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Oh my god. Are you freakin' kidding me?! LEGO being accused of racism for a design based on a structure from a film that is around 30 years old?! Man, are people really this desperate to find fault in anything to the point of drawing at straws?

I just love the opening statement.



Of course LEGO is racist... look at the very first Luke figure with his caucasian hair!!!!! Not to mention those ewoks have to be mocking some race. And Chewbacca come on, racism all the way. Bunch of idiots always wanting to complain about something. (if you dont get the sarcasm here please re-read over and over until you get it)


Lol no because you are not paid to put correctly spelled content on this site.

Well the Guardian is the UK paper that is known for its spelling mistakes. I think the Telegraph is supposed to be a posh paper - that is, not a tabloid like the Daily Mail, Sun etc...

One won't mention the mis-spelling of Lego in you're signature then ;)

How much Jabba's Palace - I saw it in the latest catalog and it looked good. Admittedly I am wary of buying Star Wars sets as the market always seems to be flooded.


One won't mention the mis-spelling of Lego in you're signature then ;)

In my defense, we all know the term "Legos" to be incorrect. I don't use it out of ignorance I use it because that is the term I used as kid. Oh and don't worry about Star Wars sets......they will be the king of all themes again, trust me!

hehe it just grates whenever I hear or read it :) I am wary of Star Wars as when you see 100s of 10188's listed on Ebay it is hard to see if it will ever appreciate. I am keeping more of an eye on the Lord of the Rings sets.


I'm actually surprised how much publicity this has generated for this small bat **** crazy group of people in Turkey. I've read stories all over about this today. Must be a slow news day... I am going to do what I hate people doing. I am going to give them a little more pub, but it's only to make fun of them. Here is a link to their website and google translate to read the actual website. Make sure to click on the pics too...pretty funny... http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=******&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http://www.turkischegemeinde.at/index.php?id=312 ...Some pissed off Turkies...you crazy Turks you!!!!


Fact is, George Lucas does not have an origional thought in his head - this is just further proof.

Why on God's green earth would you say a thing like that!! Do you not like StarWars or did you lose a bunch of money on StarWars sets?

Fact is, George Lucas does not have an origional thought in his head - this is just further proof.

Star Wars is very original. It takes a brilliant mind to come up with something like Star Wars, not to mention all the unheardof cool ships and characters, etc. that are in all the movies. Das crazy man, to say that!

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