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10188 - UCS: Death Star


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  1. 1. How many sealed Death Stars do you own?

    • 0
    • 1 - 2
    • 3 - 4
    • 5 - 9
    • 10 - 15
    • 16 - 20
    • 21 - 25
    • 26 - 50+
  2. 2. Do you believe the set will make a great investment?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe
  3. 3. Will it ever retire?

    • Sure, soon as I fire my Photon Torpedo.
    • Nope, I'll be dead before that happens.
    • Perhaps, when Hell freezes over.

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KOTOR was awesome and I think Kylo Ren is going to be a mashup of Vader and Revan.  It's a shame they wiped all that history out in the "canon" because that stuff was better than anything else.  I'm sitting on four sith fury class interceptors starring a character who doesn't exist anymore.


By the way for the real geeks what is the timeline of Darth Malgus and Darth Malak...was Malak way before Malgus?

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You forgot The Yuuzhan Vong.  Which I incidentally aware of because I read the Star Wars LEGACY comics.  LEGACY was better than most EU materials, I'd put it 3rd after Thrawn and death of Chewie.


ETA: I'd watch Legacy as movie.  It featured Luke's grandson and had Jedi Ghost Luke as mentor :thumbsup:


I forgot about the New Jedi Order series thankfully, lol. But yes you are right. The Jedi and Sith even got together to fight them, which was 100% predictable. I am such a nerd I have actually read every SW novel from OT and Splinter of the Minds Eye days all the way through 2014. I am not proud of this per se...

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Basically this.  The Empire basically didn't go "poof" when the Emperor or Vader died. There will someone else stepping in their place.  There could be SSDs and Death Stars in the new movie as well.


You could not be more right.


Disney stepped in and told all of the Empire to get back up and keep fighting.  It seems death and destruction helps the bottom line.  lol

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KOTOR was awesome and I think Kylo Ren is going to be a mashup of Vader and Revan.  It's a shame they wiped all that history out in the "canon" because that stuff was better than anything else.  I'm sitting on four sith fury class interceptors starring a character who doesn't exist anymore.


By the way for the real geeks what is the timeline of Darth Malgus and Darth Malak...was Malak way before Malgus?


The good news about that is they are allowed to pick stuff from the old canon if they want. They could grab Rean and use him if the wanted to.


Malgus was a little bit after the Malak/Revan saga.

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If you read enough you will find that the "Rule of Two" usually means three. A master to hold the power, an apprentice to crave it and many many many times a secret apprentice of the apprentice to help get the power.


In the case of the Emperor you also have him having DooKu knocked off by Anakin and then the Emperor trying to have Vader knocked off by Luke.

So sometimes the Master keeps trying to whack the apprentice.

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In the case of the Emperor you also have him having DooKu knocked off by Anakin and then the Emperor trying to have Vader knocked off by Luke.

So sometimes the Master keeps trying to whack the apprentice.

The Emperor stroke me as someone who enjoyed upgrades.  From Chief Senator to Emperor. From older to much younger apprentices. Bigger DS2. etc etc

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Folks, y'all must have a really low opinion of filmmakers in general and Disney/JJ Abrams in particular. (It's the sad legacy of Lucas's botched prequels, I suppose.) D&JJ have a strong track record in recent years. Don't forget that ever since the Disney/Pixar merger, John Lasseter has been an executive producer on virtually every Disney film, and the entertainment quality has gone up as a result. The animated films have been good, they've done a helluva job with the Marvel properties, and they resurrected The Muppets in a big way.


There will not be a new Death Star in Ep. VII

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Folks, y'all must have a really low opinion of filmmakers in general and Disney/JJ Abrams in particular. (It's the sad legacy of Lucas's botched prequels, I suppose.) D&JJ have a strong track record in recent years.


I agree with much of what you said, except your faith in JJ.   He butchered star trek.   Sure he made action-oriented popcorn flicks out of it that sold tickets to the masses.  But it sure as hell wasn't star trek.


Thankfully the SW universe is not as rigid and will take better to certain gaps in logic that will inevitably find their way on screen.


I am personally ok with seeing some old material from the OT make it in to these new movies (characters, ships, plot points, motivations, etc.) as long as there is a logical explanation for it being so within the context of the story.   Rather than it just being lazy fan service.  (eg.  Wouldn't it be cool to have tie-fighters?  they wanna see tie-fighters in a SW movie.  We better give 'em tie fighters!   -- that's not good enough for me).


