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Hi Everyone, I would like to thank everyone on here, that has been nice, helpful, informative. My house has been broken into. they have smashed everything up. They took my Xbox One, smashed all my Lego stock, Killed one of my cats(Ren), my other cat (Tanis) was kicked, big vet bill. The only picture of my dad, burned. I have nothing left. I cant, buy or replace my Lego, or the damage done to my home. I won't be using the forums much anymore. Thanks to the bosses, admins, users. Its been fun.



I am so sorry for everything that happened. This is one nightmare everybody dreads coming home to see. I wish I could offer something besides measly condolences. :( I hope some serious justice meets the crooks responsible like a certain metal object passing through their skull.


Someone stomped your cat....and your lego?  There is only only one possible explanation.

You continue to be the most tastefully tactful person I know.
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Figured  he needed a laugh!  Post a Pic of the smashed lego, and your PayPal.  I, and I am quite sure many of us will send you some cash.  I enjoyed your posts and would like to help.


You obviously know who it was, or have it narrowed down to 2.  That is a personal crime.  Your ex wife's new boyfriend, someone you bested in a fight years ago....that sort of thing.  Doesn't take Scotland yard, or Sherlock home boy to solve this one...Watson could handle it.  This isn't a random act of violence you are describing. 

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Guest eightbrick

That is terrible. I'm very sorry for you. There's nothing I can do to bring back the picture or your Xbox or your cat, but I encourage you to never give up. It sounds clich

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone. Just to update you. They(police) have got 3 people for the break in. They have entered 17 houses in my village. Before anyone say's(not ageast just me), They killed my cat, a old lady's dog, and one family's chickens(about 10 I think). The police are prosacuting them, plus the RSPA are taking up seprate charges. They have done 10k plus worth of damage. My home insurerance will have to pay out now for my Lego, and other items. As for my Cat, I really want to cut the ***** bollacks off, and feed them to them. I have been given all the Lego The Movie sets x2. They are really cool. Thanks for the surpport form every one on here. It means more than I can say(bar one ****).



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Hey everyone. Just to update you. They(police) have got 3 people for the break in. They have entered 17 houses in my village. Before anyone say's(not ageast just me), They killed my cat, a old lady's dog, and one family's chickens(about 10 I think). The police are prosacuting them, plus the RSPA are taking up seprate charges. They have done 10k plus worth of damage. My home insurerance will have to pay out now for my Lego, and other items. As for my Cat, I really want to cut the ***** bollacks off, and feed them to them. I have been given all the Lego The Movie sets x2. They are really cool. Thanks for the surpport form every one on here. It means more than I can say(bar one ****).




Hope you enjoy "stomping" on their bollacks.

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Guest brickcrazyhouse

so glad to hear the bastards were caught. prison style justice will take care of the rest of what they owe.  seeing your icon brought out a smile, glad to see you back

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Hey everyone. Just to update you. They(police) have got 3 people for the break in. They have entered 17 houses in my village. Before anyone say's(not ageast just me), They killed my cat, a old lady's dog, and one family's chickens(about 10 I think). The police are prosacuting them, plus the RSPA are taking up seprate charges. They have done 10k plus worth of damage. My home insurerance will have to pay out now for my Lego, and other items. As for my Cat, I really want to cut the ***** bollacks off, and feed them to them. I have been given all the Lego The Movie sets x2. They are really cool. Thanks for the surpport form every one on here. It means more than I can say(bar one ****).

Thanks for the update. Glad they caught the effers.
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Guest TabbyBoy

I only just saw this thread and it makes me want to throw up. How on Earth can somebody kill or even hurt a defenseless animal? I hope these cowards spend time at "Her Majesty's Hilton" and are served proper justice once in there.  I have 3 cats and will protect them with all I've got.  I hope you're feeling better now and starting to move on.

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Hey Stomping, sorry to hear that this happened to you. I was on vacation when you first posted this so I had not read about it.


I agree with what everyone says, going after your pets and your pictures points to a personal crime.


Hope that these bastards get what they deserve and more.

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Guest TabbyBoy

It's a shame that we have an insensitive cretin typing among us - you know who you are.  I'm surprised that Ed/Jeff haven't banned you yet.  Keep "stomping" mate, this fellow Brit has got your back!

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Sorry I`m reading this a bit late, and I`m very sorry to hear what happened to you over Christmas. That`s a horrible thing to have happen to anybody, and it`s unfortunate that it had to be your neighbourhood and your home that became victims. Glad to hear things are a bit better, and hopefully they continue to get better as time moves forward. Still can`t quite wrap my head around the cat that was killed, some people are just too F*ing stupid for words.  

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