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I somewhat disagree with some of the ideas so far. First off, IF the OP had $2k to invest and time was not an issue, I see no reason to limit their investment by buying only what they like or a need to diversify. It's $2k, not $20 or $200k we're talking about. And what if they like Cars or Prince of Persia and they see a good sale? Personally, I would rather sink money into a good set at full retail than an impulse buy just because I presently had the funds to buy a set that I wasn't fully sure about, but was at a 20% off sale. Think Battle of Endor at full price instead of Home One Calimari at 20% off. Give me the 8036's any day. No one here does not wish they had 12 Green Grocers or 12 Kingdom's Castle or 5 10179's do they? First off, do research. Second, never be too quick to buy sets. Third, have a plan and goals. I wouldn't mind sitting on $2k worth of Grand Emporiums or Haunted Houses or Diagon Alleys or Imperial Shuttles or even the upcoming Arkham Asylum Breakouts. Be patient and you'd be fine. I'm not saying to never diversify--I have a ton of sets from many series. Some were mistakes, others resulted in very surprising results in a good way. In some situations, it's better to have sets in hand than to wait for a sale and get left out.

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