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Jurassic World 2015


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Really though, Raptor Rampage is the only set with Owen or Claire, which seems odd to me.  It's also the only set that has any resemblance to an event in the movie. Spoilers ahead (though I don't know if there is anyone left that hasn't seen this movie) --- Helicoptor made no attempt to "capture" a Pteranadon.  Dilophosaurs set seems like the Newman scene from JP, T Rex Tracker...huh?  maybe JP 2.  Raptor Escape?  Nope..no raptors ever escaped.  IR, I guess you could say it "broke out" but it should really be called "Indominus Rex tricks people then runs really fast to the gate and gets through."

I am just being obtuse here, I think all the sets are great.  The Raptor Rampage is my favorite overall set, but I think these will all do well long term (as well as some short term).  As a matter of fact, if you have the Raptor Escape you should probably sell now.  For below retail.  On ebay.  Only after letting me know what your user name is, of course.

Respectfully disagree. (spoliers ahead!)

The Raptor Escape set is movie accurate in the sense that it captures a real location from the film (the raptor pen).

It has real details like the raptor face harnesses,

It has a real plot point, in that they show the unnamed feeder falling in. I think this was pretty memorable, and neat that they have a nod to it.

The Helicopter and Pteranadon............ did have an 'interaction' at least, but you're right it certainly wasn't a capture.

The Raptor Rampage is definately the best in that the vehicle, & plot point are spot on.


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Respectfully disagree. (spoliers ahead!)

The Raptor Escape set is movie accurate in the sense that it captures a real location from the film (the raptor pen).

It has real details like the raptor face harnesses,

It has a real plot point, in that they show the unnamed feeder falling in. I think this was pretty memorable, and neat that they have a nod to it.

The Helicopter and Pteranadon............ did have an 'interaction' at least, but you're right it certainly wasn't a capture.

The Raptor Rampage is definately the best in that the vehicle, & plot point are spot on.


Hmmm...but were they "escaping"? :)

Just giving everyone a hard time...I think that it is a great set (well...from what I have seen, as I do not own one.  I only have rampaging raptors at my house.).



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Just bought 5 IRex for 125$ CAD each, taxes and shipping included from a retail store in Canada. Those will be the only JW sets I will buy. Something's fishy...

I saw the movie earlier today (I know I'm late...) and I am not convince of the lasting power of the franchise. It's hot now, not so sure in 6 months. Maybe demand will increase later when the second film come out but there will be new sets and I am not sure people will care much about this year's set. Just my opinion.

Worst case scenario, I sell at MRSP (150$ CAD) and still make 25$/set.

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I landed 1 more very mint in the box RR.  Had a security tag on it, which sort of bummed me out, because I figure I might rip the box when removing the stickers.  But the technique of using a hairdryer on it to pull it off worked like a complete charm.  Forget who said to do that, but it worked.  If I can find 1 more RR, and 1 more DA (easy to find), I'll have 5 complete sets, 4 of which would be very mint with unblemished boxes, plus I have a few  extra trexs and raptor escapes on top of that ..  And so that's the point where I end my hunting game on Jurassic World and sit and wait out whatever storm approaches and move on to scooby doo and EP7.  So bring on the storm, whether it's positive or negative.

Edited by fossilrock
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7 hours since last post . Wow. I guess the focus has shifted to DS. Well tomorrow I'm going on a Jurassic World Lego Extinction Event. Meaning I am hoping to wipe RE out of my state. Have 9 RE, 4 Trex and 6 RR reserved. Just got some 14% GC for TRUTH for some IR at some local Toys RUs. 

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for what it is worth and my memory is not exact on this I think tru.com had about 450 last friday or satruday, 3 hundred and something yesterday and now 2 hundred and something.

it is not restocked it is going down.

do I think the entire line is done yet ? no

do I think 75920 is done ? possibly

am I investing into a line I like but had no intention of wanting to invest in at this time ? yes

is it a smart idea ? not sure

88 IR left at tru.com, selling pretty briskly at 140usd a piece although is it possible that in-store and online share the same inventory count? (in which case would expect this to sell out with TRUTH today)

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7 hours since last post . Wow. I guess the focus has shifted to DS. Well tomorrow I'm going on a Jurassic World Lego Extinction Event. Meaning I am hoping to wipe RE out of my state.  

LOL - I'm about to do the same thing.  After I get done cleaning up the remaining 2 Walmarts for which I've received "c'mon git her" emails,  I'm going over to LEGO store and snag a few.  I brought my special disguise so that they won't know I'm the same guy buying RE802923.jpg.


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Yes a full return is most likely.  The difference I see between it and the exo suit is that most of the people buying the first wave of JW sets were end users.  I think most of those exosuits bought in the firsts few weeks are still safely boxed up and sitting on a shelf (i know my 6 are!).  Most of the JW sets bought in the first few weeks were opened and built. 

