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Fake, Counterfeit, Knockoff, Illegal, Garbage, Crap Set & Minifigure Thread: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!

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If you can’t own up to the implications of your actions you shouldnt brag about how much money you make selling something that makes every breath we take more toxic than the last, gives babies born to mothers who lived to close to your refineries birth defects and steals once good farmland from the poorest of people turning it to deserts. You all can laugh all you want. But the future consequences will be all that matters. There will be very few Schindler’s, and many monsters of history.

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6 minutes ago, junkrigger said:

Some of us have been saying these things for years before she ever made the scene. If anything she is not radical enough.

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Just now, junkrigger said:

If you can’t own up to the implications of your actions you shouldnt brag about how much money you make selling something that makes every breath we take more toxic than the last, gives babies born to mothers who lived to close to your refineries birth defects and steals once good farmland from the poorest of people turning it to deserts. You all can laugh all you want. But the future consequences will be all that matters. There will be very few Schindler’s, and many monsters of history.

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There was a time when your views weren't so radical and you actually helped me.  All kidding aside, I agree with some of the things you say and I do my best to help others and my local community and environment.  I wish you well on your quest...

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What Ed says is true, I am not as I once was. Every day I wake up so scared for what seems like an ever increasingly inevitable future. What hurts most is though it seems a majority of folks get that what we are doing is wrong and needs to change, we can not overcome our shortsighted greed to make any real changes. All I see are things getting worse and people becoming more divided with every passing day. I so so wish for a different reality, I wish for a higher power to come back to earth to show the way. Anything please



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Back on topic, this gem reply showed up to one of my posts on Reddit.

"Take your crap back to the r/lego, fanboy. Unless you want to change the rules over there allowing US to come over and constantly post the truth about the fraudulent Lego company.

If you want a company to hate because it steals from others, choose Lego. Lego are fakes. The vile and despicable Ole Kirk Christiansen STOLE MOLDS for the first bricks from an honest and innovative company Kiddicraft. Christiansen is a THIEF, a MONSTER, and a despicable and vile pathetic excuse for a human being. You should be ASHAMED for defending this monster. For shame! For shame! Fisher Page, the TRUE inventor of Lego bricks, committed suicide in 1957.

Lego Corp has much to answer for. They are a vile and despicable company. Their founder should have been put on trial for crimes against humanity.

Repent! Research the true history and repent! By continuing to support and celebrate the monster Lego, you share in responsibility for their crimes!"

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As a proponent of workers, all workers be they a gardener or inventor, intellectual property rights should be defended and upheld absolutely. And bogus bricks should never have been allowed to sell even one set, what allowed it of course was greed, corporate greed at eBay, Amazon, Aliwhatthef. etc these are the companies that should be punished they are to blame for without a marketplace there would be no sales. They could have shut this all down years ago but didn't because to them making money "illegally" is more important than workers rights, human rights, well everything, nothing is more important than making a dollar. How are Amazon and eBAy not nose deep in legal trouble for selling counterfeit fake goods for years. But more importantly why have we not publicly shamed them as a whole society for such actions, that is the true dissapointment. 

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16 minutes ago, junkrigger said:

What Ed says is true, I am not as I once was. Every day I wake up so scared for what seems like an ever increasingly inevitable future. What hurts most is though it seems a majority of folks get that what we are doing is wrong and needs to change, we can not overcome our shortsighted greed to make any real changes. All I see are things getting worse and people becoming more divided with every passing day. I so so wish for a different reality, I wish for a higher power to come back to earth to show the way. Anything please



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Before I had my son, I really didn't have a care in the world.  But like you, I have my own worries about his future and the world he will live in.  While life in many ways gets easier, it also gets more difficult.  As a father, I want to protect him, but I know I cannot be there to rescue him all the time, nor should I.  I see his anxieties and the anxieties of his friends and classmates and these are nothing like what I encountered as a child.  I had issues with bullies and money insecurities with my parents, but kids today think too much and worry too much.  They just can't be a kid.

I truly wish you well and see that you have a lot of passion.  While it seems hopeless at times, I believe you can make a small positive difference everyday.  This forum is filled with smart and generous people and while we sometimes come across as assholes or know-it alls, there are many here that will listen and have huge hearts.  I have seen this the past three years with the LEGO raffle and see it everyday with PMs I receive from members.  If you want to continue this conversation or any others, please PM me.  Thanks...Ed

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18 hours ago, mizeur said:

This is a well-documented phenomenon that even the noted Trotskyites  cheerleaders of capital at Forbes present as a given: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jessecolombo/2019/02/28/americas-wealth-inequality-is-at-roaring-twenties-levels/

If you want more neutral data, Wikipedia has a nice chart from the CBO showing how inequality has spiked in the last 30 years (though it's a trend that really goes back to the 70s). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_inequality_in_the_United_States


Alright.  I agree there is increasing gap in inequality.  The question is, so what?  I personally see room to profit from this gap.

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1 hour ago, exciter1 said:

Back on topic, this gem reply showed up to one of my posts on Reddit.

"Take your crap back to the r/lego, fanboy. Unless you want to change the rules over there allowing US to come over and constantly post the truth about the fraudulent Lego company.

If you want a company to hate because it steals from others, choose Lego. Lego are fakes. The vile and despicable Ole Kirk Christiansen STOLE MOLDS for the first bricks from an honest and innovative company Kiddicraft. Christiansen is a THIEF, a MONSTER, and a despicable and vile pathetic excuse for a human being. You should be ASHAMED for defending this monster. For shame! For shame! Fisher Page, the TRUE inventor of Lego bricks, committed suicide in 1957.