(If you want specific examples of how JJ "played loose" with the ST universe, I can list a few.  But its probably not necessary in this thread.)

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I agree with much of what you said, except your faith in JJ.   He butchered star trek.   Sure he made action-oriented popcorn flicks out of it that sold tickets to the masses.  But it sure as hell wasn't star trek.


Thankfully the SW universe is not as rigid and will take better to certain gaps in logic that will inevitably find their way on screen.


I am personally ok with seeing some old material from the OT make it in to these new movies (characters, ships, plot points, motivations, etc.) as long as there is a logical explanation for it being so within the context of the story.   Rather than it just being lazy fan service.  (eg.  Wouldn't it be cool to have tie-fighters?  they wanna see tie-fighters in a SW movie.  We better give 'em tie fighters!   -- that's not good enough for me).


(If you want specific examples of how JJ "played loose" with the ST universe, I can list a few.  But its probably not necessary in this thread.)


Respectfully disagreed on JJ Abrams.  Despite my making fun of lens flares, JJ Abrams was the right choice to helm Star Wars movie especially BECAUSE what he did on Star Trek reboot.  On my first time watching the new ST movie, I remember thinking "this was so Star Wars there was almost no Star Trek left beside the names of the ships and the names of characters".

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When did this become "who is the biggest star wars geek" thread?

It's a Star Wars topic. How can it not?

i thought only two sith at a time

Great, now Star Wars is taking notes from Highlander. I wonder how that limitation can function when the universe is so massive. Only two, bah.

Force Unleashed.......

No longer canon post Disney ;)

Ah Disney can go hump a nerf. :aggressive:
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Exactly. Not to mention that it is the Sith who are the enemies in EVERY movie (and book and game and comic and...). The Empire is the tool the Sith use to control the galaxy in this particular time frame. 30 years isn't a lot of time to clean out the entire galaxy of the empire. We have been in Afghanistan half of that and have accomplished absolutely zilch. You expect this rag tag group of rebels to remove every instance of the empire from an entire galaxy in 30?


I know this makes sense logically, but Star Wars doesn't really follow logic.  I'm under the impression that the Battle of Endor was significant because it destroyed the Empire's last Death Star, as well as the entire Imperial fleet, and killed the Emperor/Vader.  The Emperor played all of his cards on this one big ruse to destroy the rebellion, so I'd imagine (again from a story perspective, not logic) that huge chunk of the Empire's military might was destroyed at the end of ROTJ.



I'm not sure Anakin/Vader was what the Emperor ordered after Obi Wan sliced and diced him, anyway. ;)


I think it was a pleasant surprise for old Palpy.  He knew Anakin would grow more powerful than him.  By having him damaged both mentally and physically, Palpatine could more easily control him.



Respectfully disagreed on JJ Abrams.  Despite my making fun of lens flares, JJ Abrams was the right choice to helm Star Wars movie especially BECAUSE what he did on Star Trek reboot.  On my first time watching the new ST movie, I remember thinking "this was so Star Wars there was almost no Star Trek left beside the names of the ships and the names of characters".


Agreed.  My first reaction after Star Trek was "yeah, that was Star Wars with the Enterprise thrown in."  I didn't care for his Trek movies, but I feel like he'll do a good job on Star Wars.

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I know this makes sense logically, but Star Wars doesn't really follow logic.  I'm under the impression that the Battle of Endor was significant because it destroyed the Empire's last Death Star, as well as the entire Imperial fleet, and killed the Emperor/Vader.  The Emperor played all of his cards on this one big ruse to destroy the rebellion, so I'd imagine (again from a story perspective, not logic) that huge chunk of the Empire's military might was destroyed at the end of ROTJ.




I think it was a pleasant surprise for old Palpy.  He knew Anakin would grow more powerful than him.  By having him damaged both mentally and physically, Palpatine could more easily control him.




Agreed.  My first reaction after Star Trek was "yeah, that was Star Wars with the Enterprise thrown in."  I didn't care for his Trek movies, but I feel like he'll do a good job on Star Wars.


That was just a small portion of the full imperial fleet at Endor. Remember, this is a galactic wide military. They had millions of ships. They had more SSDs as well.

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