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I know that I have had my fair share of odd buying moments. The one that stands out the most is going into a Barnes & Noble a few months ago to buy a book and coming across a mass amount of Harry Potter sets. They were already sold out everywhere and were full price, but I bought every one of them. I know how a lot of people hate it when people do this, but they were at full price, and I knew my window of opportunity for these sets was closing fast. I took 6 of both Hagrid's Hut, and Hogwarts (The small one), along with an uncountable amount of Knight Buses and Quidditch Match's, and around 6 or 7 Forbidden Forests. Now this may not have looked odd in a store like Target or Walmart, but going up to the front with this mass amount of Lego's at a book store and trying to lug them out to my car, must have been quite entertaining for those watching. Safe to say I wasn't going to be able to get a date with the girl at the counter, even though she was quite pretty. To make things worse for everyone, they had a buy a $75 gift card, get a $10 one free, so I was buying a bunch of them before the outright purchase. Has anyone else had any experiences like this? I figured this might be a fun forum to start? A little lighter than just plain investment and speculation talk.


Once, I was at the check out line at Target, and I had a couple small polybags. The clerk insisted on staring at the bags of each one for a couple minutes, and when she was done, she asked what they were. Another time, a store employee couldn't believe that all the Legos I had were so cheap, since all of them were on clearance. So, they insisted on checking the price of all my stuff, holding up the line for a couple of unhappy seniors.


I know that I have had my fair share of odd buying moments. The one that stands out the most is going into a Barnes & Noble a few months ago to buy a book and coming across a mass amount of Harry Potter sets. They were already sold out everywhere and were full price, but I bought every one of them. I know how a lot of people hate it when people do this, but they were at full price, and I knew my window of opportunity for these sets was closing fast. I took 6 of both Hagrid's Hut, and Hogwarts (The small one), along with an uncountable amount of Knight Buses and Quidditch Match's, and around 6 or 7 Forbidden Forests. Now this may not have looked odd in a store like Target or Walmart, but going up to the front with this mass amount of Lego's at a book store and trying to lug them out to my car, must have been quite entertaining for those watching. Safe to say I wasn't going to be able to get a date with the girl at the counter, even though she was quite pretty. To make things worse for everyone, they had a buy a $75 gift card, get a $10 one free, so I was buying a bunch of them before the outright purchase.

Has anyone else had any experiences like this? I figured this might be a fun forum to start? A little lighter than just plain investment and speculation talk.

Should've told her they were for the local orphanage :-)


At the Barnes and Noble by me I had asked about the Harry Potter sets. As the young guy was looking it up I also happen to ask about the minecraft as well (it was when they were sold out everywhere). He got really excited about the minecraft set and didn't know it existed. He said he would get it for me and I passed, would have gotten it for my brother. I think he was a bit disappointed that I didn't want it. He probably also was debating on asking for my number. Too bad I look 12.


Any instance involving the "pink isle".


I was at B&****** yesterday and all I bought was the Friends Olivia's House set. The one person working the counter had to look up my membership and also enter a coupon manually that wouldn't scan. She was super slow. By the time all was said and done it took 15+ minutes or so. When I finally paid and turned around to leave there were like 10 people in line waiting with irritated looks on their faces and I was standing there with a pink LEGO set.


I located three ice dragons at a local grocery store for 20.00 a piece. This led me to go to the other location where I grabbed a few more. I than proceeded to call every one of these grocery stores in the state. Trying to ask a grocery store to check for a lego set in there speciality seasonal toy section can get frustrating. Even when you are being very clear andexplain th situation. It was like speaking a foreign language to them. Was worth it for it netted me 10 ice dragons at 20.00 a piece.


Every time I clear out a Walmart with a cart full of clearance LEGO's I get the "look". Its funnier in the small town WM's when all the locals watch me push an overflowing cart full of LEGO's to the check out stand. I just smile at them as I walk by. Its fun.


OP I can whole heartedly agree with you. Nothing is worse than a cute chick at the cashier thinking you're this uber nerd...

Unless she's a Nerd Lover!!!!!! Remember, Nerd used to be a four letter word. Now its a 6 figure word.


I'm glad I'm not the only one here! A few years ago I went to a garage sale and bought a box full of first year Harry Potter legos for $3, to make matters worse there was alot of duplo mixed in. As I was walking away, they stared at me with a "he still plays with legos?" kind of look. It turned out be one of the best purchases from a garage sale, the box included complete sets of the forbidden corridor, chamber of the winged keys, the final challenge, and the sorting hat. Now I buy most of my sets online to avoid the awkard moments, but if I ever see a deal at a store I wouldn't think twice about it. The cute cashiers have to be the worse though lol.


Remember, Nerd used to be a four letter word. Now its a 6 figure word.

Yeah exactly. I remember an amusing phrase that went something like this.

"You know what you call that geeky kid you used to tease in school now?......


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