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I would but not because its gonna be a huge winner but because its a cool set. This set will see some return but not a huge one in my opinion. I like the box art and think it would be fun to build I say I think because I have never built a LEGO set, I just buy them ha ha ha!


I was on the fence about this set - I think it was a little overpriced at MSRP, and even with discounts I still say good availability in my area around Christmas when more popular sets were long gone from the shelves. That being said, if bought at the right price and with some patience, this might do alright. I grabbed a set on an Amazon.com lightning deal for $51, which I just couldn't say no to! Also, I'm happy to keep it in storage until a new Star Wars film comes out. Another good reason to invest? I think it is a little under the radar and with the boom in investors, I'm more than happy to grab these type of sets at good discounts and be patient while others target other sets.

  • 3 weeks later...

For investing purposes 74.00 you may have overpaid but I personally think this a really cool set, I have a few.

nope, it was my first idiot lego purchase. i should have known better. with me, the newer trilogy always disappoints (toys, movies, etc...). i should have known better. ...and i hate that movie. good Lord, why did i buy it?


nope, it was my first idiot lego purchase. i should have known better. with me, the newer trilogy always disappoints (toys, movies, etc...). i should have known better. ...and i hate that movie. good Lord, why did i buy it?

I'm your fan, definitely :-)


nope, it was my first idiot lego purchase. i should have known better. with me, the newer trilogy always disappoints (toys, movies, etc...). i should have known better. ...and i hate that movie. good Lord, why did i buy it?

Great point. I found the whole scene boring. I hated that movie. I really hated all the newer movies. Confusing stories, dull characters...besides Darth Maul. LOL.

On topic...The set is OK. Has been discounted numerous times, probably for a reason. I have one, if that tells you anything. ;-)


Ed, True. That movie's only interesting parts all involved Maul. By the way, if you ever have time to read or listen to an (audio)book, try Darth Plagues. Excellent book and Maul is in it plus explains events leading up to & during The Phamtom Nuisance. . .


I happen to think this set will do well down the line. The sets were at a high price point that most parents probably wouldn't spring for, so there shouldn't be that many sets out there. I know a lot of investors avoid the prequels like the plague, so this one might be a little under the radar. It's a very cool set that displays well. If stuff from Clone Wars can be big winners, this one's got a shot.


Two things hurt this set.

#1 It was overpriced and that can hurt sales.

#2 Any sets from Episode one haven't done so well recently. (Naboo Fighter, Gungan Sub and Darth Maul's infiltrator.)

I agree 100%.

I heard this set was overpriced (MSRP wise during to the # of mini-figs and certain elements like the transparent bricks. Who knows if this is correct.


The set itself is rather unique in comparison to most other STAR WARS sets. That might be a deciding factor in future interest.

Maybe "unique" in having me keep recalling the day I purchased 2 of them. On that particular day, I had more money than sense.

It's disturbing how I don't think twice about buying multiple QARs from Canada but keep kicking myself for buying 2 TPM sets with Jake LLoyd mini-figs for far less cash.

I hope you are right, Ed.


I only bought one of these -- for myself, and I'm building it this week. I liked the scene from the movie alright, I just never cared for the Lego versions of the pods, maybe bc of the bulky way they have to connect everything, not sure.

  • 3 weeks later...

Is this set due to retire soon and will it be a money maker. Not all Star Was sets are. It came out in 2011 so it near the standard but often ignored 2 year life cycle (Death Star anyone...). Its unavailable on the UK LEGO Shop at Home but Amazon.co.uk lists it as 35% off. Other european Amazons have it discounted as well. Is it time to buy? Thoughts anyone....


Yes the CAGR of -20% over 2 years means there is a lot of ground to make up. Plus there are 100s currently for sale on Ebay. So this months decision come down to this and maybe a 3315 Friends set. Or a single 9474 LOTR set.


It is a nice looking set. I think it was hurt a little by Sebulba being released in the Planet series. Just horribly overpriced, so as mentioned has alot of ground to make. It might make it back to RRP but I doubt it will go much further.

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