stores, targets, walmarts and tru's in an hour, every day when you choose to.  Not exactly the same for those of us that just have a couple walmarts within a half hour drive, but little else.  We all make lifestyle choices. Some choose to live in large metro markets, and some choose to live away from that.  Honestly, targets, tru's, and lego stores are not just out the door and easy to get in just a quick few minutes.  It's a half day commitment for me to go lego hunting, and so 80% of what I buy is online..  For sets like Trex/ir/rr, that's a little bit possible, because you can snag those online almost on a daily basis ... Although not very desirable at current price points.  For sets like Raptor Escape, I don't have the time for that because they won't be back in my area. 

My strategy is simply, buy the sets when they are mostly available and at a discount and hold them for 2 years.  For Jurassic World, I made the decision to get my desired allotment as early as I could, once I realized how hard they were to find in the stores.  Once I hit it.. I'm content.  Like I said, I make more money doing IT work than I ever could toy flipping.  Plus, the area I live in limits me from being the worlds largest and coolest toy scalper on the planet.

Raven can continue on with his passive agressive snide comments towards me all he wants... but I don't care.  I'm content.

You're missing the point. The issue (at least MY issue) is you implying everyone else is wrong if they're not doing what you're doing...and that's patently false.

I'm not mad about it, but we're all here voluntarily...we could at least try to get along.

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You're missing the point. The issue (at least MY issue) is you implying everyone else is wrong if they're not doing what you're doing...and that's patently false.


I'm not mad about it, but we're all here voluntarily...we could at least try to get along.

I don't think he's doing that. In fact, i'm the one who today stirred the pot by implying HE was wrong that they're all gone and headed to retirement early (aka before Christmas).

Personally i do think the Raptor Escape is gone, but i think i've seen lots of restocks on every other set since then, multiple times. Will the shelves be full for Christmas? I think they'll continue to ship them, and kids and resellers will continue to wipe them out predicting them as a hot Christmas item. But i don't think they're already gone. IT will just FEEL that way.




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I don't think he's doing that. In fact, i'm the one who today stirred the pot by implying HE was wrong that they're all gone and headed to retirement early (aka before Christmas).

Personally i do think the Raptor Escape is gone, but i think i've seen lots of restocks on every other set since then, multiple times. Will the shelves be full for Christmas? I think they'll continue to ship them, and kids and resellers will continue to wipe them out predicting them as a hot Christmas item. But i don't think they're already gone. IT will just FEEL that way.


I still think keeping the raptor escapes I purchased and not falling victim to the quick flipping mentality was still a good move.  Yes, I could have been "in for 5 more" on lego.com during that small phase where they were supposed to ship they had a "will ship in 2+ weeks" mark before they went to sold out, but i'm content.  And, yes, there is a risk of being banned by doing that... which then limits my options, since once again, I don't live near 2 lego stores, like you folks from Charlotte. 

Other than that small phase on lego.com, if you don't live near a lego store (which I dont, as the nearest one to me is 5 hours west of me), and all walmarts in a 100 mile radius are wiped clean, then how would one go about collecting more of them if you factor in gas, and driving time?  Please let me know what your strategy would be if you were in my boat? And no, moving to charlotte would not be one of them.


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Please let me know what your strategy would be if you were in my boat?

I don't live near 2 lego stores, like you folks from Charlotte.... And no, moving to charlotte would not be one of them.


...and I didn't say you "can" or should or that it's "reasonable to get more" or "financially feasible" given your situation/geography. I just don't think people who can are wrong for doing so. If they're content (your word) to resell for $3/ea. and it makes financial sense based on their geography and available time/spend/goals, then that's fine too. The funny thing is, I haven't flipped any of these nor do I have a shipping container full of them. I have a limited number of sets (disclosure: I did buy some $64 I-Rex the other day) that'll likely either sell at Christmas or hold until my kid starts college.

That's it, I'm done. Sorry for wasting the forum's time.

We have a new LEGO store opening in Charlotte next weekend if you'd like to visit....I'll buy you a beer. :beerhat:

Edited by themoose9
correcting douchbaggery (mine)
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I counted five...new record!!


Maybe he wasn't today and I tend to speak in generalizations....or maybe its just me.

Nah, I think the record was 8 with the old mobile app/forum. Five is pretty good with the new stuff... we've been bugging Jeff about it.

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Other than that small phase on lego.com, if you don't live near a lego store (which I dont, as the nearest one to me is 5 hours west of me), and all walmarts in a 100 mile radius are wiped clean, then how would one go about collecting more of them if you factor in gas, and driving time?  Please let me know what your strategy would be if you were in my boat? And no, moving to charlotte would not be one of them.


They have been available daily on WM.com since Sat if you wanted more.  Few clicks and repeat.  

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Now I know the feeling of "sit back, relax and watch the F5 show". 

Will big box stores run to Lego and cry about JW sets being OOS? Probably not. But if SW sets are OOS this Christmas, you bet the big box stores are going to run to Lego to demand products to fill the shelves. They can easily re-allocate the tiny JW shelf space with other Lego sets. The real question is, which sets will get priority at the production queue as we inch closer to the holiday season day by day.

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Just had an order of "RE" cancelled by Walmart, so if they are getting a new shipment, it's not soon.

If you don't mind me asking, when did you place that order?  I've had some weird stuff going on with my orders.  One order of 4 shipped with 2, and 2 separately/from a different location, I'm guessing.  And that order was placed a day after other orders I made.  Then my last order I made had 10 of 12 go into "backorder" status, then later, 1 of the remaining 2 got cancelled.  All the rest have done nothing.

Edited by I am Niko
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If you don't mind me asking, when did you place that order?  I've had some weird stuff going on with my orders.  One order of 4 shipped with 2, and 2 separately/from a different location, I'm guessing.  And that order was placed a day after other orders I made.  Then my last order I made had 10 of 12 go into "backorder" status, then later, 1 of the remaining 2 got cancelled.  All the rest have done nothing.

I wonder if they're doing the TRU thing of filling orders from stores? I've heard nothing about my outstanding orders though they aren't due to arrive until the 25th, I believe.

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Yesterday, the 13th.

By the way, who are you?

If it was just yesterday, then you might have just gotten in at the tail end.  I have ones still pending from the 10th.  Of course, my order that was half-fulfilled was from the 12th.

A few mods don't like when I discuss who I am, so I will politely refuse that question.

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That's fine for those of you living in large metro areas and you can hit multiple lego stores, targets, walmarts and tru's in an hour, every day when you choose to.  Not exactly the same for those of us that just have a couple walmarts within a half hour drive, but little else. 

True.  I just came back from a few days at Hershey Park and The Hotel Hershey.  Very nice...but there is nothing there...for miles.  I didn't see a Target or Walmart or any major big box store except for an old Kmart.  Some parts of the US just are not close to LEGO products and it is difficult to compete with people who have multiple major retailers in their areas.  

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