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10188 - UCS: Death Star


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776 members have voted

  1. 1. How many sealed Death Stars do you own?

    • 0
    • 1 - 2
    • 3 - 4
    • 5 - 9
    • 10 - 15
    • 16 - 20
    • 21 - 25
    • 26 - 50+
  2. 2. Do you believe the set will make a great investment?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe
  3. 3. Will it ever retire?

    • Sure, soon as I fire my Photon Torpedo.
    • Nope, I'll be dead before that happens.
    • Perhaps, when Hell freezes over.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just bought 5 of them at bol.com a online shop in Holland which normally don't have good prices. Price was now E 329, but there was an action on toys "buy 5 pay 4". So that's about E 264 per set, I am very happy :-) I think I'll save one for me to build with my oldest daughter (she is 6 and fortunately loves Lego)

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  • 3 weeks later...

wait.... how are you able to search all those sets up at once on ebay?


Here is DNIIM's search criteria:


lego (10179, UCS, 10143, 10030, 100129, 10188, 10134, 10175, 7191, 7181, 10129, 10212, falcon, millennium) -knight's -castle -B-wing -10018 -4488 -65771 -10227 -10225 -6074 -10039 -7778 -4504 -"red five" -10186 -10221 -10215 -10240 -10026 -"Wan's" -batman -7194 -7190 -7965

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Factors that keep me from jumping quickly is 1) price 2) no EOL date 3) been around for awhile 4) what do guys expect its gains?

$700 within 5 years of retirement. The question is when it retires though. You might end up holding it for 6-7 years to get that $340 profit. If I'm not mistaken, it was $358 on Amazon US for quite a while though.

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I would not get it.  Let's conservatively say the set will be around for 1 more year (maybe longer, who knows, this thing is the Live Star after all).  


You are saving 10%.  Could you not take that $400 and invest in something else to make more than 10% over the course of the year?   Then you could buy at the end of the year at full retail and still be better off.  Plus you might even get 10% sometime next year.  Heck 5% is a given at anytime due to Lego VIP points.  

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If the Death Star Retired say Jan 1,2014 how many of you think that it will only be selling for $700 in 2019, I am telling everybody this will be the most massive panic buying lego set ever, this set should be $800 and rising after a year or two. And as for the SSD don't wait forever to get this set either. I just got 2 more SSD and one more Death star. 29 death Stars and 15 SSD, Watch when these sets do retire some of you who didn't get any will be asking us on here is $600-700 etc a good buy, and then higher and higher. I will be living on Wall Street and you guys who missed the boat on these will have the blues for many years. Ed

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I have to agree with Ed Emazers here.  Once you take something away from people, they immediately want it that much more.  It's human nature.  We have all taken the "Live Star" for granted because it seemingly will never retire.  But what happens when we wait too long to pull the trigger, and then realize one day it is finally gone.


To the original poster:  If you want to own a Death Star before it's gone, buy one now at $360.  It is a good enough deal to jump at if this set is on your wish list.

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I have to agree with Ed Emazers here.  Once you take something away from people, they immediately want it that much more.  It's human nature.  We have all taken the "Live Star" for granted because it seemingly will never retire.  But what happens when we wait too long to pull the trigger, and then realize one day it is finally gone.


To the original poster:  If you want to own a Death Star before it's gone, buy one now at $360.  It is a good enough deal to jump at if this set is on your wish list.

I already have plans of picking up at least a couple this year, either that or SSDs. Perhaps one of each. A double in value is pretty much guaranteed for, among others, the reason you and Ed mentioned. There is just no way the value of the set can go anywhere but up, they`re both massive, highly exclusive (i.e. no more discounts), and a must have for die-hard collectors with deep pockets, and we know there are plenty out there. 

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