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10228 - Haunted House

Jeff Mack

Modular or not?  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you consider the Haunted House a modular house?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe with some modifications.

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Was at my store this weekend. I was surprised to see that the HH was not on the shelf. I asked and was told that that they had 3 in the back. She said that they received a memo from corporate to pull them from the shelves. I am not sure if this means anything. It could just mean that they are using the space for other items until it gets closer to October. She also told me that they will not be getting more Sopwith's (not on Planogram and they are out) and they will not be getting more Town Halls. Just passing on information...

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I was told sopwith is done. None of my stores have that in stock for over a month. Said source has never been wrong.

I actually stopped in to pick up a Sopwith. I am one of the unlucky people that have been banned from LEGO Shop at Home, but I still had $100 in reward points that I wanted to try and use at an actual store since they can't be used for online orders. Surprisingly, the system allowed it to go through. Will have to start picking off Sopwiths as much as I can through other methods. Thanks for the heads up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really odd on this set from the brick picker guide value.  I like seeing that number as of January 19th.  It will be interesting to see what the full month looks like.  i have my allocation on this one so here is hoping for a retirement.  Pretty amazing how wal-mart ran out once they put a gift card to it.  I think it is always interesting how folks put dates of when a set will retire.  As far as I can tell I have yet to see an orderly system from which investors can derive retirement dates.  The sooner the better but who knows.

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Sopwith isn't that impressive to me but it is available at my Lego store. It hasn't been discussed here as much, but do you think it will do well after eol?

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I have a fair few so I hope it does well.  I'm not sure how heavily this will have been invested in so could be a bit of a sleeper.  It's a plane, which like their cousins trains, tend to do well.  It's also one of the few limited items of war paraphernalia that TLG make.  This year also serves as the 100th anniversary of WWI... May raise its profile a bit.

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  • 1 month later...

Noticed the Haunted House is no longer available online (sold out).  Haven't seen any in local stores lately but a few stores they did have them and 20% off a couple times last year.  It is a big set and takes up a lot of space...the Monster's line is slowly shrinking from the aisles.  Might be a sign this set will be gone sooner than later...Lego.ca shows a later ship date too so I hope this is the last batch. 


If you really want this...now might be the time to visit a Lego store or order it online to be safe and take advantage of 2x vip pts since I don't see discount anywhere.     



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