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Selling Lego on Amazon.com


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30 minutes ago, SpaceFan9 said:

Congrats.  Unless you received an email stating "welcome back to Amazon", I suspect that this action is what did it:


Based on my situation, this very well could be the ticket.

If you are now gated but still have active or even inactive listings that you can make some sales from then you may have a chance.

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So... thinking about strategy for upcoming holiday... particularly on Amazon.  Folks are talking about sales ramping up already, so I'm lining up items that I feel ready to part with.  After two Christmases of doing this and having "nothing to sell", I finally have some gems in my inventory. So now I'm wondering... sell now? ... or wait until November / December? (... or January... or March...?) Sets like 75048 Phantom, 75053 Ghost, 75054 AT-AT, 75920 Raptor Escape, 21005 Fallingwater, etc.... logic says these would make great Christmas gifts... especially the Star Wars sets... but IIRC, seems like last holiday season, prices fell on a lot of sets, due to the flood of sellers on Amazon. 

(Side note: yes, I mentioned some great sets in my inventory... of course, this is just a small slice... the rest of my inventory is less interesting :)  )

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Yes, prices on some items did fall and haven't recovered yet. Other items sold quickly and prices kept climbing. It's a bit of a game, really, and I'd sell those items you feel like are where you're ready to part with them. 

I've gambled selling earlier than the holidays and been both rewarded and burned, but I'd say sell when you can for the price you want instead of hoping for something better later. Later doesn't always happen. 

Just my philosophy. 

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31 minutes ago, Kenxxx said:

So... thinking about strategy for upcoming holiday... particularly on Amazon.  Folks are talking about sales ramping up already, so I'm lining up items that I feel ready to part with.  After two Christmases of doing this and having "nothing to sell", I finally have some gems in my inventory. So now I'm wondering... sell now? ... or wait until November / December? (... or January... or March...?) Sets like 75048 Phantom, 75053 Ghost, 75054 AT-AT, 75920 Raptor Escape, 21005 Fallingwater, etc.... logic says these would make great Christmas gifts... especially the Star Wars sets... but IIRC, seems like last holiday season, prices fell on a lot of sets, due to the flood of sellers on Amazon. 

(Side note: yes, I mentioned some great sets in my inventory... of course, this is just a small slice... the rest of my inventory is less interesting :)  )

My notes from last year.  I sold FBA only.

Last year most sets did not have large price increases as Christmas approached and many decreased.  There was way too much inventory of most sets.  This year may be different.  Who knows with the new Amazon rules.

The right Star Wars sets were gold last year.  You are still holding some.  75054 might be the best short hold last year.  It was $190 at the end of November, 160 at Christmas, 200 in the middle of January, and $240 now.  I will sell half my remaining 75054 in Oct and the rest in January.

The most profitable time to sell for me was Oct - November and January.

Selling in January was very good with so many Amazon gift cards floating around, but inventory timing is tricky.  It takes a long time for inventory to go live since Amazon shipped to a central receiving warehouse and then forwarded sets on to other distribution centers.  Some sets took 2 weeks to go live.  It may be different this year with some of their new distribution tricks.

I had no returns with January sales and a bunch with Nov sales.   Profit in Jan was so much better with less risk than Dec that I thought about not selling until January, except Amazon forced my hand.  It is always good to sell sets now to qualify for holiday sales incase there is a hot item like a Lego holiday set or whatever.

Some people are successful selling all year, but this is my take from a seasonal seller.  I think this year is guaranteed to be different from all the rest.

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22 minutes ago, exciter1 said:

My listing for 75920 - JW: Raptor Escape just went inactive and listing doesn't appear to be visible on Amazon any longer.  The other listing is out there. I have an open case, but is there any way I could change the items left in my inventory over to the other ASIN/SKU?  Thanks...

It used to be pretty easy, as all you had to do is open a case . I think now they ask you to recall then send back but it never hurts to ask . 

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18 hours ago, Kenxxx said:

So... thinking about strategy for upcoming holiday... particularly on Amazon.  Folks are talking about sales ramping up already, so I'm lining up items that I feel ready to part with.  After two Christmases of doing this and having "nothing to sell", I finally have some gems in my inventory. So now I'm wondering... sell now? ... or wait until November / December? (... or January... or March...?) Sets like 75048 Phantom, 75053 Ghost, 75054 AT-AT, 75920 Raptor Escape, 21005 Fallingwater, etc.... logic says these would make great Christmas gifts... especially the Star Wars sets... but IIRC, seems like last holiday season, prices fell on a lot of sets, due to the flood of sellers on Amazon. 

(Side note: yes, I mentioned some great sets in my inventory... of course, this is just a small slice... the rest of my inventory is less interesting :)  )

I have only sold via FBM.  My strategy is to dollar-cost-average.  So I'll list a portion of my stock in September, and then as things sell I'll reprice when I relist.  I may not get top dollar for every set this way, but the average is usually something I'm quite happy with.  Plus, selling in Oct-Nov frees up some cash to spend during black friday / cyber monday.

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I've tried to follow this thread and I've tried to understand what is going on. But, there is to much fact, fiction and speculation mixed together. Nothing seems to have happened to my account or listings. Can someone add a summary in the sticky that identifies what is fact, fiction and speculation in regards to these recent changes for Amazon sellers?

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2 minutes ago, Robb said:

I've tried to follow this thread and I've tried to understand what is going on. But, there is to much fact, fiction and speculation mixed together. Nothing seems to have happened to my account or listings. Can someone add a summary in the sticky that identifies what is fact, fiction and speculation in regards to these recent changes for Amazon sellers?

