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Jurassic World 2015


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My Lego store in Orange County CA has restocked of all but rapture escape.

I built the rapture escape I got from walmart  and it was missing one piece.  I wonder if others had the same thing happen.  I already reported to lego.  I wonder if this was systemic wide.



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I think there is no artificial scarcity here. On the other hand they might have underestimated demand for these sets (Lone Ranger anybody?) and scheduled too little production capacity for them, since capacity right now is probably used to crank out TFA sets en masse and LEGO did not want to risk capacity for only possible winners when they can produce 100% winner sets.

Therefore releasing only a limited amount first to scan the market is a viable strategy so later they can adjust production. However this is kind of risky with summer blockbusters since JW hype will be gone in about a month, so later batches probably will not sell as well.

Edited by inversion
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I think there is no artificial scarcity here. On the other hand they might have underestimated demand for these sets (Lone Ranger anybody?) and scheduled too little production capacity for them, since capacity right now is probably used to crank out TFA sets en masse and LEGO did not want to risk capacity for only possible winners when they can produce 100% winner sets.

Therefore releasing only a limited amount first to scan the market is a viable strategy so later they can adjust production. However this is kind of risky with summer blockbusters since JW hype will be gone in about a month, so later batches probably will not sell as well.

Let's not forget LEGO's designers kind of "mailed in" these sets. As one member put it, they looked as if they were designed on the way to the bathroom. I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea. LEGO has been burned by summer movie tie-ins before (Lone Ranger, Prince of Persia, etc.), so why take the risk? 

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My Lego store in Orange County CA has restocked of all but rapture escape.

I built the rapture escape I got from walmart  and it was missing one piece.  I wonder if others had the same thing happen.  I already reported to lego.  I wonder if this was systemic wide.

Mine was missing a piece from Barry's ATV.

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Has everyone seen all the fake Jurassic World sets on ebay . Too many listings for me to report . How do you all think this will affect our genuine Jurassic World lego sales . They are also selling the dinosaurs by themselves and dirt cheap? 

Don't worry about it, they don't have an effect on our market. I'm surprised our market hasn't been flooded by the initial wave.
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Has everyone seen all the fake Jurassic World sets on ebay . Too many listings for me to report . How do you all think this will affect our genuine Jurassic World lego sales . They are also selling the dinosaurs by themselves and dirt cheap? 

It will effect them, not as in your face on amazon. Flipping these sets was the tipping point of starting the move from eBay to amazon
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In my retail experience the plano grams were likely set over a month ago, they come from corporate.  They stores may adjust if no more sets come in, but often the major resets are not even done by store employees but by traveling employees or contractors who just follow what is on the paper.  LEGO and most stores do not really care about empty shelves in the Toy section right now.  Its back to school time, toy sales are slow.

As for JW, well I assume it will be back.  I also assume LEGO is pushing full production capacity into the force awakens right now.  Thus JW, Scooby, and other new sets may be scarce until October or November.  My prediciton is we will see a major restock of these around October.  By that time the SW shelves will be bare.  Then come November a major SW restock will hit.  So the real question is what stock will hit in December, more SW? or will smaller lines get heavy restocks.  There is almost no chance LEGO can keep everything on the shelves through December, and its likely they will push harder on SW than on JW and Scooby.  But like always quick flipping is a risky business.  JW may come back and by then the kids may not care.  the resellers may flood the market and buyers will be too bussy with SW to notice.

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In my retail experience the plano grams were likely set over a month ago, they come from corporate.  They stores may adjust if no more sets come in, but often the major resets are not even done by store employees but by traveling employees or contractors who just follow what is on the paper.  LEGO and most stores do not really care about empty shelves in the Toy section right now.  Its back to school time, toy sales are slow.

As for JW, well I assume it will be back.  I also assume LEGO is pushing full production capacity into the force awakens right now.  Thus JW, Scooby, and other new sets may be scarce until October or November.  My prediciton is we will see a major restock of these around October.  By that time the SW shelves will be bare.  Then come November a major SW restock will hit.  So the real question is what stock will hit in December, more SW? or will smaller lines get heavy restocks.  There is almost no chance LEGO can keep everything on the shelves through December, and its likely they will push harder on SW than on JW and Scooby.  But like always quick flipping is a risky business.  JW may come back and by then the kids may not care.  the resellers may flood the market and buyers will be too bussy with SW to notice.

This is why retired sets will always be my reselling bread and butter. 

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Do you think Lego would spend millions on License Fees, plus millions for the molds to make these sets just to have them out for a few months. They have struck gold with this series so don't be surprised if the sets go into 2016.

Millions for molds? Most are the same molds they have already.
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Stopped at a WM in MD on my way down to Florida and there was a girl completely reorganizing the Lego aisle with a couple pallets of Lego. She seemed knowledgeable and what I mean by that is she anticipated I was asking about JW sets when I said "can you check your stock for..." and told me that JW sold out very quickly (thanks for the update). 

She scanned the tags for a couple sets for me and said that she had 8 RE, 12 RR, 10 Dilo on order and that they should arrive in 3-5 days. Who knows if the order will actually fill though right.  She also had the shelf schematics all lying out and there were Definitely spaces for all the JW sets and the price stickers were already placed by her.

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Yep, most of these sets were nothing out of the ordinary from what they already had.  Other than unique head pieces for dilophosaurus, and IR, the molds were already done with the dino line.  Even the Dilophosaurus is mostly just a raptor mold, minus the change in the head.  Same with the IR as it's mostly just the trex mold.  The blue pieces and most of the parts they used in all the sets were very common. I guess, there are some uniqueness in the minifigures, but most of those parts are also in other sets.

We shall see.  I'm not saying they won't come back, but I don't think it's going to be a large restock.


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Well, "millions for molds" might not be the exact words, but new molds (even for some dinosaur heads) might cost $100K - $200K each (not certain about those numbers... I've been out of the industry for a while). Add in other tooling and fixtures for paint / hot stamp, handling, packaging, not to mention months of marketing / concept meetings, designer time, engineering meetings, manufacturing plans, packaging trials, product testing and certification.  A project like this could easily cost "millions".

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Well, "millions for molds" might not be the exact words, but new molds (even for some dinosaur heads) might cost $100K - $200K each (not certain about those numbers... I've been out of the industry for a while). Add in other tooling and fixtures for paint / hot stamp, handling, packaging, not to mention months of marketing / concept meetings, designer time, engineering meetings, manufacturing plans, packaging trials, product testing and certification.  A project like this could easily cost "millions".

Yes, without a doubt, but I think we can agree the designers didn't give JW their "million dollar effort." Lego easily spent more to design Ultra Agents. And unique molds? How about Chima? 

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