I bought a bag of Legos at a garage sale, it was so cheap, couldn't pass it up.
There are no instructions or anything. Rather than send a pic of bulk, I tried to pull out some unique pieces you could identify, including the large, thick, green base with the cut in it.
Hopefully there's enough there that you can at least point me in the correct direction.
I've tried using Brick Link, but I don't even know what to call most of these pieces.
I was able to identify Ewok Attack 7139 (because there was a brown Wickit figurine), so you can maybe use that as a point of time reference.
Other than that, the only thing I can figure out is some Artic.
I've also numbered the pieces for points of reference. If you can name some of these pieces for me, so I can find them on BrickLink, I'd greatly appreciate it too.
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I bought a bag of Legos at a garage sale, it was so cheap, couldn't pass it up.
There are no instructions or anything. Rather than send a pic of bulk, I tried to pull out some unique pieces you could identify, including the large, thick, green base with the cut in it.
Hopefully there's enough there that you can at least point me in the correct direction.
I've tried using Brick Link, but I don't even know what to call most of these pieces.
I was able to identify Ewok Attack 7139 (because there was a brown Wickit figurine), so you can maybe use that as a point of time reference.
Other than that, the only thing I can figure out is some Artic.
I've also numbered the pieces for points of reference. If you can name some of these pieces for me, so I can find them on BrickLink, I'd greatly appreciate it too.
Happy Sleuthing.
Thank you.
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