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Hello everyone! I am extremely excited to be a Lego collector and investor in this critical and fortuitous time for us! I have been a Lego fan for most of my life and am working on plans for current and future investments and sales. I look forward to meeting more of you and learning more about this unique corner of our global economy. Above, I have provided a poll that might interest some of you. I am fascinated by the rising prevalence of Lego's Collectable Minifigures in TLG's fan community and among sellers, so that is the topic of my query.


Hello there and welcome to the site! I love the unique MINIFIGURES but am missing a few. I have not had a chance yet to buy any retired ones, but if I did it would be from a good reputable seller on Bricklink. Everyone I do have was from a physical store, but never online. When you buy online, you get a mystery pack and never know til you open or 'smoosh' it. But that's just me.


Welcome to Brickpicker.com Zacherano! Let me say, great first post. Throwing out a poll and well written! Minifigures are great. I know Ed really gets into the CMF big time now. He looks forward to seeing what comes out. I had fun during the Olympics and had a chance to be in London during that time. It was great picking up a few complete sets of them. Enjoy the site!


Jeff, thanks so much for your support! I realized after I posted that this is probably not the best place to put the poll, but the feature captivated me and I thought it would be interesting for others as well. I personally love the CMFs and have amassed a large collection. I would be interested in communicating more with you and Ed in the future, as well as others on the site. The economics of Lego fascinates me, as well as the statistical anomalies it seems to present. By the way, TheOrcKing, I too have pretty much limited my purchases of the CMFs to bricks and mortar establishments for the same reason as you - I want to know exactly what I'm getting!


I realized after I posted that this is probably not the best place to put the poll, but the feature captivated me and I thought it would be interesting for others as well.

The poll is a pretty fun feature, isn't it? Sometimes I try and find whatever excuse I can just so I can start up another one, heh.

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