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Jurassic World 2015


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How does anyone know this?

jsut being observant.  Certain resellers speculated on this set early due to it being a WM exclusive and not available at other outlets like the other sets.  Set went to sold out status and was being sold on ebay  / amazon like Jais stated.  A few friends had already moved considerable amounts on both sites before the movie even hit.   Then it caught on here as well a few weeks ago.  Remaining stock gets depleted which was clearly witnessed on this site with everyones pics and stock counts.  Which backs up the stores were not selling them to end users like the other sets as they were still available to be purchased.    LEGO stores also went from limit 5 in store to limit 1 on this set about 3 weeks ago as certain exporters were buying them all up.  

Hence the statement a good portion of these went to resellers and not end users.

Sure the exact percentages are not known how many went to resellers versus end users but its pretty apparent to see by the patterns and stock levels of the set.


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How does anyone know this?

I would tend to agree with newbie77 with the sets disappearing online BUT when I was in the lego store, 80% of the customers were clammering around the JW section. It was all parents with their kids picking it clean. I was only there for a short time but it could be an indicator.
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jsut being observant.  Certain resellers speculated on this set early due to it being a WM exclusive and not available at other outlets like the other sets.  Set went to sold out status and was being sold on ebay  / amazon like Jais stated.  A few friends had already moved considerable amounts on both sites before the movie even hit.   Then it caught on here as well a few weeks ago.  Remaining stock gets depleted which was clearly witnessed on this site with everyones pics and stock counts.  Which backs up the stores were not selling them to end users like the other sets as they were still available to be purchased.    LEGO stores also went from limit 5 in store to limit 1 on this set about 3 weeks ago as certain exporters were buying them all up.  

Hence the statement a good portion of these went to resellers and not end users.

Sure the exact percentages are not known how many went to resellers versus end users but its pretty apparent to see by the patterns and stock levels of the set.


Interesting about the limits, I was able to grab 4 RE's, no questions asked.
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The lego toy line has been usurped by the resellers like us now. It is quite spectacular to watch. I have been buying and selling crap since the 80's (baseball cards, comics, action figures, beanie babies, Magic cards, Pokemon cards, Music score cds, etc) and the force of the lego collective is just huge. Any whiff of a set retirement starts the wheels churning and those sets get gobbled up within 24 hours. (brick and mortar included) I am just in Awe. I can easily see why Lego is king of toys right now when we all own 5 of each themed set. lol

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Interesting about the limits, I was able to grab 4 RE's, no questions asked.

yes people have been clamoring in store for sets, but not that particular set was my point.  That is why they were still available to be scooped up the past few weeks.  Most of the other sets IR, RR, and even Trex to an extent were sold out.  The 2 little sets did not sell well at any point and are still widely available.


Yes certain stores react to reseller patterns.  It happens on multiple sets.  Ant Man was another one recently they imposed in store limits on.  Eventually all JW in store went to limit 1.  Obviously each market will be different and some stores might have different limits / rules in place.


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Pretty much a short run now, 2 1/2 year hiatus, then start churning out the 2nd wave, while resellers unload the first wave for a small fortune.

JW sets should be available up until summer 2016 at least. Look at TLM sets, they're still around till this day!
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Should have looked at the kid and said "I don't have to wait till tomorrow.  Cause I'm a grownup and can do whatever I want."

Should have said "Timmy, your dad is hoping you forget about this $70 toy and ask for a 75 cent Snickers at the checkout lane."  Then give the set to Timmy's dad along with $80 cash (to cover taxes) and say "This is YOUR CHANCE for Timmy to own a T-Rex, don't mess it up.  And buy him a Snickers for the pain and suffering." 

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Should have said "Timmy, your dad is hoping you forget about this $70 toy and ask for a 75 cent Snickers at the checkout lane."  Then give the set to Timmy's dad along with $80 cash (to cover taxes) and say "This is YOUR CHANCE for Timmy to own a T-Rex, don't mess it up.  And buy him a Snickers for the pain and suffering." 