I think a better comparison would be Cloud Cuckoo Palace and how that behaved directly after The Lego Movie came out.

i disagree.

Cloud Cuckoo was absorbed by the part-a-outers for the kitty and all those parts/minifigures.

most likely RE also was the same. to put in perspective, there are part-a-outer who are consuming about 150sets at a time. i have seen some names that have sold and uploaded about 450 of RE's so far. so even with low number of those i.e. about 6 of them its already 450*2+150*4=1500 sets.

i know the number look paltry but now combine all the small timers who are delving into 20-30 there are plenty of those. even at 30 of them that's another 1000. and come amazon and ebay sellers.

any way long story short this first wave was absorbed by resellers and all the sellers.

very few end users got hold of the actual sets.

Exo suit really came back with more than 40k additional unit which was not an easy absorption :)... plus it was not a parting special :)

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Save a few for poor little Timmy.......no need to be greedy.

I was at WM the other day, and saw a lone T-Rex left.  Was about to grab it, since I have zero, but Timmy was in the aisle with his dad, and I overheard the dad telling him that he just needed to be patient and they could buy it tomorrow.  Of course, out of all the sets there, he wanted the T-Rex.  I obviously just left it, but it seems poor little Timmy is always in the LEGO aisles of TGT/WM/TRU at the same time I am, weighing on my guilty conscience. :)

Edited by I am Niko
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I was at WM the other day, and saw a lone T-Rex left.  Was about to grab it, since I have zero, but poor little Timmy was in the aisle with his dad, and I overheard the dad telling him that he just needed to be patient and they could buy it tomorrow.  Of course, out of all the sets there, he wanted the T-Rex.  I obviously just left it, but Timmy is always in the LEGO aisles of TGT/WM/TRU when I am, weighing on my guilty conscience. :)

Should have looked at the kid and said "I don't have to wait till tomorrow.  Cause I'm a grownup and can do whatever I want."

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i disagree.

Cloud Cuckoo was absorbed by the part-a-outers for the kitty and all those parts/minifigures.

most likely RE also was the same. to put in perspective, there are part-a-outer who are consuming about 150sets at a time. i have seen some names that have sold and uploaded about 450 of RE's so far. so even with low number of those i.e. about 6 of them its already 450*2+150*4=1500 sets.

i know the number look paltry but now combine all the small timers who are delving into 20-30 there are plenty of those. even at 30 of them that's another 1000. and come amazon and ebay sellers.

any way long story short this first wave was absorbed by resellers and all the sellers.

very few end users got hold of the actual sets.

Exo suit really came back with more than 40k additional unit which was not an easy absorption :)... plus it was not a parting special :)

I disagree with your disagreement.

Not really...just in the sense that I was comparing the sets as how they behaved in relation to the movies.  Before the movies they were sitting around, on LEGO Shop at Home, Walmart.com, etc.  Once the movie hit they were gone.  Cloud Cuckoo was hard to get a hold of for about 2 months, whilst Exosuit was difficult to get at first but then was ubiquitous (Word of the Day)

Either way, both came back and were sitting on shelves a few months later.

Ha, I would have, if it was a RE :)  Not as fond of the T-Rex.

Meh...it's not about you though.  It's about crushing the dreams of youngsters.  Would have been just as effective to leave the set or hide it over by the aquariums.*


*Just so people know...I am joking. 

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How does anyone know this?

my guess.  when specific lego sets usually quickly sell-out (and remain sold out for lengthy periods) outside of the feb to sept (or so) period, i would wager it's due to resellers.  then seeing these sets on amazon z-sellers and ebay kinda supports this.  granted, there are exceptions...

who knows in reality though.


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I doubt that is the case.  By the time the sold out label hit on Lego.com, these were already getting thin, and I think many were being bought by end users, and specifically kids and fans of the movies.  I doubt many horded these that early.  Amazon and ebay's listings sort of support that, because in many case heavily horded items are in the mid 100's when listed on those sites. 

On ebay right now, there are about 65 listings for sets, once you remove the ones trying to part them out.    Amazon's listings hover around the low 30s..

But, since the Death Star is coming back, who knows, these could be too.  But, the difference is that sales associates seemed to tell people the DS is coming back.  I haven't heard any rumblings of that online for JW, other than your average brickpicker speculators saying it will probably happen just based on lego history.  But, we've already seen Target in Canada and Australia sell out, and state they can't get anymore in.  Toys R Us is saying the same, and even here in the States at the local walmarts, they are saying the same thing.  So take that with a giant grain of salt.  But, if they do come back, it might be a few months.

Edited by fossilrock
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