Lego Corp has much to answer for. They are a vile and despicable company. Their founder should have been put on trial for crimes against humanity.

Repent! Research the true history and repent! By continuing to support and celebrate the monster Lego, you share in responsibility for their crimes!"

So weird how some people treat their loyalty to a brand like a religion.  Seriously? Repent? Lol who talks like that regarding which company makes a box of interlocking bricks :D:D:D


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Alright.  I agree there is increasing gap in inequality.  The question is, so what?  I personally see room to profit from this gap.

This really is not even worth a comment, but if you can not see that America’s strength comes from a strong middle class of people who for the most part view themselves as equals and thus can pull together. If you long for the days of serfs and overloads, or oligarchy, then I wish you luck in the coming economic wars.

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7 minutes ago, junkrigger said:

This really is not even worth a comment, but if you can not see that America’s strength comes from a strong middle class of people who for the most part view themselves as equals and thus can pull together. If you long for the days of serfs and overloads, or oligarchy, then I wish you luck in the coming economic wars.

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What does that economic war entail, exactly?  The oligarchy is already here.  The future (and most of current) generations are already bound to servitude to their mobile phones and/or mobile games.    :drag:

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9 minutes ago, junkrigger said:

This really is not even worth a comment, but if you can not see that America’s strength comes from a strong middle class of people who for the most part view themselves as equals and thus can pull together. If you long for the days of serfs and overloads, or oligarchy, then I wish you luck in the coming economic wars.

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As long as there are rich, there will ALWAYS be poor.  Bread and circuses will keep people distracted for only so long.  We're living in a Second Gilded Age pretty much. The question is what can we do to get out of it and what it would cost us.

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48 minutes ago, Darth_Raichu said:

Alright.  I agree there is increasing gap in inequality.  The question is, so what?  I personally see room to profit from this gap.

The point is Ed sees inequality as an inescapable and unchanging fact of life in spite of the evidence that inequality is really getting worse. And to the extent Ed acknowledges a downside to inequality, he sees it as a jumping off point to say it's the fault of kids today or the result of individuals' failings (and apparently going back 3 generations now) rather than because of the collective impact of choices made by preceding generations that created headwinds those kids now have to deal with.

The great thing about the American Dream he's touting is we don't need permission to exploit the situation for our own personal gain.

Ed, I'm not actually justifying bogusbricks. I already said that the system being unjust doesn't excuse their illegal operation or the buyers who enable them. I'm just saying the conclusions you're drawing about generations are bunk. 


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17 minutes ago, junkrigger said:

This really is not even worth a comment, but if you can not see that America’s strength comes from a strong middle class of people who for the most part view themselves as equals and thus can pull together. If you long for the days of serfs and overloads, or oligarchy, then I wish you luck in the coming economic wars.

You do realize that taking this tone is making the already difficult task of trying to convince someone, on the internet, of your point of view that much more difficult.

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12 minutes ago, junkrigger said:

I don’t believe such a person could be convinced no matter what facts or evidence be presented.

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Why try at all then?  Just be happy with the good that you're doing in your community and ignore that which brings you down or frustrates you, which it appears this does.

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2 hours ago, junkrigger said:

Some of us have been saying these things for years before she ever made the scene. If anything she is not radical enough.

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When I was learning the Russian language in high school, our teacher, who had defected from the former Soviet Union and had not seen her husband or son in almost a decade, told us how there was no middle class in Russia.  Nor were all treated the same.  The political elite, athletes, and entertainers were all very well to do and could get anything they wanted.  The rest of the people were living in near poverty.  It would take ten years to get a government produced car.  Not ten years to buy it.  It only took 5-6 years worth of salary to pay for it.  But it was still ten years from when you paid for it until you received it.  When the wall came down, she went home to see her family.  They were making plans to immigrate to the USA. 

She is not the only one I know from the former Soviet Union.  One friend is a former Army Captain.  He admitted that being military gave him access to things faster than average people.  Took him only four years to receive his car.

Socialism creates income inequality, which is what we've been affected by for the previous 5-6 years.  In true capitalism, any person from any social class with an idea and determination can create not just a business but a corporation.  (I.E. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gateway,_Inc.  as one example).  Their boxes looked like Holstein cows (white box with black splotches) as a reminder of their meager beginnings in a barn.  In their hey-day they employed well over 5k people.  Bad management was the cause of their downfall.  

Prior to Trump taking office, small business owners were shut out from receiving loans to start their business.  I know because everyone I met trying to start a business in the previous five years were ALL turned down - 100% of them.  That is a problem considering small businesses employ the vast majority of people in the USA.  Those regulations were implemented during the Obama administration.  Trump rolled those regulations back and look, jobs, jobs, jobs... and none of them are government jobs (costing tax payers more money).  

The great thing about the USA is if you're at the right time, right place, with the right idea.... anyone can make it big.  In socialist countries, it depends on who you know and is many times corrupt.  And that is from people who lived in the former Soviet Union, not my opinion.  Just food for thought...

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who would have thought a Counterfeit Lego topic on a toy web site could get so political .   all the power to you and after reading the last few pages, some of you should def have your own political podcasts plus 1 million Twitter and Instagram followers.    

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Why does everyone assume anyone who voices concern about the problems associated with capitalism is a full blown red army socialist. Furthermore what goes on in USSR, China, Vietnam, Venezuela is a far cry from theoretical communism or socialism.

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