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10188 - UCS: Death Star


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776 members have voted

  1. 1. How many sealed Death Stars do you own?

    • 0
    • 1 - 2
    • 3 - 4
    • 5 - 9
    • 10 - 15
    • 16 - 20
    • 21 - 25
    • 26 - 50+
  2. 2. Do you believe the set will make a great investment?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe
  3. 3. Will it ever retire?

    • Sure, soon as I fire my Photon Torpedo.
    • Nope, I'll be dead before that happens.
    • Perhaps, when Hell freezes over.

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For anyone who has actually put a Death Star together, its one of the most enjoyable, complicated, well thought out lego sets you will ever put together in your life.


They put so much thought, love, and time into designing that set. Every CORNER has something unique, special or unexpected from the movie.


Its worth EVERY penny, and they have not equaled it since. 

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Emazers, since I respect your experience, its really interesting for me how you highly evaluate the DS and how much sets have you stocked... From my opinion this set has some big disadvantages - unlike many other UCS sets, the Death Star is extremly undersized - Its logic that they couldnt create a real sized DS :twitch: , but its better to solve this issue by making a model like DS I, SSD or ISD. For me its horrible to see such open model with open sceneries 10000000x differently than in reality. They should make some form of an outside cover at least, which would be opening (something like in Millenium Falcon 7965). This set has also extremly long life, which can extend the future profit. Shortly saying, i cannot imagine a big rise for beginning, and also that this set would be double priced in future - in other words, I would rather buy 4 sets - each for USD 100 - which had 2 years life and can be easy sold for 200 USD in 3 years - instead of buying this DS for 400 usd, which can reach maximum 700 usd in 4-5 years. I think this set would hardly approach the prices of UCS Falcon, since Falcon is far better set, bigger set, and in the year of its EOL there were extremly less investors.


I completely disagree on the aesthetic points. The 'realistic looking' DS2 is boring. Nothing exciting about staring at a big grey sphere. The point is remembering all the scenes from SW & ROTJ, and this is what the DS1 is about. Recreating those action sequences in lego form.

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If there is ever a sure thing when it comes to the Star Wars line, this is it. Without a doubt this is the most well known thing from Star Wars. Lots of adults who are not SW fans don't know the name of Han Solo's ship, but everyone knows the Death Star. The figures alone sell for upwards of $200 and its not a stretch to get $250 for the set minus mini figures.


The high cost to get into buying this set is going to really limit the number of people buying it for investment purposes as compared to a modular.

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The high cost to get into buying this set is going to really limit the number of people buying it for investment purposes as compared to a modular.




Most people assume there are a million of these stocked away, but how many people REALLY have the space, funds, and patience to stock this HUGE item and wait to sell?

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Most people assume there are a million of these stocked away, but how many people REALLY have the space, funds, and patience to stock this HUGE item and wait to sell?

I think more than we assume. This set use to go on-sale all the time. If I'm incorrect, then we should consider if people would buy it at high aftermarket retired prices when it was available for less for 6+ years; this also concerns me (6 + years to buy it new or used). 10188's minifigs are starting to look dated and unlike 10178, it won't prob appeal to people who want to display it,
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Well it looks like some of you guys are starting to worry about the Death Star, My Secret agent told me Production stop a few months ago,now is it true and the Legoland Manager said they were discontinued last week. now you see I have the itch now to get 5 more. 40 is my limit. So if this is true and you guys start saving your money and get these baby's, and we will be seeing big money being made. Remember this set was a huge hit for 6 years,so now it will be triple huge hit. sure there are a million of them out there, most built, some put away for investment a couple thousand of them are thrown in a closet, lost pieces, thrown away,ETC but there are billions of people worldwide and there will always be millions of people who will want one, and will pay the big bucks, Ed

I am with Ed on this one. Time to buy is when there is no pressure to buy it and then sit and wait patiently to make a profit.  DS is a no brainer especially with B&****** discount.  Problem is that unlike Ed I am new to the Lego investing and basically run into catch 22 you need money to make money situation.  30 death stars is out of reach for me financially and space wise I have to keep diversified portfolio so for now it's one of each instead of many of many.  

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Depends on how long you are willing to hold on to it. I just bought a slightly damaged DS over the weekend.  Slight scuffs on edges no major dents or holes.  10% for damaged box 10% member discount 30% Kids club coupon total I paid for it was $228.  I am willing to sit on it until initial supply rush right after EOL dries up.  There are collectors and there are builders builder would only care that seals are intact and bags inside are all in order you just have to wait it out and pray that they don't make DS redo.  

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I think this model has been out for far too long and is only worth getting if you can get it at a good discount.

It just ties up too much capital and space for the profit.

Having said that I agree with Ed the price will go up eventually but the question is after how long. I agree people will eventually pay big bucks for this.

Is that 400 worth spending on other sets like vw or retiring soon / retired sets?

I try avoid star wars sets because lego tends to make better replacements. I'm know I'm too fussy.

It's only my humble opinion though. I'm not as experienced as most of you guys. I could be wrong

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Guest TabbyBoy

I advise U.K and Irish investors who want this set to save your money in the hope smyths toys have the normal 20% off sale over either easter or may, june. You will have to be quick, but you will bag them for 220 quid.

Smyths did have a 3-for-2 sale on at the end of 2012 but, I was too late. Now that a branch has opened in Reading, I'll keep an eye out - thanks !

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I spoke with a manager at my local Lego store who told me that The DS is going to keep going another two years. He said it was to be retired, but when Disney purchased Star Wars they signed with Lego for the DS to keep it going another two years. I think it is still the must have set to own.


I heard that George Lucas would only agree to the sale of Star Wars to Disney for $4 Billion - If and only if, they also agreed to keep producing the LEGO Death Star forever.

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Guest brickcrazyhouse

Yes how many cases are scattered all around the world, Pretty sure there are maybe 100,000 or more sets out there, but remember every Christmas the 2 Lego Stores in Baltimore sell 100's and always sell out,


man it sucks living in emazers backyard. no where near his level but still 

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I think that people may or may not like to keep reading posts / getting reminders to buy specific sets especially when comparing these sets to previous ones where ROIs were insane. It is not like people are crying all the time about missing sets.

We all heard the stories of 20+ cases bought in the mid-2000s of this and that. Investing was far different then...

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The DS only takes up as much space as two of the average $150 sets. (HD,DA,MMV)

You don not leave DS just out on the shelf.  You pack it right away for three reasons 1) So you are not tempted to open it.  2) So you are not tempted to open it and 3)  Because the box of this size  will get damaged really quickly.  This thing barely fit into 26 inch Fedex Cube box and the box is at 27 pounds right now and I still have to pack it up a little bit more.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is where I have had my Death Star in the past; in my living room.




This is where I'm thinking about putting it.




I think it looks really cool next to some of my other legos. My parents really like it in the living room.


Opinions? :)

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