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40158 - Pirates Chess Set (2015)


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What will this mean for price on this set? Will we see this double any time soon with the constrain in supply?

In the US, I imagine it could bounce back up to $115 shipped on EBay. Lowest price on there now is $85 shipped. I'm watching this auction to gauge what buyers want to pay this week. I saw these on the shelf at a Lego store today, for what it's worth.

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I bought this set for the board. I'm trying to work up the courage to open one up and list the figs/chess pieces on EBay. Anyone want to hazard a guess what someone would pay for these figs?


Probably not worthwhile.  You can get the pieces for most of the figures on Bricks and Pieces very cheaply, plus they don't include the necessary accessories like backpacks, epaulets, or shaktos.

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lego SAH is now backordered until sept 2015. What???

I was in the Lego Store the other day buying two of these (for birthdays, so no investment at this time), and was told that there was an error in the instruction book that prompted TLG to pump the breaks on the second production run of this set. So, they are selling out their initial run, fixing the instruction book issue, then producing the set again. That's what has caused the Sept. delivery date.

I can't say for certain whether that's true or not, but it seems plausible.

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I was in the Lego Store the other day buying two of these (for birthdays, so no investment at this time), and was told that there was an error in the instruction book that prompted TLG to pump the breaks on the second production run of this set. So, they are selling out their initial run, fixing the instruction book issue, then producing the set again. That's what has caused the Sept. delivery date.

I can't say for certain whether that's true or not, but it seems plausible.


This is interesting if true, that means for every production run TLG needs to make enough inventory to last 6 months before the next run is scheduled to be produced.

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Lego store in Baltimore had a stack. I bought 3 for selling the figs and keeping the pieces. They were limit 5. I left several on the shelf. Avg part out price is $182 which is what I paid for all 3: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogPOV.asp?itemType=***&itemNo=40158&itemSeq=1&itemQty=1&breakType=M&itemCondition=******&incInstr=Y Even if I only sell the figs for $3.50 each, I'll make my money back. And even if I don't there's some nice pieces in there.

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If anyone wants one for a personal build I picked up a damaged box at my local B&M. Then I realized that I don't play chess.

Lego Chess are nice deals to get tons of minifigs, but it's very hard to play chess with them because it's hard to figure who is who...

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I was in the Lego Store the other day buying two of these (for birthdays, so no investment at this time), and was told that there was an error in the instruction book that prompted TLG to pump the breaks on the second production run of this set. So, they are selling out their initial run, fixing the instruction book issue, then producing the set again. That's what has caused the Sept. delivery date.

I can't say for certain whether that's true or not, but it seems plausible.


This is interesting if true, that means for every production run TLG needs to make enough inventory to last 6 months before the next run is scheduled to be produced.


Or it means there is 6 month lead time for changes in printed materials


51O4 seal codes on the two sets I picked up last night. The rest of the line had the more typical XXRX.  Discuss...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I talked with Lego today, it appears the designer never played chess, and a few pieces were in the wrong location in the instructions. They need to reprint the directions so the are not teaching children/AFOL's how to play chess incorrectly... :negative:

Yes - the board is the wrong way around - even on the box itself. The lighter of both colors (white usually) has to be on your left bottom corner, for both players.

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Imagine this set reaches $1000 just because it was wrong in the first place?

If someone would be interested in the wrong version, she will also be interested in the correct one. I cannot imagine it the other way around. And I cannot imagine a lot of people would be completionist enough to actually _want_ the wrong one. It's chess - not a card game where _a lot of people_ collect versions and misprints. You always have some, but enough for $1000 a set?

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