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Jurassic World 2015


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I've decided I need to be a better dad, and be a little more sensitive... he's just not ready for some things yet.

Like Children of the Corn? I don't remember how old I was, but I was probably 8 or 9. Now THAT was a scary movie for a kid!!

I haven't decided if my oldest (almost 8 ) is ready for JW...

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Like Children of the Corn? I don't remember how old I was, but I was probably 8 or 9. Now THAT was a scary movie for a kid!!

I haven't decided if my oldest (almost 8 ) is ready for JW...

Oh man. I was 11 when I watched Children of the Corn and I haven't watched it since!

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This is becoming a wild roller coaster ride of great uncertainty.  Yesterday, both IR and Trex were back in stock at lego.com.  I figured, great.. here we go again, and I resisted buying anymore, because the great uncertainty of these remaining in stock for a month or more hit me.  I figured, i'd at least wait till the end of the weekend, and if they were still in stock, I might snag at least one more IR, since that set I feel is going to do well.  This morning, back to OOS will ship in 30 days on both sets. 

At this point, it seems like IR, Trex, RR are at least available somewhere at any given time, but only last a few hours before they are gone again.  I know they have popped in and out of amazon, walmart, target, kmart, and lego.com over the last few days.  So, that makes me wonder, is this some new strategy to keep a set scarce, and moving?  Or are these really doing a dance.  It's so tough to say at this point.  I personally lean towards the dance.

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I'm beginning to think this is by design... which means it's not really #chaos.


I don't think it's a bad thing if it is by design.  Looks like they are also doing the same thing with Scooby, Ant Man, etc.. and will they also try this scarcity (but not really) strategy with Ep7?  It makes the game more fun, but then you are left wondering about the long term strategy if it is by design.. will it go on like this for another year, or ...two like this?   Or are these going to be a thing of the past by October.  If they are gone by October, those that hold are going to be sitting on some very lucrative sets.  However, if it goes past that, I say with each continual burst, the chance of many of these sets hitting 3x by next year diminishes.

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I don't think it's a bad thing if it is by design.  Looks like they are also doing the same thing with Scooby, Ant Man, etc.. and will they also try this scarcity (but not really) strategy with Ep7?  It makes the game more fun, but then you are left wondering about the long term strategy if it is by design.. will it go on like this for another year, or ...two like this?   Or are these going to be a thing of the past by October.  If they are gone by October, those that hold are going to be sitting on some very lucrative sets.  However, if it goes past that, I say with each continual burst, the chance of many of these sets hitting 3x by next year diminishes.

True. And TLG runs the risk of really angering their fan base and largest purchasers of sets (regardless of what our inflated egos on BPer might think): end users... kids... parents... grandparents... that's the only part of me that says "no way is this on purpose." 

It seems more like a "test the waters with a run and see what the reaction is" kind of thing. It bit LEGO, and us, in the hindquarters with Exo-Suit. Time will tell with the others.

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And TLG runs the risk of really angering their fan base and largest purchasers of sets (regardless of what our inflated egos on BPer might think): end users... kids... parents... grandparents... that's the only part of me that says "no way is this on purpose." 

I agree that this would be a weird business decision. The typical parent or grandparent is not gong to be popping in and out of stores or clicking refresh on websites just hoping these sets will come back in stock. They'll check a few stores, check a few websites, and move on if they don't find what they're looking for.

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Although artificial scarcity is a legit business practice by some (game consoles are a prefect example).  I doubt this is legos plan.  I suspect they just do not have the capacity to keep up with demand at the moment.  We saw this last year around christmas, and it will likely be even worse this year.  With the sheer number of sets being added, and so far not many being dropped, their are going to be shortages.  Themes like JW and Scooby will likely be hard to find through the rest of the year.  I suspect SW:FA production is taking up a lot of capacity at the moment, and that is one license they do not want to screw up.  It would not surprise me at all if come december shelves are loaded with SW, and JW and Scooby are nowhere to be found.

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Although artificial scarcity is a legit business practice by some (game consoles are a prefect example).  I doubt this is legos plan.  I suspect they just do not have the capacity to keep up with demand at the moment.  We saw this last year around christmas, and it will likely be even worse this year.  With the sheer number of sets being added, and so far not many being dropped, their are going to be shortages.  Themes like JW and Scooby will likely be hard to find through the rest of the year.  I suspect SW:FA production is taking up a lot of capacity at the moment, and that is one license they do not want to screw up.  It would not surprise me at all if come december shelves are loaded with SW, and JW and Scooby are nowhere to be found.

You could very much be right, and that's how i'm leaning towards how things will end up.  I just harken back to the days of the Prequel's, and how much stock flooded the retail outlets.  That bodes well for those of us that have some stock of JW and Scooby, though.

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I spoke to a toy manager at Walmart today.  She looked on her scanner and said that she has some of each of the Jurassic World sets on order.  I have no idea what the implications of that are.  Restock at all stores?  She said that even Raptor Escape was on order . . .

1. not sure how big your walmart store is where you went. not all stores carry $100+ sets. so even if they get most of them 75919 would be a scarce set. 

2. sets on order = "order to their corporate"

3. if walmart gets any then it would be for the entire chain.

I do know for the fact that walmart did get some within this week based on reports of shipping. i don't know how many they got. i haven't seen any availability @ their website but of course that don't mean squat. (since i may have missed them).

4. LEGO Shop at Home is shipping out RE furiously so i am assuming there would be lot coming down the pipe. 


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Well, lego.com is looking bleak lately.  Even Pteranodon Capture is now OOS will ship in 30 days.  The only set still in stock is Dilophosaurus Ambush, and the rest are way out on ship dates.  The two times this month most of these sets were in stock, they were only in stock for a few hours.  

Just because there is space, doesn't mean it's exactly making a comeback.   So, i'm skeptical.  My TRU manager is absolutely clueless when it comes to lego, and I don't even know how she has a job half the times.. Unless, you heard directly from them that they are coming in on a truck at a certain date, then i'd be a believer.  However, even on walmart.com there is no sign of a corporate wide ship date on any of these.  

Lego.com in the EU did have a minor restock this week, but each set only got about 200 new ones in inventory.  Nothing that i'd call substantial.


The biggest tear jerker in that photo isn't JW, but that Hobbit Dol Guldur Battle's are still sitting taking up space in your TRU too.  Will this set ever go away?

Edited by fossilrock
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The T Rex from Lego has seal 30R5 (end of July) that I received today, and this says will ship in 30 days. So is this July batch is already gone? The real key here is Christmas. If these stocks don't catch up soon, they will be most likely be cleaned out in Dec.

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