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10221 - UCS: Super Star Destroyer

Jeff Mack


395 members have voted

  1. 1. How many sealed SSD's do you have

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    • I'm Emazers and I built a replica SSD out of sealed SSDs.

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I don't agree with the highlighted part of this statement or think it makes any sense. Unless you are gambling in a Vegas casino, you aren't going to get good returns on anything in less than two years. Really, unless your timeline is five years or more, you aren't really investing. You are just speculating. And I'm not just talking about Lego's here, I'm talking about any investment. If you invest in the stock market (which I do through my 401(k)), you should plan on having a five year timeframe at least if you want pretty good chance of getting a return. It takes time for companies you hold stock in to improve their performance, and sometimes there are market downturns, etc, so you have to have a long term timeframe in order to invest successfully in stocks/mutual funds.


So this idea of "Why would you invest in Legos and wait for a couple years to see the margin you see... why not invest elsewhere?" doesn't make sense. You can't invest elsewhere in less than two years. You can only gamble elsewhere in less than two years. Real investing takes time and patience.


And as far as the economy being on the upturn goes, that's pretty debatable. For most people the US economy is still in the toilet. Lego investors are fortunate that our target audience of "Rich AFOLs" has been doing better, which helps us, but in general things aren't better. For example, Walmart just released an investor statement saying that their lower to middle income demographic is still doing badly, which has hurt their results. So a lot of companies you might invest in, especially those catering to the broader segments of the US economy, are still not doing well and that can certainly hurt performance of other investments.


So in summary... there's no free investment lunch anywhere. I have both Lego and stock/mutual fund investments, and I have long time frames. That is really the only way to go unless you want to gamble.

His statement was referring to the current state of Lego investing as opposed to the past state........so there is nothing to disagree with really.
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I don't agree with the highlighted part of this statement or think it makes any sense. Unless you are gambling in a Vegas casino, you aren't going to get good returns on anything in less than two years. Really, unless your timeline is five years or more, you aren't really investing. You are just speculating. And I'm not just talking about Lego's here, I'm talking about any investment. If you invest in the stock market (which I do through my 401(k)), you should plan on having a five year timeframe at least if you want pretty good chance of getting a return. 


If only you understood the stock market is one of the biggest casinos of them all and the house edge would be illegal at any regulated casino in the USA lol. Keep drinking the fiat currency kool aid. 

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If only you understood the stock market is one of the biggest casinos of them all and the house edge would be illegal at any regulated casino in the USA lol. Keep drinking the fiat currency kool aid. 



This might be true if you were to take a dart and throw it at all the securities traded out there...then yes that's gambling.  But when it comes to investing in the markets, most people do the research on what companies to invest in, not blindly choose.  Yes there is always inherent risk in the market no matter the amount of research you can do b/c there are outside factors that can force a price up or down.  


It can be a gamble and it can be smart investing.  But I wouldn't consider the stock market the "biggest casino of them all."


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the main difference i see in stock market investments vs lego investments is liquidity.  the effort to buy/hold/sell is stock is minimal while the effort to buy/hold/sell a lego set requires exponentially more.  if legos were as easy to buy/hold/sell as stocks, a lot more people would do it.


say i own $15k in Lego and $15k in stocks.  i can sell my stocks tomorrow and have the money in my account in a few days.  to do the same with $15k in Lego is going to take a lot longer with a lot more effort. 

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I believe 100% that the SSD is retiring,when well only Lego know, and maybe not to the end of the year, and me buying 40 of them well I

have great confidence on this. plus with the new Star Destroyer coming out why have 2 Star Destroyers out, but if anybody thinks it will still be out another year or so well thats up to you. and if it does hang around another year well I will get 5 more, Look for the last month the set has risen $100-250 over retail and a few sold for $675-699, so when everybody is sold out again and Lego has Sold out on there site well the price will rise faster than that. Ed

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Yes it will grow and stall really quick with people freaking out, etc.

Where it goes from that we will see. One thing a lot of people aren't talking about - everyone seems worried about a redone falcon, but what about a new SSD in one of the movies?

Highly unlikely IMO

1-it doesn't carry the same weight as the MF and the DS in the OT

2-unlike the DS, "rebuilding" a new one wouldn't add much much, different ships would be better

3- new director probably wants his own vision, not a old relic that blew up

4- Vader is dead, what's the point!?

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Highly unlikely IMO

1-it doesn't carry the same weight as the MF and the DS in the OT

2-unlike the DS, "rebuilding" a new one wouldn't add much much, different ships would be better

3- new director probably wants his own vision, not a old relic that blew up

4- Vader is dead, what's the point!?



Whether the SSD increases in value quickly or takes longer, (I think it will do nicely), I will say I remember some specific articles at the time Disney bought Lucas that stated that Disney wanted to bring Darth Vader back to life in Episode VII.  I believe he is an extremely key part of the cash cow of Star Wars, may be the most identifiable and loved and hated character and they do not want to lose that.  Here is one article - http://screenrant.com/star-wars-episode-7-darth-vader/


But internet search for Disney bring Darth Vader back to life and you'll see tons of articles come up.


So now that I've shared my thoughts on that.  The question that I have to ask myself is I am not sure whether that will have any effect on SSD's or not. :)

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