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Remember Monster Fighter 9465? Also released only a few months then gone... may be 75920 following the same path...

I can certainly believe that RE will drop off early, and may already be done.  Its a walmart exclusive, and LEGO has likely fulfilled their initial contract, and I suspect walmart is not likely to pay a premium to have them pump out more.  I do not think however that the entire line is done.  The real question is can LEGO catch up before christmas.

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I can certainly believe that RE will drop off early, and may already be done.  Its a walmart exclusive, and LEGO has likely fulfilled their initial contract, and I suspect walmart is not likely to pay a premium to have them pump out more.  I do not think however that the entire line is done.  The real question is can LEGO catch up before christmas.

They will definitely catch up, they're #1 in the industry for a reason.
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They will definitely catch up, they're #1 in the industry for a reason.

Can they catch up? Sure they can. They can do anything they want. They could flood the distribution chain with this line if they wanted to.

But where it gets interesting is, what would they have to put on the back burner to do this.  They don't have unlimited production capacity.

Are they at full capacity now?  I don't pretend to know, and I don't know how anyone outside of the company would.

Having the molds is one thing, having the hours in the day to run those molds is another. 

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this is purely my opinion;

based on last few lots from the lego store; and various sources its definite that the

#75920 is done. last seal code is 07R5 and 09R5 anyone having later than that please report. those are the seals i am seeing from walmart pickup i did back in June and current lot as well. looks like past LEGO Shop at Home restocks were just re-allocation nothing more. both seals on the side has date.

#75919 latest seal is 30R5. only one seal has code.

#75917 still waiting for my latest pickup to arrive so can't say for certain. but the one i got last week also had only one seal with code. everyone got restock except amazon.

#75916 amazon got the restock so likely possibility that its coming back. its surprising that walmart and target didn't get restock on this. so its going to be interesting to see how this unfold.

all the new deliveries with new dates i.e. the one i am seeing on #75919; #75917  has one seal with dates on it. {this is the first time i am seeing sets with only one seal with codes. usually it has been two on one side to have it}. these are directly from TLG (no middle man involved :) so can guarantee on the content and authenticity of the set } so i am going to say these are all repackages rather than a new run.

it seems to me that this line is done. my opinion no new run. Just repackages and stock re-allocation.

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#75920 is done. last seal code is 07R5 and 09R5 anyone having later than that please report. those are the seals i am seeing from walmart pickup i did back in June and current lot as well. looks like past LEGO Shop at Home restocks were just re-allocation nothing more. both seals on the side has date.


I have REs with 20R5s and 09R5s.


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#75920 is done. last seal code is 07R5 and 09R5 anyone having later than that please report. those are the seals i am seeing from walmart pickup i did back in June and current lot as well. looks like past LEGO Shop at Home restocks were just re-allocation nothing more. both seals on the side has date.

I agree with you re: RE being done.  FWIW, the S@H sets I received that were back ordered were the 09R5 codes.  The 20s came from BL.

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Seal codes does not matter anymore... the veterans has convinced me this theme is not going anytime soon. All sets will come back in full force because Lego spend millions on it. The best part, Walmart, ToysRUs, Target, KMart, Amazon will each get a container full of each set just to fill the demands. How do I know? Just pulled this out of thin air from reading all the debates and speculations on this forum :P

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Seal codes does not matter anymore... the veterans has convinced me this theme is not going anytime soon. All sets will come back in full force because Lego spend millions on it. And I believe Walmart, ToysRUs, Target, KMart, Amazon will each get a container full of each set just to fill the demands. How do I know? Just pulled this out of thin air from reading all the debates and speculations on this forum :P

I don't think RE is following the rest.
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They will definitely catch up, they're #1 in the industry for a reason.

Can they catch up? Sure they can. They can do anything they want. They could flood the distribution chain with this line if they wanted to.

But where it gets interesting is, what would they have to put on the back burner to do this.  They don't have unlimited production capacity.

Are they at full capacity now?  I don't pretend to know, and I don't know how anyone outside of the company would.

Having the molds is one thing, having the hours in the day to run those molds is another. 

I totally agree. I should have had "can" in my statement not "will" because I have know idea if they will do it but I know they can replenish if they really wanted to. I can't remember who posted it but they brought up a good point about rotating inventory supply. This makes a lot of sense since I don't believe TLG can keep inventory of everything all the time. At least one good indicator of this theory is the message about the Ewok village being available after Christmas. Obviously LEGO has a plan in place for the Xmas season and EV isn't part of it.
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My Walmart resetting their Lego aisles... saw these 2 planograms for this coming week that show the entire JW line (except 75919 I-Rex).  Also saw an interesting letter about the new arrangement in the Lego section.  Basically moving Star Wars up front (closest to the main aisle) to create a "valley of Star Wars" with Lego on one side of the aisle, action figures, etc on the other side.  It also noted that some Star Wars sets are "embargoed" until Sept 4th.



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My Walmart resetting their Lego aisles... saw these 2 planograms for this coming week that show the entire JW line (except 75919 I-Rex).  Also saw an interesting letter about the new arrangement in the Lego section.  Basically moving Star Wars up front (closest to the main aisle) to create a "valley of Star Wars" with Lego on one side of the aisle, action figures, etc on the other side.  It also noted that some Star Wars sets are "embargoed" until Sept 4th.


Ooohh, Star Wars aisle.  I might unbox one of those sleeping bags from aisle 17 and camp out.

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this is purely my opinion;

based on last few lots from the lego store; and various sources its definite that the

#75920 is done. last seal code is 07R5 and 09R5 anyone having later than that please report. those are the seals i am seeing from walmart pickup i did back in June and current lot as well. looks like past LEGO Shop at Home restocks were just re-allocation nothing more. both seals on the side has date.

#75919 latest seal is 30R5. only one seal has code.

#75917 still waiting for my latest pickup to arrive so can't say for certain. but the one i got last week also had only one seal with code. everyone got restock except amazon.

#75916 amazon got the restock so likely possibility that its coming back. its surprising that walmart and target didn't get restock on this. so its going to be interesting to see how this unfold.

all the new deliveries with new dates i.e. the one i am seeing on #75919; #75917  has one seal with dates on it. {this is the first time i am seeing sets with only one seal with codes. usually it has been two on one side to have it}. these are directly from TLG (no middle man involved :) so can guarantee on the content and authenticity of the set } so i am going to say these are all repackages rather than a new run.

it seems to me that this line is done. my opinion no new run. Just repackages and stock re-allocation.

so what you are saying based on the seal codes is there have been no new production runs...Yet...? And when new seal codes pop up then that means they made a new batch...nothing is indicating that they could not or would not make more they just havent yet...

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Just checked out Walmart.com to see if I could find any RE locally and it said available for pickup from the 20th August from all my local stores :(   Hope its just an error as I have 16 of them.....if they come back in full force I will return most of them to my local store I guess!  Got better sets to spend my money on.



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