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10 minutes ago, calmdahn said:


Everybody always says the KR command shuttle isn’t correct, but nobody can ever show me an image from TFA where his ship is definitively black.

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Everybody always says the KR command shuttle isn’t correct, but nobody can ever show me an image from TFA where his ship is definitively black.

Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker Forum mobile app


With his Tie Silencer being all black with red windows though it's possible all of Kylo's ships are going to have that theme

.....until he turns to the light side at least ;) 


May the 4th promos for us announced. BB8 is promo and it’s double vip points but with exclusions, which means ucs falcon is excluded. Some sale items to be announced. Again nothing for black vip card holders. IMG_1096.thumb.JPG.c0c86685c0eeaa8a51f8000adf530324.JPGIMG_1097.thumb.JPG.3402bcb68ab153e53bd5487330330968.JPG


1 minute ago, Shewie said:

Lawd that black vip card program is a scam of the year.

no triple points this year during the event  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
turdsome BB8 Promo.

I don't know how folks make the little people with the symbols like that, but I seriously lol'd in my office when I saw that one.  

But seriously, I'm calling Lego about this if there ends up being nothing for card holders. (I'm still laughing btw)

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14 hours ago, calmdahn said:

Where on that page that you linked does it mention the color? 

You got me.  Of course, not a single page on that website "mentions" the color of the ship "pictured" unless the color was changed for some reason.  (I.E. The website says the A-Wings were originally blue but could not handle blue screen.  However, they were actually green and had to be changed to red due to green screen issues in filming Return of the Jedi.  Hence why in ROTJ the A-Wings were called "Green Squadron."  

Ren's shuttle is black.  I've seen both movies, the ship has been in the day light in both and you can see the pic for yourself.  If you want to call it a color other than black batman, go for it.


I used my B&N discount to get a Yoda's Hut and 2 Imperial Patrol Battle Packs. I saw only the Jedi/Clone battle pack at one Wal-Mart I went to and everything new at another. I decided to order my TIE-Fighter from the LEGO store to get the Vader Pod and threw in another Patrol battle pack to get the LEGO Factory promo. The Wal-Mart discount was virtually non existent at release. I had hoped for them to have broken retail pricing on at least 1 set like they did for Rogue One and TLJ.

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