That brings me to something I saw recently.  I was in a store, and a grandmother was there with her grandson, and he was obviously there for his birthday, and they were hunting for a gift.  He wanted some ninjago set, but it was 90.00 and the grandmother kind of looked at it and freaked and said, "we can't do that one that's 90.00", but that's what he wanted.  I had all the coupons and probably could have got the set down to 55.00, and I seriously considered walking up to her and telling her all about Truth magic, and using gift cards, and offer to split the cost so he could buy his set... but I decided to just bite my tongue and not make a scene because there were a few others around.. but to this moment, I actually regret not doing that.  Regardless, this christmas season, I definitely will consider giving some ep7, scooby, and maybe a few JW sets to give to the childrens hospital and lower income kids.. 

I'm not on board with this disappearing any time soon either, just wishful speculating.

I was onboard for the LM and BOT5A sets going early too.  I was convinced what we are seeing with JW was going to happen with those sets.  The difference is that they probably would go like JW, if they were as popular since I don't think any of them were produced in great numbers. But they haven't blown out that fast, and that's why they are still relatively easy to get.  I'm sitting on quite a few LM's, and WKbattles at the moment, and I was almost sure that they would have been hard to find by now, but they are still around.  Although, they have started to sell out in Europe, and are also dwindling here in the states, but it's your typical slow phaseout, because demand isn't as hot as it is with JW.  But that's another movie based theme where they seemed to produce a limited amount and only saw a limited release.

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That brings me to something I saw recently.  I was in a store, and a grandmother was there with her grandson, and he was obviously there for his birthday, and they were hunting for a gift.  He wanted some ninjago set, but it was 90.00 and the grandmother kind of looked at it and freaked and said, "we can't do that one that's 90.00", but that's what he wanted.  I had all the coupons and probably could have got the set down to 55.00, and I seriously considered walking up to her and telling her all about Truth magic, and using gift cards, and offer to split the cost so he could buy his set... but I decided to just bite my tongue and not make a scene because there were a few others around.. but to this moment, I actually regret not doing that.  Regardless, this christmas season, I definitely will consider giving some ep7, scooby, and maybe a few JW sets to give to the childrens hospital and lower income kids.. 


I would have given them the 20/25% off coupon (without mentioning the magic trick) to knock the price down to at least $72.

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I would have given them the 20/25% off coupon (without mentioning the magic trick) to knock the price down to at least $72.

I'd be all like "Hey Grams, you want a hookup? Meet me in the parking lot and I'll flip you that set like a hot cake."   Then I'd post that I made some mad cash on my company bulletin board and everyone would know I was Bad Apple.

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 Regardless, this christmas season, I definitely will consider giving some ep7, scooby, and maybe a few JW sets to give to the childrens hospital and lower income kids..

^ This...I am glad that you made mention of this type of action. For the past few years I would take Lego on sale/clearance and would drop off to the Children's  Hospital here in town. However, I would always take my children along and make them deliver it with me. I would then remind them " that if they think they were having a bad day, just remember that some of these kids won't be going home for Christmas"...

It has always been a good learning  experience for my kids, humbling for me and the hospital gets a kick out of all the Lego. Not trying to toot my horn or to apply pressure to others, but I wish more people took this approach. Spot on, sir.

Edited by Kevink24
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^^ fossilrock and Kevink24, good work.

Continuing off topic real quick. I've been trying to buy a lot of the Turtles theme so I can share them with my nieces and nephews who don't have the basement of toys my daughter does. It's great to see the looks on their faces when they see me with sets, even if it's just with a small one like Karai Bike Escape. I've also been thinking about opening a place where kids can come in a just build Lego. I've been to the Downtown Disney store a few times and remember how crazy the kids go. It would be great to have something local here for the kids (and parents), to just hang out and build.

My daughter and I will definitely be donating some of our Lego this year. Maybe even a RE, just as long as they don't open it. 


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IR just went to OOS will ship in 30 days at lego.com.  I think that is the first time that has hit that.  Looks like there are currently around 30 left at TRU online.  

Who know how this is going to play out.. That makes 4 sets rather hard to obtain right now.  I think Trex tracker might come back online in a few days at lego.com, but it will probably be brief.  

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