Gate came down ~Aug 23. those with active LEGO listings and/or recent sales were in. Individual ASIN gates have been removed. Those outside need to pony up and provide official authorized reseller documentation (i.e. not likely happening). Some individuals have managed to convince Amazon to get back in based on track record.

Those who are in have to sell 25 items (FBA or FBM) between Sep 1 and Oct 31 to be allowed to do FBM over the holidays. Same as last year.


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On 9/6/2016 at 4:13 PM, marcandre said:

I now need a pro account in order to list new lego sets. I usually just sell on amz in the fall and just had a few sets up for sale (HH, SSD, R2) when lego was gated. I tried to add Birds and Slave just to test it, both prompted me to upgrade to pro. I don't sell enough to pay the $40 month. 

Kinda bummed to be out but won't really be a problem. Not buying much these days, no more qfll, just hoarding my big sets from 2012-14. I'll just have to use ebay/CL/BC. I did do well on amz the past 3 years but it gave me many more headaches than ebay.  

I am now able to list any lego set on amazon, inexplicably. When I tried on 9/6 I needed a pro account. I'm back baby! 

Do I get back in the qfll game for the holidays? 

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I am now able to list any lego set on amazon, inexplicably. When I tried on 9/6 I needed a pro account. I'm back baby! 

Do I get back in the qfll game for the holidays? 

As you had Lego listed when the gate came down your getting caught up was probably a mistake and your account has now been fixed, unless we see someone who has never sold Lego on Amazon suddenly able to list. That said some of the other gated brands are now open to me that I have never sold so, who knows what evil lurks in the heart of Amazon.
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4 minutes ago, Migration said:

As you had Lego listed when the gate came down your getting caught up was probably a mistake and your account has now been fixed, unless we see someone who has never sold Lego on Amazon suddenly able to list. That said some of the other gated brands are now open to me that I have never sold so, who knows what evil lurks in the heart of Amazon.

So am I selling my Exo for 199 this Christmas or next ? 

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On September 15, 2016 at 0:50 PM, fossilrock said:

I'm seeing a minor uptick in some areas.  One thing I noticed is that there does seem to be a lot less sellers on certain items.  Raptor Escape for example has dropped to 76 sellers, which was at one point over 150 sellers.  For it to drop that quickly means it is either selling rapidly, or some sellers got cut.  I've noticed some other sets having a lot less sellers as well.  But, I have noticed a drop in prices on many items, which I think is due to sellers just trying to drop or match prices to get their 25 for the holiday season.  Overall, it seems a slight bit better than it was last year at this time. 

I'm not going to make full judgement until January.  The holiday selling season is barely beginning, and really doesn't start until mid-october.  At this point it's sales seem to gear towards school rewards, or AFOL extravagance.

3 days ago, Raptor Escape was at 76 sellers, it's now down to 41.  Did something change?  Or are these selling at a decent rate?  At this point, there will be just a few of us left come the holiday season.  Surprisingly as the seller count dropped, prices haven't risen. What gives?

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3 minutes ago, fossilrock said:

3 days ago, Raptor Escape was at 76 sellers, it's now down to 41.  Did something change?  Or are these selling at a decent rate?  At this point, there will be just a few of us left come the holiday season.  Surprisingly as the seller count dropped, prices haven't risen. What gives?

Yes, I think there was an error in their system and the ASIN split into two.  I was split out and my listing went inactive.  When they reactivated it, I'm no longer in the primary listing and there's now a listing with 30 sellers as well, which I believe is the primary.  I put in a request to have the ASINs combined, so we'll see what happens.

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How to handle this one... message from a buyer:

I have never received the item and it has been a while since I ordered it. I want a refund since I don't need it.
I track the item but it has the same tracking status since Sep 7th.
FYI this is the tracking number:

If you check the tracking history, a notice was left, the buyer requested a re-delivery, and nothing since then. This was fulfilled via FBA. I've had returns, but not an "undeliverable" yet. 

What would you do, good Brickpicker friends? I figure I'll send the refund and eat the cost (it's only a Man-Bat Attack), but it still burns a little. Any suggestions? 

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3 hours ago, fossilrock said:

3 days ago, Raptor Escape was at 76 sellers, it's now down to 41.  Did something change?  Or are these selling at a decent rate?  At this point, there will be just a few of us left come the holiday season.  Surprisingly as the seller count dropped, prices haven't risen. What gives?

I can't wait for Mega Bloks to pump this series out in 2018 so we can sell our LEGO version like a champ :money:

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18 minutes ago, tacsniper said:

I can't wait for Mega Bloks to pump this series out in 2018 so we can sell our LEGO version like a champ :money:

personally, i won't be keeping a whole lot around may be a few depending on selling price this year.

believe what one may but personally its hard to see smaller set like [75920, 75917]  crossing $175->$200 range 

may be 75918 and 75919 would reach $300+ range but that's going to take significant time based on sales at current rate and hoarded volume.


Edited by newbie77
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looks like i missed the lego update these days :) where did all the new stock of 40122 coming from? looks like missed the re-release?

is that the overseas inventory or TLG decided to release a whole new lot via their chosen "preferred" retailer like they did for 40093 snowman and killed that set... 

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10 minutes ago, pete411 said:

I got my first negative feedback on Amazon today. Buyer referenced a set that I didn't even sell her and left me two stars. After around 80 transactions in a year, this is my first feedback period so this is a big deal to me. Any way I can fight this? 

I had one person leave me a one-star negative feedback for a Hulk Polybag.  Reason, "N/A" was actually in feedback results. Amazon wouldn't do anything for me to get it removed. The CSRs just kept telling me to contact the buyer over and over, but the buyer would never respond.

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