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Lego Death Star II - Value Question after Conversion


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Hello all! Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place. I'm hoping to get some information about an old lego set of mine.

I got the lego Death Star II set from 2005 back when I was a kid, I want to say it was 2005 or 2006 but I'm not sure. Either way, I built it, but I always liked Star Wars more than Return of the Jedi, so I took the second half off, bought my own extra parts, and built out the 'finished' death star from the original film. Somewhere along the line I torn it down, and packed it up in boxes. The original unfinished half of the death star II was disassembled and sorted into my collection (I think mostly into my 'grey' bin), and I'm going to collect all of it to see what happened.

I'm here because I'm getting out of legos more or less, and since I found out that the death star set is considered worth something, I wanted to know if it was still worth something given the changes that I made. Is a 'converted' Death Star II worth comparable amount, or will buyers more expect to get the complete original? Likewise, are the sets more desired in a built or an unbuilt form? Either is fine, I just figured I would make sure. Thanks for any info, and I appreciate any responses.

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