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10188 - UCS: Death Star


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  1. 1. How many sealed Death Stars do you own?

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    • 10 - 15
    • 16 - 20
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    • 26 - 50+
  2. 2. Do you believe the set will make a great investment?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe
  3. 3. Will it ever retire?

    • Sure, soon as I fire my Photon Torpedo.
    • Nope, I'll be dead before that happens.
    • Perhaps, when Hell freezes over.

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Hell they didn't even go to Coruscant in the OT. How in the hell do you defeat an empire without even setting foot in it's capital? .

They actually showed coruscant at the end of rotj celebrating and yanking down a statue of the emperor. I know it's a special edition add-on, but it's still canon. It doesn't make sense really

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Who says the empire fell 30 years ago. The movie is 30 years after ROTJ. The empire was nowhere near done after that movie. Sure the emperor and Vader were dead, but there were still literally billions of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of ships with moffs, governors, and hundreds of thousands of military officers. Even after ROTJ ended, the Empire was still, by far, the most powerful military force in the galaxy and still had complete control over the majority of the galaxy. One battle over Endor doesn't change that. Hell they didn't even go to Coruscant in the OT. How in the hell do you defeat an empire without even setting foot in it's capital? The fight continued for decades in the books and they never actually defeated the empire completely they just stopped fighting and became allies eventually (to fight other more badder baddies as these cliches usually go).



Jar Jar clearly states "Weesa free!" at the end of ROTJ special edition.  If Jar Jar says that everyone is free, then the empire has indeed fallen.  That's good enough for me.

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Jar Jar clearly states "Weesa free!" at the end of ROTJ special edition.  If Jar Jar says that everyone is free, then the empire has indeed fallen.  That's good enough for me.


Jar Jar was clearly an imperial spy by the time ROTJ came out. If you believe anything he says you will find yourself staring down the needle of an interrogation droid




When did this become "who is the biggest star wars geek" thread?



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Who says the empire fell 30 years ago. The movie is 30 years after ROTJ. The empire was nowhere near done after that movie. Sure the emperor and Vader were dead, but there were still literally billions of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of ships with moffs, governors, and hundreds of thousands of military officers. Even after ROTJ ended, the Empire was still, by far, the most powerful military force in the galaxy and still had complete control over the majority of the galaxy. One battle over Endor doesn't change that. Hell they didn't even go to Coruscant in the OT. How in the hell do you defeat an empire without even setting foot in it's capital? The fight continued for decades in the books and they never actually defeated the empire completely they just stopped fighting and became allies eventually (to fight other more badder baddies as these cliches usually go).

Basically this.  The Empire basically didn't go "poof" when the Emperor or Vader died. There will someone else stepping in their place.  There could be SSDs and Death Stars in the new movie as well.

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Guest TabbyBoy

Basically this.  The Empire basically didn't go "poof" when the Emperor or Vader died. There will someone else stepping in their place.  There could be SSDs and Death Stars in the new movie as well.


That's why I'm not selling my SSDs or R2-D2s yet!  I'd love to see Lord Vader resurrected and have LEGO release a UCS bust of him.

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I also think it's dumb to see all these stormtroopers and tie fighters when there were clearly celebrations on every planet and ewoks using stormtrooper helmets as drums.


It tells me that Disney couldn't come up with a new evil so they resorted to re-using a lot of what they did in episodes 4-6.  Remember, Lucas wanted to focus on the new generation but Disney wanted to keep a lot of the older generation actors. 


There's a rumor about Han Solo piloting a star destroyer, but I couldn't imagine that being another UCS set.  This "suncrusher" thing could very well be one.  They wouldn't make a third death star based on a flashback but we know there will be flashbacks as they hired Carrie Fisher's daughter to play her in flashbacks.

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i thought only two sith at a time


Only the Sith that follow the Darth Bane line. There were plenty of other Sith groups that did not subscribe to these rules that Bane set up. Sith were around thousands of years prior to and after Bane. Of course this is all EU stuff which Disney put the axe to last year anyway.

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It tells me that Disney couldn't come up with a new evil so they resorted to re-using a lot of what they did in episodes 4-6.  Remember, Lucas wanted to focus on the new generation but Disney wanted to keep a lot of the older generation actors.

I don't think ignoring Lucas' wants was a bad decision, given the prequels.

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If I remember correctly, Sith's were scattered about the universe also, right? The Emperor and Vader could have easily recruited young potential baddies to protect their investment in building that empire, right?


i thought only two sith at a time


The emperor seemed to be follower of rule of 2.  He made Anakin kill Douku to become his disciple and wanted Luke to kill Vader.


Now Vader did not have any apprentice that we know of ;)

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I don't think ignoring Lucas' wants was a bad decision, given the prequels.


Exactly. Not to mention that it is the Sith who are the enemies in EVERY movie (and book and game and comic and...). The Empire is the tool the Sith use to control the galaxy in this particular time frame. 30 years isn't a lot of time to clean out the entire galaxy of the empire. We have been in Afghanistan half of that and have accomplished absolutely zilch. You expect this rag tag group of rebels to remove every instance of the empire from an entire galaxy in 30?

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No one ever played The Old Republic RPG? That game is amazing and has some great back stories about how the Sith operate and just like the Jedi, there were hundreds of them!


Yes. KOTOR is my favorite game of all time. IT took place before Darth Bane. Who invented the rule of two when he decided the dark side was to watered down being spread out over so many Sith. Other groups of Sith think that is ridiculous, since the Dark Side and the Force is infinite and cannot be watered down. I tend to agree with that and think the rule of two was really just a way to consolidate material world power and not have so many lackeys looking to kill you and take your position. Look at me pretending like all this is real history. I'm such a nerd

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Exactly. Not to mention that it is the Sith who are the enemies in EVERY movie (and book and game and comic and...). The Empire is the tool the Sith use to control the galaxy in this particular time frame. 30 years isn't a lot of time to clean out the entire galaxy of the empire. We have been in Afghanistan half of that and have accomplished absolutely zilch. You expect this rag tag group of rebels to remove every instance of the empire from an entire galaxy in 30?

You forgot The Yuuzhan Vong.  Which I incidentally aware of because I read the Star Wars LEGACY comics.  LEGACY was better than most EU materials, I'd put it 3rd after Thrawn and death of Chewie.


ETA: I'd watch Legacy as movie.  It featured Luke's grandson and had Jedi Ghost Luke as mentor :thumbsup:

Edited by Darth_Raichu
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God I wish this site worked with I.E. 11...

Anyhow, KOTOR was amazing and one of my first Star Wars games I actually enjoyed and completed.

The epic twist and story line was great.

Basically in theory, Sith have survived and could have been scattered about just as well!

Nobody knows anything about the new movie, other than Lucas had ideas and they were shot down because of his horrible direction with the prequels!

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